posted on May, 19 2016 @ 12:24 PM
From what I can gather, Trump seems like an emotionally unstable, immature, irrational, narcissistic, ego-driven person. Unreliable, very liberal with
facts and statements, can't deal with criticism or mockery in the slightest, sends him into a narcissistic rage where he starts personally insulting
people in the most childish ways possible. When it comes to bringing some
actual change in the upper echelons of government, I have little
faith in him, too.
Doing so requires tact, intelligence, the ability and willingness to cooperate and get people on your side (he's not gonna tackle this alone, be
realistic. the corruption is deeply embedded in the top and will be a challenge to remove. too many people have been in certain positions for too long
and have gathered a lot of behind-the-scenes power. never underestimate the power the banking cartel has over the government, either), planning,
wisdom, and the actual courage it requires to not just say offensive or weird things on Twitter and in the media, but to go against certain people and
certain (corrupting) powers.
I really wonder what people see in him, seriously, this guy is a fit presidential candidate?! But whatever, we live in strange and dark
edit on 19-5-2016 by ExoticSpaceTiger because: (no reason given)