posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 11:04 AM
I can astral project whenever i want. (although choose not to nowadays)
i can put myself in any situation and it seems real, i can run a race a and be sweating after, even though i'm just lying on my bed.
The difference with me is that i have to go into a type of spazm/trance in order to astral project.
I have been doing it since i was 4/5 years old. But as i got older it became a type of addiction, like a drug, i had to do it, it gave me a type of
rush, and then sometimes i would get headaches when i stopped. That is why i haven't done it in a couple of years now, i got worried about the
I pretty much forgot about it, i had never told anybody, literally nobody that i can do this, then yesterday the craziest thing ever happened, it's
the reason i'm writing this now.
I was talking to a girl i know through a friend. I don't know her too well, but we get along well. Anywayz we were walking along the street and she
knew somehow that i had this ability, she told me she knew i was like her or something (i'm scetchy on the exact language i was so confused), she
started talking about how she can sense it in some people, she's stopped people in the street and been correct, so she said she was certain about me
just from talking to me.
i was so confused, and so many questions for her, but we were on our way to party and just decided to talk about it again another time.
I've always sort of been drawn to this girl, not in a sexual way though, i can't explain it. I knew as soon as she mentioned it to me that we had
something paranormal in common.
She reckons some children are born with special mind abilities and are drawn to each other.
Also, i seem to be slightly telepathic, my girlfriend and i spend all our time together and literally we can often read each others minds, more like
the connection between twins than anything i could explain.
My girlfriend is superwoman (not literally) in her dreams, she can fly in the sky, lift up cars, do anything, sounds just like me when i astral
What really confuses me is how this girl knew this about me, just from hunch, that is no coincidance, remember i have never told anyone about this.
I just tried to do it again for the first time in years while i paused in my post, and it worked.
I can astral project myself at any time, when i am fully awake, i go into a spazm when i choose to start and can stop at any time, the experiences i
have always allow me to pull myself out at will at any time, i also chose the experience, i am not taken on a journey i take myself on a journey to
wherever i want, am i alone?
thoughts anyone?