posted on May, 18 2016 @ 08:35 PM
More total hypocrisy from the government. Hey if your a latino come on over no problem, Chinese? No big deal. Syrian refugee... perfect!
Christian Iraqi? Hell no! Go get burned alive or tortured in a state where 91% of the population wants Sharia law!
x News
DeKelaita told he has helped approximately 4,000 Muslims and Christians emigrate to the U.S. in a near-20-year career, but that he
focused his Chicago-based practice on Assyrians, the name for Christians in Iraq and Syria, a decade ago, amid their growing persecution by Muslim
I'm personally friends with some of these Assyrians who have been experiencing genocide and their families were forced to flee to the US nearly 2
decades ago, and even some more recent. Awesome hospitable people, very loyal to each other.
I find it funny that the government wants to choose to persecute this guy for this but wants to put amnesty on the table for millions of other ilegals
pouring over the border from Mexico and South America.
And you guys want to tell me there isn't an agenda being played out here?
Pew Research
Incase your wondering why there isn't any Christian nations in the birthplace of Christianity...
Nearly all Muslims in Afghanistan (99%) and most in Iraq (91%) and Pakistan (84%) support sharia law as official law.
This area of the world is radicalized and Christians from these nations including Syria are experiencing a genocide. I know because my Assyrian
friends are part of orginizations that raise money and awareness to help get Syrian Christians and Iraq/ Afghani Christians out of the nations and
somewhere safe.
Sad, sad, sad world we live in right now. If you live in the west consider yourself blessed.
edit on 5/18/2016 by onequestion because: (no reason given)
edit on 5/18/2016 by onequestion because: (no reason