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Trump says ‘sanctuary cities’ should lose funding

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posted on May, 18 2016 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: LDragonFire
Everyday Trump is showing how establishment he really is.

He has already sold out to the RNC when it comes to fund raising.

He has shown us how partasin he is with his supreme court picks.

Just business as usuall following the status quo for the republican party.

1) You mean Anti establishment

2) The RNC HAS to take over now. He's going to be the Nominee. He doesn't run for himself anymore. Do you understand how this process even works?

3) Yeah, wait till Bernie Sander or Hillary show us THEIR picks for Scotus. Get back to us then.

4) Trump is the Status Quo? You're delusional.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: BatheInTheFountain

So does that mean that those in NC and other states who are passing laws allowing them to discriminate, which is against the law, also should lose their funding and be arrested too???

I'm not focusing on what the state or city is doing exactly. They are both breaking laws which is all that matters so far. What I'm looking at is the allowance of the Federal Gov. to yank it's funding.

I've heard some people say that pulling the funding for NC is Fascist. But wouldn't pulling the funding on these cities be allowing the same Fascism to take place???

+7 more 
posted on May, 18 2016 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: reldra

Cities that do not comply with immigration law should have their funds cut.

Out of curiosity, what is your opinion on the threats to withhold education funds over Title IX if schools don't open up their locker rooms? If you back that move for local non-compliance, then I can't imagine why you'd get steamed over this.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 05:30 PM
Trump showing why the illegal immigrant loving Republican establishment hates him. it really is a no brainer. A BDS movement needs to be started against the sanctuary cities in my opinion. But why on earth would Trump go to a demented place like Seattle. I hope he washed himself when he got home.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

So according to Trump, these sanctuary cities are crime ridden because of illegals immigrants? These cities should lose all funding and I suppose this would affect the illegal immigrants?

Well, if you want crime to go down this is not the way to do it. Desperate people commit crimes.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: TinfoilTP

So, according to you, transgender people are sexual predators?

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: reldra

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: reldra
a reply to: xuenchen

Ridiculous. Cities where religious and charitable organizations help immigrants should be denied funds? These places also help imigrants on the path to citizenship.

Trump is backwards, as usual.

Trump never said that though. He said withhold funds from ILLEGAL immigrants, not immigrants who obey the laws. So it seems you got it backwards.. No worries, it happens..

Trump wants to withhold funds from entire cities. You should read the OP closer. No worries, it happens. Cheers.

Trump wants to stop cities that illegally give money to illegal immigrants from giving that money to illegal immigrants. Blame the cities corrupt officials for breaking the law in the first place for creating the need to withhold those funds, rather than just blaming Trump and saying how mean that is.

What is really mean are officials in those cities who are breaking the law and causing the entire mess in the first place. Not Trump, who is only wanting to correct the things that are illegal. Place the blame where it is due, on the city officials breaking the law.
If legal immigrants suffer, then they suffer because of the law being broken by the officials in sanctuary cities, not because Trump may withhold funds from entire cities, which although unfortunate, is not Trump's fault.
But I get that you don't like Trump and just want to put it all on him. Nice try though.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: reldra

originally posted by: TinfoilTP
It's all part of an ongoing global conflict.
The US Mexican illegal immigrant onslaught is just one front in the battle. The Syrian Civil War that has been allowed to fester is another one.

The US is coming out of its slumber, Trump is just a sign of the awakening.

Trump is a sign of idiocy. He is not part of any awakening.

That is what you see, but when the votes are counted and you find yourself in the minority, that's when the shock of the awakening will hit you. You right now do not understand how Trump can talk so opposite of your liberal values and be taken seriously, therefore it is crazy talk to you.

Trump does not compute inside of the liberal bubble built to allow sexual predators to stalk our bathrooms, illegal aliens to receive more tax dollars in aid than citizens and label every outcry against Islamic extremist terror as Islamophobia.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 05:38 PM
Obama threatened pulling Federal Funding, as a directive, not based on Legal standing. And he can, via Executive monetary action. He has the Right.

The part that doesn't sit well is that State and Local taxes (Property Mostly) and Lottery Earnings subsidies. But schools have always been a State issue. But Federal oversight and funding assistance via DOE, gives it Federal jurisdictions. The two are at odds with each other and always have been.

And Obama threatening cutting funds would actually hurt the schools overall.

This isn't the same thing. This is threatening of cutting funds of local and state agencies that are funding ILLEGAL activity, via policies that aren't even REAL. (Sanctuary)

The former, bathroom laws, haven't been established as a "Discrimination" Law actually. Higher Federal courts and SCOTUS haven't decided on the "Transgender" cases, but through the DOE they can issue a policy directive. It's not "Law" outside of Federal "Institutions" as a Common Law would be.

Illegal Immigration is a SET Federal Law. And Sanctuary "Laws" (Not laws at all) oppose those laws.

Two different arguments

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

A simpler solution, and much more direct with less collateral damage, would be Federal Obstruction of Justice charges levied against the Mayors, Police Chiefs that institute sanctuary policy or apply it.

In that way you target the right individuals responsible rather than the whole city or State.....

edit on 18-5-2016 by nwtrucker because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-5-2016 by nwtrucker because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-5-2016 by nwtrucker because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

He's correct. If a city decides to flaunt the laws of the land, then that city should not receive money from taxpayers to do so. They are, in effect, treasonous, in their actions.

The more he talks, the more I like him.

Makes me worry about what might happen, though.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 05:43 PM

originally posted by: reldra
a reply to: xuenchen

Ridiculous. Cities where religious and charitable organizations help immigrants should be denied funds? These places also help imigrants on the path to citizenship.

Trump is backwards, as usual.

Immigrants are people that come in legally and apply for citizenship. Illegals are invaders, not immigrants. Don't insult immigrants by calling the illegals the same thing.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 05:44 PM
Well, Mr. Trump has also threatened to run up the American national debt and then "negotiate" from a position of default.


Let it burn.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 05:46 PM
Here is the problem that is going to happen:

If Trump gets elected into office as president, he is going to find a good majority of his campaign promises are not going to come to fruition. He wants to cut federal funding to sanctuary cities, yet if it was that simple, it would have been done already. This issue, the illegal immigrant issue, has been around for a long time, since the end of World War II. The federal government could have ended it at any given time.

The reality and truth of this issue is that neither the Republicans nor the Democrats are interested in ending or dealing with this issue, and why should they? It is an issue that they want to keep around to use as a distraction to get other things done. Ultimately it is going to fail in the congress. And, if Trump is President, pushes too much and he could find himself in the same boat as a lame duck president, where the congress is dead set against his ideas and policies if nothing more than to make him seem inept and a President that can not get anything done.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 05:47 PM

originally posted by: Swills
a reply to: xuenchen

So according to Trump, these sanctuary cities are crime ridden because of illegals immigrants? These cities should lose all funding and I suppose this would affect the illegal immigrants?

Well, if you want crime to go down this is not the way to do it. Desperate people commit crimes.

"Desperate people commit crimes"

Murder, car theft, burglary, ID theft, Social Security fraud, check fraud, rape, aggravated assault.

Yeah, we should just forgive that know, wouldn't want to burden the offenders.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: sdcigarpig

"It would have been done already"


Man, you really don't know what is REALLY going on, do you?

Trump is the wrench in their whole Gravy Train, and they know it, and they're freaking out.

edit on 994pm3105America/Chicago15CDT05America/Chicago by BatheInTheFountain because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: Swills
a reply to: TinfoilTP

So, according to you, transgender people are sexual predators?

No, sexual predators are sexual predators. They are now enabled to ply their trade in public bathrooms nationwide, without risk of detection and greater chance of success. Your little liberal pet agenda will cause more rapes and other violence that goes along with it. Liberals must be proud hiding behind innocent transgendered people to empower the wicked.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: reldra

Some examples with details might help that argument.

Catholic Charities is HUGE in helping illegals!

Catholic Legal Immigration Network

Notice on the Homepage they are helping "Illegals"?

Catholic Church, proud member of the Federal Clergy Response Unit.

Yea and how is it going to look when all these catholic illegals cant get help up here for their church. Sarc

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: BatheInTheFountain
a reply to: sdcigarpig

"It would have been done already"


Man, you really don't know what is REAL going on, do you.

Trump is the wrench in their whole Gravy Train, and they know it, and they're freaking out.

Yea they really are afraid that he will not give a crap about pet programs and sacred cows.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: Logarock

originally posted by: BatheInTheFountain
a reply to: sdcigarpig

"It would have been done already"


Man, you really don't know what is REAL going on, do you.

Trump is the wrench in their whole Gravy Train, and they know it, and they're freaking out.

Yea they really are afraid that he will not give a crap about pet programs and sacred cows.

Whatever that means.

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