posted on May, 17 2016 @ 10:16 PM
Continued from Shed 5 page 202
It had been days and no one made an appearance at the shed and if they did, the elf didn't see or hear them. Perhaps many were still
healing from the battle of the evil witch queen. Perhaps some were just enjoying the new found peace that filled the kingdoms across Accasia. Night
Star and her companions spent all day and night by the ocean, watching as the waves crashed down upon the golden shore. They felt the warm Spring air
caress their bodies and blow through their hair as they listened to the cry of the gulls. As darkness approached they heard the most beautiful song
softly flowing from an angelic voice.
Sitting on a large bolder in the cold, clear aqua water was a mermaid. Her colorful, iridescent scales glistened beneath the glittering silver stars
and glowing moon. She stretched her delicate arms up to the sky as though heralding in the night. Bright white pearls hung around her neck and draped
down upon her chest. Pearls also adorned each wrist with delicate charms of pieces of coral and tiny shells. She had sun kissed, wavy golden hair
that flowed like water down her back and a wreath of flowers around her head.
Garren the forest boy was in awe. Even Jojopo the goblin was stunned. The white wolf stepped closer to the edge of the water wagging his tail. Hugo
the black wildcat with rainbow colored wings sat still as a statue, afraid to move lest he frighten the enchanting creature away. Storm and Sky the
dragons took to the sky displaying their aerial skills, hoping to please the beautiful mermaid with their display of spins and dives and glided across
the sky with elegance and grace.
The enchanting creature looked up and clapped her hands in delight. When she turned to look toward the shore, she saw the rest of the companions and
waved. "Alora! Is that really you?" shouted Night. The elf quickly jumped into the water and swam to the boulder laughing. She sat beside the mermaid
and embraced her old friend in greeting and with love.
Pesky the pixie flew over to them and Night held the tiny creature in her hand and introduced her. "Night, will you and your friends come with me for
a visit in the cities beneath the sea?" Pesky's eyes widened. "You mean...down there, under the water? Are you crazy? You'll drown us all for sure!
I'm sure it's lovely, but no, no, no!" The elf couldn't help but to laugh. "There is a way my little friend. There are long lost tunnels that many
have forgotten over the ages. Ancient cities of beauty and light and wonder like you've never seen." The Pixie grinned. "You always were a bit crazy,
but this...this is insane, seriously! Do you hear yourself?"
"In the cave there is a doorway that leads to glass tunnels. Once you open the door, there is magic that keeps the water out. There are entire cities
of connecting tunnels throughout Accasia beneath the sea. You'll still be in Accasia, just...below it." Pesky rolled her eyes. "Here we go again, off
on some wild adventure. Ok, ok, I'm in."