posted on May, 30 2016 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to:
Night Star
Thanks for sending out the watch-dragons. I just hitched a ride back on one. (Her Rider helped me up, so all was cool.)
I've been missing you all a lot. Past few days have been a bit rough. Today was less so.
I'm only caught up to p 143, but some notes:
Michael (Q) : again, thinking of you and your Mom, my friend. I know you have to head back to Detroit pretty soon. Please follow the advice ClownFish
gave and drink plenty of (non-alcoholic) fluids. It does help.
SkidMark: good to hear your sister is doing okay. Thank goodness it wasn't a major heart attack. They're all bad, but she survived and that's half the
battle. My Dad had a bad one at about 55 (he'd smoked about 40 years), Mum a year later (and she wasn't a smoker at all). Diet was actually their main
problem. Both had multiple-bypass surgery and then changed their diets a lot. Dad lived to almost 82 (never touched the cigs again after his heart
attack), Mum is still getting along pretty good and she'll be 88 this year. Hopefully your sister can look forward to at least the same.
Zazz: hope your wrist is doing okay. Mozzies are not the ideal pain relief remedy, but. Get the Stingose! For the pain, use some whisky. But don't rub
it on. Drink it!
Okay, back to reading...