Okay, in spite of the slooooow upload speed here at the cafe, I managed to get some pics up into my ATS image folder.
The following are from our visit to the Castle on Wed evening for the "preview" of the exhibitions (which had already opened). This was a chance to
meet some of the authors/planners for the various exhibitions.
The roadway that leads into one of the Castle's entrances from the nearby tram stop. Police there to check cars going in. There are also soldiers
lurking quietly off to one side, just in case they're needed. (I was glad to see that, to be honest.) :
Approaching the entrance. (This is not the "main" entrance. It's just one of the smaller ones.) Palace guards in their boxes there:
Inside the Spanish Hall. Not a sit-down event this time. Mainly speeches from the organizers. It opened with a fanfare by these musos from the
military. Pretty impressive sounds:
My effort to try and get a pic that gives some impression of how big this room is. Bit of camera shake:
Some detail of the chandeliers and the ceiling:
Some detail of Dada and a selection of eats. They really laid it on:
Same outfits, as last Friday. (Hey, we don't
have anything else!) But this time I wore a tie pin that belonged to my grandfather:
The main entrance to the Castle. We decided to exit this way so we could take in the views and then walk down the steps to the lower tram
Closeup of the inscription above the main entrance (Matthias Gate), dated 1614:
Turning around at the same spot, there's the view:
Panning a bit to the right, towards Petrin Hill with its scale copy of the Eiffel Tower:
Walked forward a bit to get a zoom in on the dome of the Church of St Mikulas (Nicholas) :
Zoomed out to show more of the scene. That's the dome near mid pic, down in the "little quarter" of the town (Malostranska) :
Panned to the right a little. Most of the houses are several hundred years old:
Okay, that's all for now.
11.50 am and Dada hasn't arrived yet... Should have been here about 11 am. Looks like she may have forgotten. If she doesn't get here soon I'll have
to head home.
You can find some useful info in English about the Matthias Gate
NOTE: that site has an error in the Latin translation. They say "S[emper] Aug[ustus]" means "whenever noble". Umm... No!
"Semper" means
"always"! I have no idea how they got that so wrong, but whatever. The rest is pretty accurate.
edit on 27/5/16 by JustMike because: Matthias Gate link to info page
edit on 27/5/16 by JustMike because: Note re