Thanks. Really wish I had something better to edit with. Seems like it deserves it. The sound I found quite curious too, but it gets a little lost in
the snip I made.
You know the storm is bad when the weather has been the only thing on for the last hour and a half on a major tv network! It is pouring now,but no
hail like last time. At least not yet. Lol you know I'm taking pictures
I work with Photoshop in my spare time, but things have slowed down in the avatar thread, and spare time isn't something I have a whole heap of at the
Great pics! I love the no one suspects ... Absinthe, ugh, with donuts??? Oh h nooooo... That stuff is like drinking a liquid version of those after
dinner black mints you get a restraunts.
I swear, some people... If they asked you for directions to the Emearald CIty and you said, "Oh that's easy,just stay on the yellow brick road and
follow it and it will take you right too the city," they would still get lost and ask where to turn..... You could even have bright pink footprints
leading all the way there and still.... Mumbling.....