posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 04:27 PM
I have a photo of a jet aircraft. I can not indentify the aircraft. I made the photo in Nov.04 with a Celestron 1000mm f-11 lens as the plane flew
over at 20,000 + ft. It appears to be a B-17 with 4 jet engines!!! ( two of them seem to be shut down-no contrail.) If you would like to help ID
this please drop me an e-mail and I will send a copy for your consideration, thanks, Doug.....P.S. I have no conspiracy theories or cover-up stories
to go with it, just curious as to the aircraft. I saw an airplane at a small airport in Arizona back in 1980 that was a predecessor to the B-17, but
it only had 2 engines- I have a slide of that somewhere. Then in about 1994 near Edwards AFB I watched a "Stealth" fighter approach a runway, slow
down, and as a trailing helicopter flew past it, it stopped in mid-flight and landed vertically. This I watched thru my Celestron 1000mm. I was using
an eyepiece and by the time I saw that it was going to land vertical there was no time to put on the "T" ring and camera. Oh, it did have a bubble
type canopy rather than the angular regular type.....well, that's all, hope someone can ID my 'jet powered B-17'...!!!