Thank you for sharing your first creations.
Making art is personal and very awesome. I am an artist with literally dozens of pieces spread around my city right now, it feels wonderful. Selling
art is now a very viable option to me.
Your motivation for why you want to create should answer your question of how you should create. Your best advice for everything will always stem from
this, "why do you do it?" I create because I see beauty in the most odd ways, and love to invent new combinations to share, and would LOVE to support
myself doing this. I borrow from many of my influences, but I'm almost never aware of it. This is I think what great artists are striving for; they
pay homage to all the greats without copying them directly and still look like fresh, timeless work.
Many artists just have so much fun creating work after seeing others' works, they aren't remotely aware they are just creating fresh random work, it's
the moment of having fun just creating because you are inspired.
But I have a point, just have fun, and do whatever it takes to be inspired. Be open, like water, to flow with whatever idea sounds cool at the time
and draw it, paint it, smear it, own it. Invent yourself in a colorful, powerful way, make up a new medium, just always be inspired and have fun doing
it and eventually you will MASTER it, and yes, copying others work is the EASY way, but it makes it harder to just be PURE and do what is in you...
don't trust me, trust yourself friend.
Your drawings have some great intensity, not anatomically awesome yet, but that's not really needed to be awesome overall, so YES just keep going,
because you got intense nailed like a pro, esp pic #3.
If you can't get inspired (which I doubt) you can always go to local museums and galleries/artwalks etc, and look at what is being done (and what has
been done for centuries), and look for the areas that seem 'missing' and try and CREATE that which is missing for your current time, and that is what
makes you famous and important and puts you in books.
And, if it ever stops being fun, I just change medium. I primarily use oils (like all the masters, just sayin, but yeah $$ but they keep well) but
have been doing tons of acrylics, and may need to try something new like pastels or rattlecans, it really doesn't matter as long as it's fun and
inspires new work.
Keep creating, and serious kudos for sharing!