posted on May, 15 2016 @ 01:15 AM
Acer Aspire 7730Z (Laptop)
Dual Core, Intel, T3400
3 Gigs RAM
Win 7 Home Premium 64bit (Service Pack 1)
The Lappy plays DVD's and CD's just fine, also plays videos downloaded to the HDD with no trouble at all.
However when I play movies or videos from Youtube, Amazon and Hulu, they play fine for a short while, then they lock my entire computer up forcing me
to "Force Power it off with the Power Button"....
I have tried changing the Amazon settings from "Flash" to "Silverlight" and it still locks up.
I have updated everything that can be updated as it is a fairly old lappy, but it has been a really good one for many years.
Any ideas would be very welcome. I have other laptops but this one has a special place in my heart as I have had it the longest..