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Will there be a third testament add to the Christian bible in the future?

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posted on May, 20 2016 @ 12:31 AM

originally posted by: Joecanada11
a reply to: burgerbuddy

Why you think your going to 've raptured in the clouds or by alien spaceships?

Might be in hell. Ya never know.

Where will you be?

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

It doesn't matter I just brought up the fact that it originally and still is a pagan holiday.

A complainer of Christianity arose to deny it and I had to state it was both obvious and well known inside and outside Christian circles but this person just could not let go.

Due to a lack of knowledge this person is unaware of the truth.

But celebrating the resurrection was not commanded by Jesus as a replacement for the pagan Ishtar/Easter holy day.

That's why it matters.
edit on 20-5-2016 by Parazurvan because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

You ever think about learning BEFORE you decide to argue about subjects that are not your area of expertise?

Instead of searching out non canonical thinkers to argue with about the mundane features of Christianity you could actually learn something other than the Bible in its literal and most useless form and speak not out of blind zealousness but intellectualy and in line with reality.

Unless you like being proven wrong again and again because I don't just say things that are not researched a hundred times before I say them so just some advice.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 02:34 AM

originally posted by: Parazurvan
a reply to: chr0naut

You ever think about learning BEFORE you decide to argue about subjects that are not your area of expertise?

Instead of searching out non canonical thinkers to argue with about the mundane features of Christianity you could actually learn something other than the Bible in its literal and most useless form and speak not out of blind zealousness but intellectualy and in line with reality.

Unless you like being proven wrong again and again because I don't just say things that are not researched a hundred times before I say them so just some advice.

You have yet to actually prove me wrong. It takes more than repetition of your assertions to prove a point. You need to address each point and provide corroborative links that speak to each issue and from reputable sources, as I have done.

Now, am I required to know things before I learn them?

How very Socratic of you.

Why would it matter to you about the order with which I acquire knowledge?

edit on 20/5/2016 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 02:23 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Parazurvan
a reply to: chr0naut

You ever think about learning BEFORE you decide to argue about subjects that are not your area of expertise?

Instead of searching out non canonical thinkers to argue with about the mundane features of Christianity you could actually learn something other than the Bible in its literal and most useless form and speak not out of blind zealousness but intellectualy and in line with reality.

Unless you like being proven wrong again and again because I don't just say things that are not researched a hundred times before I say them so just some advice.

You have yet to actually prove me wrong. It takes more than repetition of your assertions to prove a point. You need to address each point and provide corroborative links that speak to each issue and from reputable sources, as I have done.

Now, am I required to know things before I learn them?

How very Socratic of you.

Why would it matter to you about the order with which I acquire knowledge?

Everything you said was wrong, I can and did prove it a million times but you have problems accepting that you don't know everything and can't admit it.

I said Mandaeans come from John the Baptist and you, following the ancient Catholics decree that all" heresies " are Gnostic in origin, claim that they are Gnostic.

That is incorrect as Gnostic is technically defined as one who possesses knowledge of a spiritual nature. Every religion is Gnostic and Mandaeans are Mandaeans, not Gnostics.

And you talk about their ethnicity as if that matters.

I could systematically go through everything you said and explain how you have been proven wrong but you would never acknowledge or admit it (like you are now) that you are a not as knowledgeable as you think.

You have been wrong in just about everything you said. That is what happens when you pretend to know everything and try and debate actual facts.

You are obsessed with always being right.

But you are wrong here. You came at me as one who seeks to refute. But I never said anything incorrect.

So you are basically just a nut.

So unless you want to be ignored don't bother messaging me because I am past my "prove people wrong" phase of learning and I know the naivete of the Christian mind to believe tradition despite the facts.

I have no urge to debate with a Christian about...anything, because you guys are out of touch with reality and look at wisdom and knowledge and say "we don't need that."

Deleting thread from my ATS and will not be responding to you until the next time you want to test my knowledge with statements of error.

This is a dead issue.
edit on 20-5-2016 by Parazurvan because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

I decided to extend an olive branch to you so you can learn something.

Tammuz Christmas

The Christmas tree is described in Jeremiah 10. It was called the Tammuz tree and based off the myth of Tammuz being Nimrod ressurected. Tammuz mother Semiramis/Ishtar claimed a miracle involving a tree that grew from a stump happened as an omen of sorts. Tammuz was born on Dec. 25 according to myth and was the god of the sun and ressurected Nimrod. People would decorate whatever tree grew in their area after chopping one down and putting in their home.

Weeping for Tammuz by the Hebrew women (Ezekiel 16:14) is apostasy and God warns not to ever adopt heathen customs and mentions the tree as an example in Jeremiah 10.

The link will explain everything else and has links upon links itself to verify what it says.

Any other refusal to accept that both Christmas and Easter are pagan in origin is wilful ignorance on your part as the Catholics freely admit all of this if you bothered to check a Catholic or even Jewish encyclopedia or any of a million other sources that also acknowledge pagan origins in these two holidays. It is a matter of pure historical fact and denying it is ridiculous. They are the two oldest holidays on earth and are astronomy based on the the change from longer days to longer nights and visa versa.

Christmas is the birth of the sun because the days get longer and nights get shorter.

Ishtar or Easter is a fertility goddess and a holiday celebration of the fertility goddess. That is the eggs symbolic meaning. It has zero to do with Christ or the resurrection (Easter).

Edit: if that link doesn't work go to www.(malwaresite)/cmc-48.HTML or Google Christian media research Tammuz Christmas

Alternative Tammuz Christmas link

edit on 20-5-2016 by Parazurvan because: FIXED LINK SORRY!!

edit on 20-5-2016 by Parazurvan because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-5-2016 by Parazurvan because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-5-2016 by Parazurvan because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 05:20 PM
The Problem with Christianity is the this.

1. The New Testament is History, yet many Christians take it as Dogma. Either it's Dogma or History. If it's history, then take it out and make it a "History book for Christians" The problem with telling us it's the old testament, is that it can then be considered Dogma and it's okay to hate, kill, rape and hold slaves.

2. Paul--Paul holds more authority over Christians than Jesus. Go to any church service and they will be quoting Paul instead of Jesus.

3. Christian's think that God stopped speaking to us thousands of years ago. If there is a God, why would he suddenly stop speaking to us thousands of years ago? Riddle me that!

4. We are told that we cannot change the bible, it is the unerring word of God. But when did it become the unerring word of God? Before Constantine the false Christian changed it? Or after king James changed it? When? It's been changed. It needs to be changed again to make Christianity relavent.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: amazing
The Problem with Christianity is the this.

1. The New Testament is History, yet many Christians take it as Dogma. Either it's Dogma or History. If it's history, then take it out and make it a "History book for Christians" The problem with telling us it's the old testament, is that it can then be considered Dogma and it's okay to hate, kill, rape and hold slaves.

2. Paul--Paul holds more authority over Christians than Jesus. Go to any church service and they will be quoting Paul instead of Jesus.

3. Christian's think that God stopped speaking to us thousands of years ago. If there is a God, why would he suddenly stop speaking to us thousands of years ago? Riddle me that!

4. We are told that we cannot change the bible, it is the unerring word of God. But when did it become the unerring word of God? Before Constantine the false Christian changed it? Or after king James changed it? When? It's been changed. It needs to be changed again to make Christianity relavent.

1. Jesus' love your neighbour is from the old testament, which is a mix of history, poetry/prophecy. The common theme is God doesn't change, we change, hence God makes new covenants - ie arrangements that fit the time and the place. Hence Jesus fulfilled the OT, in short the story is about change.

2. Paul doesn't hold more moral authority than Jesus, if that's the message you're hearing from a church, then it's time to shake the dust of your feet and move on.

3. That's an idea held by some - but not by the growing churches, which tend towards evangelicalism and or pentecostalism, indeed the most interesting trend of the C20th was the charismatic renewal movement which was entirely non denominational, including Catholic and Protestant, because usually a new and or rediscovered idea/teaching leads to a new church group.

4. Exactly "we are told" which is different from what it says. So sure we don't go back and redact the original text, changing the meaning to something else. Sure this has happened but due to the huge amount of ancient text available, the few occasions this has been done have been identified.
That doesn't mean a new book of the bible won't be found, or indeed written. However the standard of proof for such a thing is high, hence why the Koran and the Book of Mormon for example don't make the cut, nor ever will.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: RudeCherub

God changes. He went from a psycho killer who was involved with every little aspect of people's lives including what fibers they wear to having nothing to do with us at all. Saying God doesn't change is such a lie.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: amazing
The Problem with Christianity is the this.

1. The New Testament is History, yet many Christians take it as Dogma. Either it's Dogma or History. If it's history, then take it out and make it a "History book for Christians" The problem with telling us it's the old testament, is that it can then be considered Dogma and it's okay to hate, kill, rape and hold slaves.

2. Paul--Paul holds more authority over Christians than Jesus. Go to any church service and they will be quoting Paul instead of Jesus.

3. Christian's think that God stopped speaking to us thousands of years ago. If there is a God, why would he suddenly stop speaking to us thousands of years ago? Riddle me that!

4. We are told that we cannot change the bible, it is the unerring word of God. But when did it become the unerring word of God? Before Constantine the false Christian changed it? Or after king James changed it? When? It's been changed. It needs to be changed again to make Christianity relavent.

I could not have said it better. Although I would say that it is mythology with a hidden meaning that almost nobody understands properly IF taken as history and without learning the history of the mythology of the world.

In Christianity all non Christian and many Christian churches as well are called apostates or cults or demon worship.

Hinduism, Buddhism, Mazdeism, Judaism, and everything before or after Catholicism and its now Catholicism that is seen as having succumbed to paganism and Christianity is the new "true" religion. Catholicism has always been pagan ever since they came under Roman domination and became one with the enemies of the first Nazarenes in Yeshua's day.

I believe that they were exploited by the revolutionary attitude of converting non-Israelites to the New Covenant of the Nazarenes (Nozrim).

According to Josephus the downfall of Judea was the result of the Romans hearing of a plan to conquer Judea in an Armageddon like scenario, and other Roman territories.

And a growing obsession with the "apocalypse" in general is seen in the Qumran scrolls that are Nazarene and Ebionite, as well as Zadokite documents. One actually does contain a plan to conquer the Roman and Syrian empires and the last battle is a series of 7 conflicts predicted to be a 3-3 "tie" with the "Sons of light" (Nozrim, Chasidim, Ebionim, Zaddikim) defeat the forces of Belial (Satan is not ever mentioned in DSS) with help from angels.

I believe that the enemies of the first Nazarenes took control of the movement and slowly made it a pagan religion.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: Joecanada11

That sounds like a man complaining that going back to his very first school that the all rooms have shrunk because it feels so much smaller now.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: RudeCherub

I don't know what you think make the cut means but...

The Quran is one of the most widely read books in the world. Nothing in it is a problem to, for or with Christianity and it very much is a third Testament. Instead of myths it is more focused on morality and wisdom. It is an excellent book that teaches the same thing as Christianity for the most part.

The book of Mormon is unreadable and not even in the same league. Mormonism is a mixture of Freemasonry and Christianity. It is very creepy.

But the Quran has more than made the cut. Islam is a branch of Abrahamism whether you like it or not, and it is the third Testament of the Abrahamic reform.

Islam is closer to what Jesus taught than what Paul taught and Christianity is two religions in one. You either follow Jesus or you follow the teaching of Paul. And they are oil and water.

Pauline Christianity is disguised paganism, but pagan all the same. Catholicism is Pauline.

The TRUE followers of the Messiah Yeshua were the Ebionites and Nazarenes who were persecuted into extinction by Rome and deemed heretics because they rejected the hypocrite Paul.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: Parazurvan
a reply to: chr0naut

I decided to extend an olive branch to you so you can learn something.

Tammuz Christmas

The Christmas tree is described in Jeremiah 10. It was called the Tammuz tree and based off the myth of Tammuz being Nimrod ressurected. Tammuz mother Semiramis/Ishtar claimed a miracle involving a tree that grew from a stump happened as aversan of sortz. Tammuz was born on Dec. 25 according to myth as the god of the sun and ressurected Nimrod. People would decorate whatever tree grew in their area after chopping one down and putting in their home.

Weeping for Tammuz by the Hebrew women (Ezekiel 16:14) is apostasy and God warns not to ever adopt heathen customs and mentions the tree as an example in Jeremiah 10.

The link will explain everything else and has links upon links itself to verify what it says.

Any other refusal to accept that both Christmas and Easter are pagan in origin is wilful ignorance on your part as the Catholics freely admit all of this if you bothered to check a Catholic or even Jewish encyclopedia or any of a million other sources that also acknowledge pagan origins in these two holidays. It is a matter of pure historical fact and denying it is ridiculous. They are the two oldest holidays on earth and are astronomy based on the the change from longer days to longer nights and visa versa.

Christmas is the birth of the sun because the days get longer and nights get shorter.

Ishtar or Easter is a fertility goddess and a holiday celebration of the fertility goddess. That is the eggs symbolic meaning. It has zero to do with Christ or the resurrection (Easter).

Edit: if that link doesn't work go to www.(malwaresite)/cmc-48.HTML or Google Christian media research Tammuz Christmas

Alternative Tammuz Christmas link

I hardly consider as authoritative or reputable and I do not want to be served malware, so I won't bother browsing the first link.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 06:38 PM
a reply to: RudeCherub

Not at all. God changes. He repented even so the bible says. He makes mistakes, then destroys his mistake and then continues to destroy people over and over and over. Then he says wait I'll send myself to the world in human form and spend 3 years preaching then I will be executed and it will solve everything. And after I do that I will stop showing myself and my miracles. Makes sense to me

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Oh what a surprise you are complaining because you don't like the particular website that I had to settle for because I couldn't get the link to work.

You have the internet. You know you are wrong, that I am trying to help you and are just like I said you would be...willfully ignorant.

I left the info for you to connect to the good link but you enjoy complaining when you know you are wrong and go the "consider the source" route.

That would work if I wasn't 100% accurate and 1000 other websites didn't exist that say the same thing.

But I am sure you will say all 1000 of them are lying so you have to live with your ignorance not I.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

You are an ever increasing source of amazement to me in that a simple thing as acknowledging a well known and documented historical fact is so hard for you.

I just don't get what is so hard to understand for you about it?

Do you not want it to be true so bad that you deceive yourself?

I am sorry but all you have to do is go to a Catholic encyclopedia online and they will freely admit the pagan origins of both holidays.

So that you are denying what the church itself does not even deny is beyond comprehension to me.

It is hilarious though. And sad. But hilarious too.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: defiythelie

I personally hope there will be a modern version of Christian faith. It would be easier to relate to.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 09:06 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Parazurvan
a reply to: chr0naut

I decided to extend an olive branch to you so you can learn something.

Tammuz Christmas

The Christmas tree is described in Jeremiah 10. It was called the Tammuz tree and based off the myth of Tammuz being Nimrod ressurected. Tammuz mother Semiramis/Ishtar claimed a miracle involving a tree that grew from a stump happened as aversan of sortz. Tammuz was born on Dec. 25 according to myth as the god of the sun and ressurected Nimrod. People would decorate whatever tree grew in their area after chopping one down and putting in their home.

Weeping for Tammuz by the Hebrew women (Ezekiel 16:14) is apostasy and God warns not to ever adopt heathen customs and mentions the tree as an example in Jeremiah 10.

The link will explain everything else and has links upon links itself to verify what it says.

Any other refusal to accept that both Christmas and Easter are pagan in origin is wilful ignorance on your part as the Catholics freely admit all of this if you bothered to check a Catholic or even Jewish encyclopedia or any of a million other sources that also acknowledge pagan origins in these two holidays. It is a matter of pure historical fact and denying it is ridiculous. They are the two oldest holidays on earth and are astronomy based on the the change from longer days to longer nights and visa versa.

Christmas is the birth of the sun because the days get longer and nights get shorter.

Ishtar or Easter is a fertility goddess and a holiday celebration of the fertility goddess. That is the eggs symbolic meaning. It has zero to do with Christ or the resurrection (Easter).

Edit: if that link doesn't work go to www.(malwaresite)/cmc-48.HTML or Google Christian media research Tammuz Christmas

Alternative Tammuz Christmas link

I hardly consider as authoritative or reputable and I do not want to be served malware, so I won't bother browsing the first link.

Don't know what malware is but you could have done yesterday like I said and Googled Nimrod Tammuz Christmas and chose your own source of information but you didn't.

Because you don't want to, because you know you are going to find out that I have been correct and you have been arguing like a Numbskull about something you knew nothing about and should have just left it alone.

You will avoid learning the truth in order to preserve a lie?

That is very logical because you are that wrong. Stick with that strategy.

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: tardisbluegirl54

Maybe Jesus could come back and do a few magic tricks, heal all cancer patients, and feed all the starving. Instead the Christians would rather have him come back and torture people until they want to die. Great stuff

posted on May, 20 2016 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

So you being too lazy or whatever to research the subject yourself yesterday and I was kind enough to give you a link to at least get you going.

But not only are you too lazy to research it yourself you also don't like the particular link I gave you and are just going to dismiss all the rest of the information on the internet about that subject instead of just, maybe...checking a different couple of other websites for confirmation.

"Nope. Don't like your link. Not true. Nope. Nope. "

That is you.

Try this instead.

"Oh that is interesting, although one website is not enough to convince me I will fact check them with others and see how things look."

Or don't, you have every right to deny reality.

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