I'm curious why Americans are so afraid of socialism.
For me it is about control.
Socialism means the government (or other people) are in control of me. They make choices for me. They have control over persons and property.
I was raised and it goes deep to believe that I have a right to those things: person and property.
Socialism must put others in charge of both of those in order to have a fully realized system, and once government starts socializing, it starts
tainting and distorting everything around it.
Let's look at the public school system. It is nearly 100% socialized. Everyone pays into the system whether you have children or not. Everything about
the system is dictated by government officials: where your children will go to school, what they will learn there, how much you as a parent will be
permitted to interfere with that. Quality of the education given, despite the assurances of equality, vary widely from district to district so that
the actual value of the education your kid receives can be divided by just a few blocks and nothing else really.
Because they know they have your children coming to the school, there is no real impetus for officials, administrators, or even teachers to work to
improve the quality of what they offer. So you are really at the mercy of their whims and their "calling" or lack thereof. Large unions have gotten
their hooks so deeply into the system by now, that it's next to impossible to even remove the bad teachers. Instead, they are either shunted from
school to school or simply sent to what are called "rubber rooms" to do whatever while they collect salaries paid by taxes. It's cheaper than working
through the elaborate and expensive arbitration system to fire them.
Endless waves of bureaucrats work through the system from top to bottom claiming to have the "next big thing" that will create all kinds of education
gains in every child. Common Core and all its related gimmicks are simply the latest version of this. Children are not really taken into
consideration. Instead, it's so-called experts who may never have even taught or worked with children a day in the life, but somehow know the best way
to construct an education program that works for them (see: Gates). Effectively, all our children are just Guinea pigs and may be subjected to two or
three or more different systems of pedagogy in their grammar school careers. How on earth do you expect them learn that way?
And when on school, either a charter or small local, does create a system that works for their kids, they are either soon destroyed by the system or
everyone tries to copy them and when it doesn't work for everyone, they get discredited even thought they are producing workable, even fantastic
results. What does it matter then, if they have a working system? Why denigrate something that works if it only works in one area and not for others?
We should be glad it's working and not tear it down. But that is what the system does. Socialism does not tolerate individual results that would imply
So when the educations system is so tightly controlled, everything related to it is distorted by that control.