posted on May, 14 2016 @ 03:18 PM
Seems like no matter where you go, it’s always somethin’. Just take your pick; you want tonadoes? Or hurricanes? Or earthquakes? How about the
occasional blizzard or ice storm? Where I live it’s more likely an earthquake will ruin my day than a tornado, and that suits me just fine.
The company I work for has divisions all over the place, and so I end up traveling a little more than I like. I live in So. Cal. and work for the LA
Corp division, but get sent on temp software assignments from time to time all around the country. At any rate, I’ve been sent to our Huntsville, AL
division numerous times for a variety of projects. They have tornadoes there. Not like in OK or TX, but often enough. I recall one week a few years
ago when I was there it was an unusually active weather week. Nothing but big storms and occasional tornadoes. It was unreal. Within a 1 week period,
I actually saw 2 tornadoes from a safe distance, and the place I was staying at was nearly hit by a tornado one night. The tornado was less than 1/2
mile away. All around the place the trees had blown down and it was a mess. I remember watching the local weather channel after work because there
were touchdowns all around the area and it was getting pretty wild. Then an announcement came on the tube that a tornado had touched down at a
particular location, and I thought, “Isn’t that really close to here?” Then suddenly the lights went out and I thought, “Oh God, I’m done
for!!” I ran into a hallway to kiss my ass goodbye, but it wasn’t long before it was all over.
Like I said, I’ll risk an earthquake anytime, thank you. The power generated by a tornado is awesome.
If anyone’s interested, a couple storm chaser sites with streaming video are
Severe Studios and
Live Chasers.
Gotta go. Nice thread...