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I am slowly becoming an Atheist... I think...

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posted on May, 12 2016 @ 10:22 PM
The point of this is that i am asking for help or advice. I have seriously debated starting this thread and just decided I need to get some advice before I lose my mind. Im not looking to start a theological discussion, I'm only looking for assistance in knowing what to do next after starting to believe the world is nothing but random events strung together to form everyday life. My whole existence is now one of confusion as i was raised christian.

To give a little history of myself I was raised in the church of christ and was very active in the church growing up. I went to services 3 times a week and every youth function in between. I went to camp after camp all summer and was very sheltered in that regard. Then came the Navy and I officially stopped attending church but still considered myself christian just nondenominational. I remained of that mindset until recently when I just had heard enough opposing viewpoints that i feel like i just woke up and said wow it has no meaning.

I am stuck between my christian roots and my new view of the world. I often am hard on myself for not believing and find myself trying to relate things biblically and find meaning in it when i feel like there isnt one to found. If i told any of this to my father he would be completely crushed and the rest of my family would be appalled to say the least. The only person that supports me is my wife who is agnostic but wants to believe in something. I have no idea where to go or what to do. I am not wanting to down anyones religion because at the end of the day its what gets you to sleep at night and want to get up the next day and for me there is peace in knowing that it is all random occurrence and the only thing i have control over is me. Thank you for taking time to read my post...

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 10:27 PM
a reply to: TexasSeabee

You're gonna be fine.

Let me assure you ... there's something out there. I don't think it matters whether you call yourself a Christian or a Muslim or a strand of spaghetti. What matters is that you find it ... and you obviously haven't yet, but I bet you will.

Cheers, Brother!!

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 10:27 PM
a reply to: TexasSeabee

Every man must decide his creator. I could give you examples of mine but it wouldn't mean anything to you. Don't lie to yourself. Again, don't lie to yourself.

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: TexasSeabee

because at the end of the day its what gets you to sleep at night and want to get up the next day and for me there is peace in knowing that it is all random

i have taken this roller coaster ride , but what i have found is you dont need to have a religion to get to bed or wake up. BUT knowing its all nothing and we are a bunch of spinning monkeys is irresponsible and will turn you into a broken soul that will only spread negativity and sorrow to your brothers and sisters.
but in the end you must take the path you feel is right. I wish you good luck on your journey and hope to meet you on the other side brother(sister?).


the best way to sleep easy is a beer and couple quaffs of vodka before bed. And a good way to wake up is with the sun on your face and HERBAL tea in mouth it helps put a good spin on the day.

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 10:34 PM
Just don't let Atheism (and I capitalize it purposefully) turn into your new religion. I'm assuming you're familiar with what it means to be " fully converted unto Christ".

There's an Atheist equivalent of that, which is every bit as dogmatic, irrational, and intolerant as the most fanatical of fanatic beliefs.

Believe as you wish, but please don't turn into one of those people.
edit on 5/12/16 by NthOther because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: Snarl

there is no God... back in 10K years ago with they spoke about the Gods there are referring to Aliens. The GODS in HEAVEN Many Gods. There is more evidence of Extraterrestrials than a so called GOD. The best solution is to Believe in yourself. That's what the GODS Aliens want you to do. Believe in yourself and to be a good person and a good provider...
I hate when I see someone relying on a Fictitious god who does not come through for anyone.

its all bull#. Believe in yourself and one wants to help you
you have to help yourself

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: DOCHOLIDAZE1

Im not sure why knowing its nothing and thinking each moment we have is precious because there isnt some master plan makes me spread negativity and sorrow. I actually feel quite the opposite of negative, i feel like i only have a small time to make a difference in my life and others so i male the most of it. When i was in a religious setting i was so worried about getting to the next life i neglected people and hated people i had never met because they went to a different church.

Im not sure if you were being positive or begative in your post but the point i was trying to make is i feel at peace with the world now not that i think its a waste of time to exist. I apologize if i was unclear on that before and thank you for the reply.

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: TexasSeabee

It is my belief that there is some sort of order to the Universe, as well in life on Earth. There are patterns everywhere if only one take a few moments to still the mind and really SEE. Does that mean that there is some old, kindly, white haired dude in the sky watching over every living creature and pre-planning every step of every life? I don't think so. But after many decades of searching, learning and even debunking at times I have found that there IS something that gently guides the bigger picture- just not the details.

It is perfectly normal (especially with all of the evil that exists in the world) to become jaded and skeptical- it is all part of the process of finding your own truth. What is truth for each person is different, but faith is subjective. Even Atheists have faith in something- Love, Equality, Science, and Satanists have faith in themselves. Whatever YOU personally have faith in is YOUR truth. You must discover what that is for yourself and whatever your truth it is right.

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: TexasSeabee

Hiya Tex! Hope you don't mind me calling you tex. I am more or less in the same position as you are at the moment. I feel the best advice for the moment would be to share my story. I grew up Christian, going to church every week and participating in youth groups and such. From about 13 rs old and on life got really, really rough for me to the point where I no longer went to church and essentially became agnostic as well.

Fast forward to December of 2014, I was in the darkest place I had ever been in my life. I was addicted to Opiates, and there was no hope that I could see. One day I was outside smoking a cig, and I let out a prayer. Not like when i was a kid, it was a true and honest prayer. It was directed at anyone, anything could hear/would help me. Including Jesus. Two days later I was on a plane to Rehab and my life has changed dramatically since then.

Point being, I believe my prayer was answered that day. I DO NOT however, go to church, and I do not subscribe to any religion. I found that there are things I agree with in every religion, and also things I do not agree with.

I believe that the original message has been hijacked somewhat. On the other hand, I DO believe in GOD and looking back at my life, I should have died many times and I believe I have been looked after.

I don't pretend to know the answers and I don't give away my soul to any religion. Christians are going to hell according to Islam, Muslims are going to hell according to Christians, and so on? Makes me very wary of what to believe in. Point is, I believe in God and am working towards finding out what that means while being the best, moral person i can.

That is damn well good enough for me. Any god that wants to send me to hell forever for that, is no god of mine. Hope that can help in some way, much love brotha.

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 11:19 PM
a reply to: Private017

Extraterrestrials than a so called GOD. The best solution is to Believe in yourself. That's what the GODS Aliens want you to do

if there were or are aliens you have no idea what they want, nice try though

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: TexasSeabee

I was raised Catholic attended and served masses as an alter boy up until the sixth grade. I'm no longer a practicing Catholic and don't prescribe to any religion. I guess I would have to call myself an agnostic now. I still believe in a God/Creator/Prime Source what ever you want to call it. I believe someone had to create life and the universe.

I can no longer believe in religion because they all think they have all the answers. They're too judgmental and controlling. If you believe God gave you free will, he also gave you free will to question your beliefs. My personal belief is to follow what you truly believe. It's better to be true to yourself and your soul than to follow blind faith developed by man.

In my opinion, leading a good life, respecting and having compassion for your fellow man, is worth much more than following any religious belief. Follow your heart. I doubt a loving God would condemn you for that.

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: NthOther

Being an atheist means fully adopting to the values of Christ but without God.. Atheism has the same dogma as everyone else..

The simple context of God is Love or a soul...

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 11:43 PM
a reply to: TexasSeabee

Greetings- Have You looked into other religions™ and philosophies? Here is the first of 81 verses of The Tao Te Ching, You could read the whole thing in One sitting.

1st verse by Lao Tzu:
The Tao that can be told, is not the eternal Tao.

The name that can be named; is not the eternal name.

The Tao is both named and nameless

As nameless it is the origin of all things;

as named it is the Mother of 10,000 things.

Ever desireless, one can see the mystery;

ever desiring, one sees only the manifestations.

And the mystery itself is the doorway

to all understanding.

Then there is this: "The Unveiling" by Sunfell

Good Luck in finding what it is You're looking for...

If You think You are indeed at the end of Your search there is the book by Steven Harrison aptly called "Doing Nothing"
You 'may' just be comparing YourSelf to 'others' they're just on a different path, which all leads to the same place...


posted on May, 12 2016 @ 11:43 PM
a reply to: NthOther

Oh dear,oh dear,oh dear.

Atheism is incredibly satisfying.You become responsible for your own moral choices and can perpetually snort at theists.

We don't believe anything.That's the point.We really are spinning,screeching monkeys until we leave religion behind.

TexasSeabee,I would urge you to continue thinking atheistic thoughts.It is much like swimming outdoors.Once the initial shock has passed(that's the cosiness of thinking that a sky fairy has you cocooned safely in his hands being washed away),it is very refreshing indeed.Now you understand that YOU are responsible for yourself.

Well done.Stay strong.

posted on May, 12 2016 @ 11:48 PM
a reply to: Ericthedoubter

Exhibit A, OP.

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 12:23 AM
a reply to: TexasSeabee

Welcome my man. You will find a new found freedom in not believing in deities. I would also check out the freedomfromreligion fountation.

It's hard because your old friends will surely shun you. They will tell you that Satan is winning. They will call you a liar. But stick to the truth.

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 12:26 AM
a reply to: TexasSeabee

Ok TexasSeabee here is a story from a Fellow Texan and Sailor (FC2)

Born into and baptized in the Catholic faith, Was kept in that church until parents split at around 6 yrs old. Moved in with Grandmother because my single father could not hack it on his own and he worked night shift so me an my brother got shifted over to listening to Mass on the AM radio.

Around the Age of Ten My father had started dating a lady of the Pentecostal faith, my first experience with a faith away from Roman Catholic. That lasted about three years.

Around fourteen my father had secured him a home and while still working 3rd shift was somewhat trying to take care of me and my brother, during the summers at least and every weekend otherwise it was with grandma, he had shifted us to a southern baptist church. This was the first time in my life I actually got a bible of my own. I honestly and truly annoyed the preacher with my questions (the Main Pastor was also the Teen Sunday school teacher. I felt comfortable enough to at that time follow the tenants of faith, ask forgiveness and be baptized around age 17) Stayed with that church until I joined the service. (age 19)

While in the service I back-slid like only a sailor can (you should know what I am talking about)
After I had got stationed in Italy around 98, I found myself in Rome and something clicked but not in the right way that most would think, sorry if I offend any of the catholic faith here, I realized it was too what is the word, opulent. Too much show for what I felt was spoon fed substance.

It also was in the service I was exposed to a great many faiths. Even was engaged to an Orthodox Jewish girl for a bit.

I saw starting to see a great many parallels in many of the faiths I was exposed to, almost to the point of realizing some of the splits between the faiths were over matters of should people see what is being taught for themselves, down to the color of the toilet paper in the bathrooms. Some understandable splits and some just stupid ones.

I also at that time looked into many of the other theologies other then the Abraham ones (Yes I count Jews, Christians, Catholics, Methodist, and Muslims in that group they all have the same Root even if some do not like to admit it.) like the Eastern and the Northern faiths, I enjoyed the fact almost all of them come close to the same underlying message, "Don't be a prick. Play nice. We are right." But even in those I saw parallels and wondered if the current faiths are just pot luck of others.

Getting out of the service right before 911, I got with an old girlfriend and made the mistake of getting married to her, she claimed to have found comfort in the LDS faith but she was just using them pretty much like she used me. (thank the lord that was a short three years of Hell on earth for me).

After the Divorce I found myself back on the door step of the southern baptist church I spent my late teens in. But it felt wrong trying to go there. I made the Ultimate mistake I asked the wrong question, the one about predestination versus freewill that was a big mistake because the pastor put his foot in the wrong way with the "You do not Question God" response, I split from that church with the reply " I am not questioning God I am questioning the asshole arrogant enough to think he speaks for him."

I bubbled around for a year or so angry at the lord. Venomous to everyone of any faith, even Orthodox Atheist.

I met the lovely woman who is my current wife, and she showed me a way of faith I never considered before, though I had in my hands since I was about 14. I had a bible sure it was the gutted king James version, but I also had inherited the family catholic bible (nice big gold leaf with the pictures in the middle and the whole family tree 10 generations back written in it my grandma's bible), I had my ex-wives books of Mormon, a copy of the Torah that my ex-fiance had given me, and my collection of other faith's text I kept just because I cant bring myself to get rid of books. My current wife sat me down one day and flat out asked me what do I believe.

I could not at that time answer, but she told me something that struck home.

" They are all Right and they are All Wrong. Our trial of faith is to decide for ourselves what is right for us and Live it do not just blindly follow it or say you follow it. Even the church of the Stooges gets things right somewhere. So look though it all find what is right for you, accept that what is right for you is not right for me or anyone else. Realize as long as you live what you believe your about as right as your going to get, even if it is nothing at all."

There you go my wisdom from a lifetime so far, hope it helps.


posted on May, 13 2016 @ 12:33 AM

originally posted by: Private017
a reply to: Snarl

there is no God... back in 10K years ago with they spoke about the Gods there are referring to Aliens. The GODS in HEAVEN Many Gods. There is more evidence of Extraterrestrials than a so called GOD. The best solution is to Believe in yourself. That's what the GODS Aliens want you to do. Believe in yourself and to be a good person and a good provider...
I hate when I see someone relying on a Fictitious god who does not come through for anyone.

its all bull#. Believe in yourself and one wants to help you
you have to help yourself

There is more evidence of aliens than of a human deity? wow...

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 12:36 AM
a reply to: TexasSeabee

The point of this is that i am asking for help or advice. I have seriously debated starting this thread and just decided I need to get some advice before I lose my mind. Im not looking to start a theological discussion, I'm only looking for assistance in knowing what to do next after starting to believe the world is nothing but random events strung together to form everyday life. My whole existence is now one of confusion as i was raised christian.

I've never quite had the old "dark night of the soul" that Christians-turned-atheists do, so I cannot really attest to whatever pains or confusions that you may be having. But I would argue that whatever effort you spent on praying, going to church, and other rituals, could be used to celebrate, sanctify and make holy the things in this world rather than the next.

posted on May, 13 2016 @ 12:37 AM
a reply to: Ericthedoubter

As Northern Europeans, we understand this.. Those on the other side of the continent does not.. We adopt the christian values, but instead of god showing us love, it comes down to our families to teach us that..
If you look to the values on the other side of the continent, they are doomed without God..

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