posted on May, 12 2016 @ 09:02 AM
Bear with me... Posted before completion...
edit on 12-5-2016 by TrueBrit because: Bloody stupid unresponsive equipment
It has been a busy day at Shoeburyness testing range. Shoeburyness has a history with military matters going back as far as Roman times, but the
garrison and testing ranges, which still stand today, have been in use by the British Armed forces since 1854, during the Crimean War.
The garrison is now a housing complex, but the testing ranges are still in use, although they are now run by an organisation called Qinnetiq. They
still perform testing on both weapons platforms, and the shells they fire, and today they have been very busy indeed. Volley after volley of shots can
be heard being fired, either from a mobile gun, or from a tank. I happen to have been lucky enough to be invited to open days at the ranges during my
childhood, so I know the set up for such tests pretty well. Targets are suspended between scaffold towers, from steel cables. Shells are fired,
usually remotely, from within an armoured bunker or shack, and the trajectory of the round is tracked by cameras mounted around the target, and at the
firing point.
Like I say though... A very busy day. More often than not, the guns are silent. Today they have been firing five round volleys with stunning
regularity. Dogs bark in response, windows shake in their frames, doors jar and flex, even two miles from the muzzles of these large guns... Something
is evidently being put through its paces on the range today!
edit on 12-5-2016 by TrueBrit because: Added main body of thread.