posted on May, 12 2016 @ 08:36 PM
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I agree about the subconscious feeling of being vulnerable. If Hilary gets in your dream might not be so outlandish as far as no ammo..?
I had an early morning dream in the 70s about three astronauts who upon reentry dying; I was in their capsule and everything during their last moments
alive.. That night on the national news it was reported three Russian astronauts had died during reentry.. Talk about the hair on your neck standing
up !!
I do not usually dream.... or if I do, I do not remember them... So that was a biggie for me.. A few months later I had another vivid dream where I
was pinned down in a ditch under heavy enemy fire. We would take a long thin stick with a rubber band on the end and affix cigarettes or C-rat cans of
food and swap stuff with the guys just a short distance over in the next foxhole or ditch.. Needless to say that dream never came true...thank
goodness.. but I was really primed for a month or so just waiting for stuff to happen to the point of getting my CHL.. Weird huh ?
I never dream, but when I do, they tend to get my attention. Reminds me of a beer commercial... hahahah