I am here to make the argument of why Hillary and Donald are the best candidates for president this year. I'm sure many people would vehemently
disagree, however they would be wrong.
There are many qualities to look for in presidential candidates, but there are some primary qualities that every candidate must possess in order to
become POTUS. The primary qualities that both Donald and Hillary share, which many of the pool of candidates possess, but these two go above and
beyond when compared to the other candidates. The two qualities that set these two apart from all the rest are: Cunning and Ruthlessness.
From the democrat standpoint, Hillary is the epitome of ruthlessness, the trail of bodies and ruined lives over her political career are a testament
to that. No matter how many lives are destroyed or ruined in the wake of a Clinton presidency, her goals will be achieved. This is her strongest
suit, whether it be getting child rapists off on technicalities, or covering up running weapons through the embassy in Syria; it's just another day
for her.
With that said, it appears that over the years her cunning has been on the wane. She has been slipping in this department for some time now, and may
be her inevitable downfall; especially when we have the whole email scandal still looming over her head. It's not just about how vicious she can be
in destroying her enemies and protecting corporate interests, it's about how well it can be made to look like an accident, or to appear as if someone
else was responsible.
Some other positive qualities to mention about Hillary, she is an opportunist, which is inconsequential when looking for the best candidate, but when
the other option is an idealist; opportunist wins every time. Also, the amount of resources, whether personal or tax-payer funded- gives Clinton an
edge over most every other candidate with the ability to hire a virtual army of unidentified trolls and shills to defend her and spread her lies; even
the MSM is wholly at her disposal to use against any opponent.
Under a Clinton presidency, we will see more people who get too close to the truth suicided, disappear, or have some mysterious accident; but she will
need to stay on the top of her game to keep the cover-ups in order.
Now on to the Donald. Donald is the compliment of a Clinton presidency, what he lacks in ruthlessness he makes up for with his cunning. Donald is an
artist, when it comes to manipulating the millions of uneducated masses. He can tell these people one thing, and the very next sentence tell them
something different, and these people will believe him no matter what. He is the master of the spotlight, it doesn't matter what he says, the more
outrageous and traditionally self-destructive statements he makes, only propels him closer to the presidential throne.
It's only a shame, to think that Donald may not have the gumption to slaughter millions of innocent men, women, and children in order to protect
corporate interests. Donald may talk a big game, he may be a hundred steps ahead of Hillary at every turn, but at the end of the day will he really
have the 'cajones' to drop the bomb on any nation that defies the will of the American Empire? It's probably not a huge deal, maybe he could hire
Clinton on as Secretary of War, I mean State. Sometimes I wonder, he'll talk tough, say we'll build a wall but then he backpedals a little, then
says he cares about people; hopefully it's just a ruse to manipulate the sea of mindless liberals.
Some other qualities to note about Trump; he is uber-rich, known the world over, and he can make 'the deal'. The only question is, does he have the
will to wipe entire regions of the world off the map if a nation such as Iran, for example, decide to reneg on their agreement?
These are the questions we should be asking on who is best suited for the job.
Hillary is the most ruthless, no question about it. Donald is more cunning than any candidate, save maybe Obama, but that is still up in the air.
Both candidates are strong contenders, we just have to ask ourselves who has the better secondary quality, is Hillary cunning enough and is Donald
ruthless enough to be POTUS.
I'm sure many of you will disagree, tell me something about superfluous qualities like feelings and morality. Those qualities are at the very bottom
of the totem pole, those are qualities of overthrown leaders and conquered nations.
Feel free to add in any important things you look for in a candidate. I would like to add, a third quality that is essential for a president, but
have yet to determine the level each contender possess. That quality is formlessness, which most people would call 'flip-flopping', but if the
enemy does not know your position, the enemy cannot make any successful strategy against you.