Excellent video! Thanks for posting it.
It explains the problem very well.
As for Trump - he keeps talking about "bringing jobs back" and imposing tariffs on imports.....is he meaning to cut taxes on the rich
but make up
for the difference by taxing imported goods?
I don't understand all of his policy reasonings yet (does anyone?). I'm trying to wrap my head around what this next year will mean for our country -
if this regime change happens.
Clinton would be "more of the same", I gather from her; Trump would make some pronounced moves (whether Congress backs him or not is quite dubious -
in fact, the GOP is trying so hard to pretend he doesn't exist that I really, really have a hard time imagining those legislators - on either side! -
going along with him. Ever.).
He will be even lamer than Obama.....in terms of Congressional respect
but then, so would Cruz have been - being equally despised and actually a 'known' loathsome quantity.
Maybe everyone would warm up to Trump
(as he has certainly changed his "tone" since being crowned 'presumptive nominee'), but Clinton's fan base is pretty stagnant and stable, I'd say.
If it comes down to them, as an Independent voter I'm not sure who I'd vote for (if anyone).
That's assuming there's no 3rd party on offer.....
if Bernie decides to run Independent, I will vote for him. In fact, that might well be his strategy. He is going to keep drilling until the
convention, and he's going to drill at the convention, too....he has said as such. Does he have much to say about foreign trade? I don't know. I
don't think he's focused on foreign policy, whether trade or diplomatic/military relations. I think he's focusing on OUR OWN DOMESTIC ISSUES.
Which is what I and millions of other people think should be done, and have been saying so since 2008. Screw Israel - they can put on their big-boy
pants now!! - and off-shored US corporations SHOULD be taxed heavily if they are using foreign slave-labor!! Whether they are HQ here or not -
whatever portion of their product is being produced elsewhere should have a financial consequence (disadvantage). If only the quality here were
Anyway - those are my random thoughts after watching the video.
I was in agreement with NAFTA, and actually think it's okay - but branching out from there was stupid.
To think we
could have a unified North America now, after all these decades (which seems the wisest thing to me), but we don't - and now our
jobs are gone....makes me very disheartened. Would we even need to "trade" with the Eastern Hemisphere at all? Do we really have to?
I actually remember when goods from abroad were 'precious' commodities - exotic, expensive, unusual, and admirable acquisitions.
People paid "luxury taxes" at that time - seeing an item from Indonesia was like reading National Geographic - but now, factories fall on and kill
Bangladeshi peasants. Makes imported goods seem less savory.
edit on 5/8/2016 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)