I'm a huge fan of music in general (I have music playing average of 8 hours a day), I think great songs still exist, even in pop music, but because
it's "pop-music", it just gets written down as cheap and easy. I think in 10-20 years or now people will look back on some songs which most
people nowadays just concider another pop-song, and realize it's been more all along.
Similar to how you said that when some songs listed in this thread were concidered easy and cheap (cheesy, corny, ...) back in their day.
The meaning of these lyrics go alot deeper than 'it sounds nice, but kinda cheesy'.
The smiths, yeah.
Could keep posting, but yeah, plenty of great/amazing songs are made these days, just gotta look for it, and give every song a chance. I think that
the cinicism of "songs back in the day" limits people in their ability to appreciate more and evolving music.
edit on 8-5-2016 by Vechthaan
because: (no reason given)
edit on 8-5-2016 by Vechthaan because: (no reason given)
edit on 8-5-2016 by Vechthaan
because: (no reason given)
edit on 8-5-2016 by Vechthaan because: (no reason given)
edit on 8-5-2016 by Vechthaan
because: (no reason given)
Nope - in the URL address on youtube, NOT the share link, just copy the unique ID of the video and copy paste that into the Youtube upload box here. I
have done it for you.
Here is a link to a thread on ATS, with a video on how to embed videos