posted on May, 8 2016 @ 09:26 AM
I have a feeling that often times "They" do still write songs "like that" these days, the difference being "They" don't SELL music like that anymore..
or "We" don't want/buy music like that anymore.
Also, with the advance in technology, young kids can produce album quality songs in their bedrooms... with all sort of synths, phasers, plugins...
things that if they existed back then they were big bulky and expensive.
I can't believe that there was this magically aura of musical talent that only existed somewhere between 1955 and 1995.... Then just disappeared.
With the availability of instruments and recording gear there are more people making music now than ever. There might be more "bad" music, but there
is certainly still great music, you just might have to dig deeper and wade through more crap.
Also, I think most people lock in their musical preferences somewhere between the ages of 15-25ish... and that stuff will always seem like "better"
music. .. Example-- I don't think it's fair to say that Deftones are better than The Who, or Bob Dylan... but guess what I went through rough teenage
years with Deftones not The Who or Dylan so guess who i consider better? Deftones... Preferential Conditioning...or something...
Anywho maybe i'll come back at post some examples but i'v been reading all this "music sucks these days" talk on social media and I just don't
agree..and since i try to stay quiet on facebook i brought my rant here.
Modern Masters- Les Claypool, Radiohead, Opeth... Just a few folks that are still active and IF you like their flavor I think they make music just
like "those days" if not better