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Dimensional Jumping & the Mandela Effect – yes, no, maybe?

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posted on May, 7 2016 @ 10:14 AM
This is a treatise on the validity & ethics of 'personal reality adjustment', distinctly arising as an opportunity in the face of unconscious & unsought experience of the same, by way of what has become known as the Mandela Effect. After the introductory paragraphs dedicated to the Mandela Effect proper, I will continue into the realms of personal reality adjustment through a practice known as 'dimensional jumping', which has been discussed quite widely on the web following the emergence of large-scale Mandela Effect experiences in the past few years.

The basic premise I'm looking at, is whether, in the face of unsought reality shifts per the ME, is it ethical to deliberately seek to adjust the reality you experience, if such a thing were possible? Many people claim that it is quite real, and that with a little practice applied to some simple techniques, anyone can change their personal reality to better suit themselves - at least in small ways, and possibly in quite significant ways, depending on how far you take it. This basically goes into the realm of real Magick, and the questions I have primarily concern whether it is ethical, under any circumstances, to apply magical technique to better one's own conditions, IF it is possible, and IF you encounter a situation in which Reality seems quite happy to do a little magical dance of its own without your consent, fundamentally changing aspects of itself that you once thought concrete.

Does Reality, in 'providing' the Mandela Effect experience to your doors of perception, without your explicit consent, thereby 'open up the floor' for one's own magical efforts to change one's circumstances? Is it ethical? If it works, would you do it? What would you aim for? Would you feel any obligation to somehow provide for others during your experimentation? What type of philosophical & metaphysical consequences might one stumble across if such a thing were possible? How does this affect our view of the tangible 'realness' of Reality? Is it fixed, or is it fluid? What about quantum physics? What about God? This is a big subject, and I think that ATS is a prime location in which to debate the myriad fascinating issues raised...

The Mandela Effect

There has been much attention recently on the phenomenon known as the Mandela Effect. Here's a link which explains the basic principles of the phenomenon, along with a bit of history regarding how it all came to light, and the way in which the 'movement' surrounding it has come about.

To summarise briefly, a Mandela Effect is any instance of a memory based on a cultural meme, which is shared by a large number of people, with attendant contextual memories surrounding the key memory - which, on the analysis of actual, current data, turns out to be a 'false' memory, with specific aspects of the data changed dramatically & apparently inexplicably. The perception of the ME can also be applied to personal, non-cultural memories, which may appear to have been changed too; however, these are not available for corroboration by the community at large, and so are less often discussed, except as curios relating to the wider ME phenomenon.

The effect is known to cause seriously troubling dissonance to the persons experiencing it - and a key point to be aware of is that this is not a matter of choice, or belief (this fact is a feature which forms part of the main theme of this thread). The ME simply 'happens' to some people, and seemingly without prejudice (it can be abruptly experienced by anyone, even people who have been unaffected by the MEs pronounced by others in the past, who may even have been vocally critical of those who do experience the effect). The false memories evoke feelings ranging from fascination, to confusion, all the way to laying a foundation for the risk of a psychotic break from reality. The overwhelming sense is that one's perception, or reality itself, has been utterly undermined by the surfacing of the ME.

The attendant contextual data associated with the ME is most often what convinces people that something is 'wrong' with their fundamental ability to perceive reality, or even reality itself.. As an example, many thousands of people recall that the popular children's books "The Berenstain Bears" were actually known as & entitled "The BerenstEin Bears". They recall vivid argument or confusion as a child learning to read, regarding the pronunciation of the bears' name, such as whether the pronunciation should be 'steen' or 'stine', given a 'steIN' memory in place of the presently extant 'stAin'. Nowhere in memory can be found any such contextual data regarding the 'stAin' spelling and the pronunciation which that spelling would have entailed. Oft-quoted is the fact that the 'stAin' spelling would have led to contextual memories of making fun of such a name (as in, stains in the pants, and so on).

Dimensional Jumping

So, moving along to the second component of the thread discussion, we come to the very closely related subject of 'Dimensional Jumping'. This matter has been established as a topic in such forums as Reddit '982', and involves a very simple premise. Basically, taking the Mandela Effect into account as a given quality of Reality – making the initial assumption that somehow, Reality is a little more fluid than we had generally come to believe - we address the question of whether it is therefore possible to willfully create Mandela Effect type changes in our own experience of Reality, basically to better our own circumstances. Several techniques are described by the proponents of this loose discussion group, which are easily applied & practiced by anyone who is willing to give it a go. Right at the outset, people raise the question of whether this sort of attempted Reality-tampering is in fact a real 'Magickal' practice, along the lines of 'mirror-gazing' & so forth. I personally have mixed opinions on the matter, which is why I have created the thread, to open up the discussion to ATS members, many of whom have commented elegantly on the philosophical & metaphysical potentialities associated with the Mandela Effect.

In my opinion, if Reality is being demonstrated as fluid, by the simple happenstance of extant Mandela Effects in one's own personal experience of that Reality, then it is perhaps something of a 'wake-up call', and perhaps – just perhaps – we are being invited to attempt bold changes in our own personal reality. Now, I personally am coming from a background in the Christian faith. Naturally, the first instinct of most Christians would be to shun this completely, labelling it a dangerous form of forbidden occult practice. I'm not outright saying that I totally disagree with that – I think that certainly, for some people, this could prove dangerous to their mental health, if nothing else. However, I am drawn somewhat to say that if we look past the apparently occult trappings of the techniques offered as examples in the Sub-Reddit, we can see that essentially, we are being asked to put our faith up for the testing, to see whether we can achieve the changes which are apparently possible.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 10:15 AM
I think that anyone who attempts any of these techniques must operate in a humble & non-arrogant way, and according to their own personal beliefs. So, for a Buddhist, or a Hindu yogi, perhaps this practice would be seen as perfectly legitimate way to gain some control over the illusionary nature of Reality. For a Christian, it would come loosely under the province of Christian mysticism, and would be contemplated in submission to the sovereignty of Christ. “According to your faith, let it be done to you” (Matthew 9v29). Another relevant scriptural injunction is found in Jeremiah 33v3, where the prophet, speaking for God, states: “Call to me, and I will tell you great & unsearchable things that you do not know..” - we are instructed to not shy away from the mysteries, but to contemplate them in reverence & faith. I know there will be adamant opposition from some Christians, but I hope that the contemplation of 'great & unsearchable' mysteries wins out.

One of the first techniques arising which can be used for efforts at 'Dimensional Jumps' is the Mirror-gazing technique, which is found here: Dimensional Jumping Introduction

NOTE - I personally feel that mirror-gazing is a dangerous approach, in spiritual-magical terms, especially if the person attempting it has had any 'spiritual oppression' issues, or issues of mental health. I wouldn't advise this method, I feel it's too close to dark magick; I only include it because it is the method which got the whole Sub-Reddit thing going. I have significant concerns involving such matters as demonic manifestations, which can occur when such techniques are used by the inexperienced or ill-intentioned, and so I caution people against using this approach. However, many people note that when handled adequately, the technique is quite effective. Not an approach for anyone who is in any way unstable, or under the influence of others who don't have that persons's best interests at heart.

Far better, in my humble estimation, is the following approach, which can be better adapted to meditative reflection, and thereby is better suited to being utilised by persons of varying spiritual practices/beliefs.

What's On TV?
One way of thinking of your current experience is that you are a conscious being who has tuned into one of a billion different TV channels. Each TV show has been filmed from a 1st-person perspective viewpoint. You are a viewer who has forgotten that he isn't actually the character onscreen.
Doing a "jump" means to select a custom channel which fits your desires. The selection mechanism operates by using your thoughts. You imagine part of the content of the destination channel; the mechanism then autocompletes the selection!

The problem, though, is that without realising it we have our thoughts firmly fixed to the control panel at its current settings. So before a change can happen, we need to loosen that and detach from the scenes we're watching now. Only then can the channel mechanism perform the autocomplete.

This makes it clear that there is no other "you" who gets left behind when you "jump", and nor does anyone get displaced:
When you change the channel on a TV, do you leave behind another "you" still watching the previous channel? Obviously not. When you change the channel on a TV, does the previous channel still "exist" even if nobody is watching it? Does it matter? Surely not.

Synchronicity TV:

We can modify the TV metaphor and make it more subtle, to help us imagine how selection and synchronicity works. Instead of switching to another channel, we are going to modify our current channel to make the content more pleasant. By doing this, we're in effect creating or shifting it into a customised channel.

In this example, we really want to experience more owls in our life, apparently without regard to the constraints of time and space and causality.

For this, you draw a picture of an owl on your TV screen. From that point, the owl picture always there, but its visibility depends upon the rest of the imagery onscreen. When the dark scenes of the TV show switch to a bright white scene, suddenly the owl "appears" - it is "manifested".
Now we adapt this to daily life. Imagine an owl idea being dissolved "holographically" in the space around you, and replace the notion of dark/white scene with appropriate contexts. Having "drawn" the owl into the space, you go about your day.

Mostly the owl isn't anywhere to be seen, but wherever an appropriate context arises then aspects of the owl idea shine through and are manifest: A man has an owl image on a t-shirt, the woman in the shop has massive eyes and eyebrows like feathers, a friend sends you an email about a lecture at the zoo highlighting the owl enclosure, a newspaper review of Blade Runner talks extensively about the mechanical owl in the interrogation scene, and so on.

The Owls Of Eternity™

Note that the manifestations occur from the point of thought onwards - and that the owl pattern is overlaid on all subsequent experience regardless of prior observations. Hence, owl-related events might arise which, in the standard view, must seemingly have their origins in external events prior to your act. You may also notice, say, lots of owl-related items in your house which surely must always have been there. You may even find yourself noticing owl-related aspects when you recall events from your (apparent) past. In fact, you may well start feeling uncertain as to whether these things always have-existed or whether they only now have-existed as a result of your act.

These owls are spatially agnostic and have no respect for temporal matters! (8>)=

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 10:15 AM
Again, I stress that any and all attempts at 'dimensional jumping' should be done with caution in mind (but not fear). Be true to yourself, to your spiritual identity, before the Spirit of God, however you interpret that.

So, now that you know more about the topics of the thread – the Mandela Effect & the Dimensional Jumping, what are your thoughts? Of course, we must suspend disbelief in order to discuss these matters objectively. There is no sense in simply stating it is all falsehood, when many people vouch for the legitimacy of the effects. If you are a staunch disbeliever in such things, that can be respected – but if we are to suspend disbelief, and hold the assumptions that all this is possible in mind, what are the consequences? What are the potentialities, if it is all possible? I feel I should repeat now what I stated at the outset, and I do so as follows:

The basic premise I'm looking at, is whether, in the face of unsought reality shifts per the ME, is it ethical to deliberately seek to adjust the reality you experience, if such a thing were possible? Many people claim that it is quite real, and that with a little practice applied to some simple techniques, anyone can change their personal reality to better suit themselves - at least in small ways, and possibly in quite significant ways, depending on how far you take it. This basically goes into the realm of real Magick, and the questions I have primarily concern whether it is ethical, under any circumstances, to apply magical technique to better one's own conditions, IF it is possible, and IF you encounter a situation in which Reality seems quite happy to do a little magical dance of its own without your consent, fundamentally changing aspects of itself that you once thought concrete.

Thoughts, ATS? Is anyone in possession of testimony concerning these matters, specifically as relates to your interpretation of the ethics, the manipulation of your personal reality, so on?

Post Script:

Much argument has persisted in this forum regarding the apparent facts & resultant speculation involved with a discussion of the Mandela Effect, and sadly there have been many incidents of personal sniping (by experiencers & non-experiencers alike) as well as demeaning trolling by those who stubbornly persist in undermining any folk who have experienced the phenomenon. Rational argument, debate & discussion, is always generative of a healthy environment in which truth can be sought, unhindered by sniping & trolling - this is what I hope for in this thread. I would suggest that baiting is ignored - simply discuss with those who seem inclined to talk reasonably, ignore those not willing to engage fruitfully. Be especially cautious of those who make a special effort to appear interested, producing links & arguments based in rationalism – but simultaneously attack other members in sneaky, devious ways, twisting their words, and thus creating a state of tension which distracts the other members from staying on-topic. One line smack-downs & accusations of errant memory, repeated over & over, are worthless, and I appeal to everyone to simply ignore any poster who does such, or who deliberately aims for a belittling, degrading tone in their comments. Again, debate is encouraged - twisting the words of others, and making others out to be foolish or irrational, is not. I hope that all sounds okay with the majority of members who will be willing to discuss the topic like respectful adults. We are not so naïve as to think that social experimentation & control efforts are not established practice in any alternative internet forum, so please be on guard against getting drawn in to protracted argumentalism & self-defence which leads us off-topic. Just make a cursory note regarding your observation of inappropriate comments by whichever member is involved, and move the conversation along without that person.

Additionally, I will be the first to admit that I partook of the argumentalism in a previous thread, and went off-topic when ranting about a member whom I perceived to be trolling. I will avoid such in this thread, if at all possible... I would love it if we could get at least a few pages going where everyone is cooperating in polite discussion, instead of having to deal with a flood of aggressive, dismissive or ridiculous admonition...

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Billy graham is still alive, the memory of him dying and his funeral is specific, also it is new information, not the same as a letter change or a mispronunciation, If someone can explain to me why my father and I share this memory as well as a certain group (we were discussing this topic this morning) then please enlighten me, until then I am open to this topic, and believe more data collecting should take place this is fascinating to me. Good thread, also have you all noticed an increase in these threads over the past two weeks?
edit on 7-5-2016 by TechniXcality because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 10:38 AM
Not dimension jumping. Cant "jump" dimensions.You exist already in all 11 (potentially more) dimensions simultaneously. Now crossing briefly into another parallel universe in the multiverse ? Or having one "bleed" over into ours ? Possible . I will agree with you on a potential change in our space/time continuum causing the theoretical Mandela effect .

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Can someone tell me why the Mandella Effect (with the exception of Mandella supposedly dying in prison, I am too young to recall) only affects mundane things such as children's toys (Bernstein Bears), diapers Depends and record albums, Reba Mcyntire?

Not that I'm discounting the "effect", just wondering why more substantial events or things arent affected.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: gladtobehere

Tank man and billy graham...

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 11:47 AM
You left out old ATS members slowly diminishing as they don't make the successful jump into a new reality.

In other words, Law of Attraction is siphoning down certain people into specific realities where soon, their talents will be put to full use.

This will occur when the old world economy collapses and then this current reality is put in control of spiritually gifted people or indigo children.

Every deja-vu incident that you witness probably means that that previous reality just went into a nuclear world war.
edit on 7-5-2016 by Rapha because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 12:06 PM
We all live in the same reality. It does not change because you think it does.

The only thing that we live differently, is what is in our (sub) conscious minds. Where information is stored, where information is inputting forgetful memory.

This mandela effect is not a timeline shifting, if such a thing were to happen, it would be astonishingly obvious to all the masses involved in the loop/shift.

Which no one is.

It's our own brains, the same brain one uses when thinking about time shifts lol. Nothing changed in the reality but your thoughts and memory, within your brain.

This is getting very annoying. Our species is literally insane by now.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: gladtobehere
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Can someone tell me why the Mandella Effect (with the exception of Mandella supposedly dying in prison, I am too young to recall) only affects mundane things such as children's toys (Bernstein Bears), diapers Depends and record albums, Reba Mcyntire?

Not that I'm discounting the "effect", just wondering why more substantial events or things arent affected.

Probably because those would be of the oldest memories of adults today, who aren't remembering something EXACTLY decades ago..

Also the Internet stuffs, McEntire for instance, it's one human's job to type on a keyboard. Spelling errors happen, also, not knowing exact spelling happens.

Hence we have grammar Nazi everywhere. Lol
edit on 7-5-2016 by Elementalist because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Well done! I really enjoy threads like these, the deep introspect and contemplation that can be had from this type of subject matter is very stimulating.

This basically goes into the realm of real Magick, and the questions I have primarily concern whether it is ethical, under any circumstances, to apply magical technique to better one's own conditions

I felt some dogma seeping through with this question, before even knowing your personal beliefs. It may be a dilemma for the religiously minded, however from my spiritual view we are creators ourselves and the premise of the thread reinforces that notion. If we are creators with free will, then it is perfectly ok to create whatever reality we choose, even hellish ones.

The example of how to see more owls in your reality reminded me of the 11:11 phenomenon, makes me wonder if that is the true purpose behind seeing 11:11 frequently, to let us know we can manifest things into our reality.

Experiencing how reality mirrors our thoughts was one of the biggest catalyst in my spiritual evolution. It helped me understand that we are truly in a type of matrix. I'm not exactly sure the purpose of the Mandela Effect, but it could be to gently wake people up with seemingly mundane examples like the Berenstein bears used, instead of things that might be more psychologically traumatic to people like all of a sudden JFK is still alive.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 12:48 PM
Thanks for the interest & thoughts so far. To be a little more clear about the purpose I had in mind for the thread, rather than discussing whether or not the ME is legitimate, or otherwise, could we focus on 'suspending our disbelief', and going with some philosophical/metaphysical discussion on the ethics, the potentials, the results of 'dimension jumping', as defined by somehow creating our own Mandela Effects, using techniques described in quoted material..? (wow, long sentence..)

There are a number of threads discussing the ME, that is true.. I really wanted to get specific about the dimension jumping aspect. Has anyone ever tried it, and would anyone be willing to try it? I am still in two minds, but I do feel a pull towards experimenting slightly with the principles involved, to see whether, in my case, it's an opportunity to express my faith in a mystic/pragmatic sense. Bread & butter fundamentalism will have nothing to do with such ideas, but I'm schooled in slightly more esoteric knowledge fields..

I realise that my own religious thought clouds some of what I've written, and I apologise for that. The ethics side of it is important to me due to my own beliefs, as I'm sure you'll understand - but as I mentioned, there's plenty of different spiritual traditions who perhaps wouldn't have any issue at all with tinkering with reality in the way described. I want to reassure you all that there's really no need to worry about whether I plan to argue dogma or whatnot, I promise I don't. I'm open-minded, and curious to know what people think, what they've experienced, etc. Building a copperative & fruitful discussion is more important than trying to get a chorus of agreement.

The quantum physics side of things fascinates me deeply, and many have speculated that there may be clues as to the nature of the ME to be found by looking at some of the principles arising from cutting-edge science.. Anyone with anything to contribute along these lines would be most appreciated in the development of the topic.

Again, thanks for your thoughts & interest so far.


posted on May, 7 2016 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: jaws1975

...the deep introspect and contemplation that can be had from this type of subject matter is very stimulating.

I know, it's literally the most fascinating subject I've come across in the past couple of years. Lots of thought processes whirring away, perhaps even themselves fraying the threads of reality at the edges, as we debate & discuss...

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: Rapha
You left out old ATS members slowly diminishing as they don't make the successful jump into a new reality.

In other words, Law of Attraction is siphoning down certain people into specific realities where soon, their talents will be put to full use.

This will occur when the old world economy collapses and then this current reality is put in control of spiritually gifted people or indigo children.

LOL do you believe "spiritual" control of anything is desirable? Perhaps the other way is that which is necessary: NO MORE OCCULT GARBAGE ANYMORE.
edit on 16201604pmk2016 by yosako because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: Rapha

Interesting theory.. I believe that matters of synchronicity, deja vu & so forth are extremely relevant to what we're perceiving as investigation of this topic proceeds. Are we perhaps witnessing some sort of large-scale 'awakening'..? Not to a New Age per say, but rather to an enhanced understanding of & appreciation for unusual Human psychological processes, which have a direct bearing on, or relationship with, the fundamental nature of reality? The effect seems to be gathering momentum, unfolding broadly in certain sectors of the Human race at this time (primarily the English speaking world, apparently).

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: Rapha

Interesting theory.. I believe that matters of synchronicity, deja vu & so forth are extremely relevant to what we're perceiving as investigation of this topic proceeds. Are we perhaps witnessing some sort of large-scale 'awakening'..? Not to a New Age per say, but rather to an enhanced understanding of & appreciation for unusual Human psychological processes, which have a direct bearing on, or relationship with, the fundamental nature of reality? The effect seems to be gathering momentum, unfolding broadly in certain sectors of the Human race at this time (primarily the English speaking world, apparently).

The way i see it, is like every spirit is being transferred into dimensions of similar minded spirits.

Example: every Christian that believes that the 7 Year Tribulation will happen means that their path will lead them into it.

Every spiritual person that believes that they will be transported out to another realm will vanish. Christians will naturally classify this event (if it happens) as the False Rapture.

All warmongers, arms dealers, soldiers, hawk politicians and terrorists will get the final mass annihilation war that they want.

Notice how Doom Porn always states that The End is Nigh, yet it never happens.

What if we are immortal and this planet is a training ground where the only way to move on is to hold no grudges against anyone ?

Once a persons' heart is in the right place then they will shift to another reality, be greeted by aliens that will then train them to help mortals throughout the universe. What better way to learn the difference between right and wrong than to be born into this Prison Planet ?

Reincarnation is possible proof that certain spirits still hold grudges after dying so they get born again to repeat the same test.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: jaws1975

As an aside and a funny (?) mind-eff, i happened to be reading your post, got to the part about 11:11 chuckling that's one I never had, huh, glanced at my clock, and guess what time it was...

waking up, gently, indeed...

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

That's awesome!

I also thought it was strange when I was typing this...

The example of how to see more owls in your reality reminded me of the 11:11 phenomenon, makes me wonder if that is the true purpose behind seeing 11:11

the 11:11's were not matched up, but when posted they were exactly lined up on top of each other.
edit on 7-5-2016 by jaws1975 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: TechniXcality

Me and my mum have a shared memory of hearing the actor Edward Woodward had died years before he did die.

But funny enough in the last 2 weeks I have experienced it again this time about David Attenborough, I was reading online and it was saying something about David talking as though he is still alive (which he is ), but I could swear he died in the last 2 years I am sure I heard that but I am going to put that one down to faulty memory ( for my own sanity ).

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 04:01 PM
sanity comes into question

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