+6 more
posted on May, 6 2016 @ 01:22 AM
Uhhhhhh . . . maybe he died and went to Heaven and they replaced him with an alien clone?
Though until my pacemaker, I was, according to the Chief of the VA cardiac dept 1 second away from death . . . with a pulse rate of 31-38 for at least
several months . . . maybe 9-10 months . . . with 3rd degree heart block . . . upper chambers were not communicating more than half the time with
lower chambers. Wheeee. Pacemaker has been a huge help and blessing. That was an interesting event. Woke up at noon with umpteen messages from VA
Chief . . . called back . . . turned out local area had super sharp crack expert in such . . . by 1500 I was prepped and ready for surgery, IIRC.
Now . . . Yes, I used to be a lot more scrappy. I don't regret leaving more of that behind. I choose my battles a lot more carefully now. I can still
get riled over a lot of the hideous and ignorant idiocies posted about the Bible hereon but even on that topic I'm trying to play nice.
A MOST WELCOME change has been much improved modding compared to 2 years ago, imho. In other words, a LOT of the assaultive stuff much more common
back then has decreased dramatically in frequency and in fierceness. That's most welcome. What's left is much easier to ignore--MOST of the time.
There's still a lot of whining because I'm clearly not posting "in their image" but so what. I've never been "one size fits all" and am not
about to start.
In terms of the RELATIONSHIP THREADS--it's been claimed that it's fluff, shallow etc. I strongly disagree. An idea or skill or suggestion or
whatever such which changes one life, one relationship for the better is FAR FROM SHALLOW FLUFF for THAT person, that relationship. And that's worth
putting up with all the prissy whining from the whole lot of naysayers. If folks are toooo immature, too myopic, toooo tunnel visioned to see that, it
will have to be their problem and their loss.
Some have said I used to be much more "intellectual." That hasn't really changed--in terms of my own cognitions between my ears. I don't wear it
so much like a chip on my shoulder as I might once have done. I don't feel so compelled to shove it in so many faces at such loud volume and tone.
But it's still very much there. And I like to think as sharp as it ever was. I may not keep in my active memory all the details I used to maintain
but the logic etc. is still quite functional.
I have also emphasized the RELATIONSHIP stuff because that's my area of expertise and it's easier for me to stay out of trouble in that subject
area. And life has enough grief without getting in unnecessary trouble. Besides, I think that's the area I can be of the most benefit to the most
readers hereon.
I realize the mods are likely too busy to police all my threads for all the off-topic as well as all the harshly assaultive posts insulting my
personhood. That's reasonable. I wouldn't want them to be that bothered that often with such troublesome things anyway. They have enough to tend to.
Such jerky posts will just have to be the flag-waving examples of what short-sighted, imperceptive folks tend to be like when they are acting like 2
year olds.
Y'all don't see the U2U's I get thanking me for such threads. They make it clear that such threads are worth posting.
It is sad that such a wet blanket can be spread so easily over a thread. And some shy folks may refrain from responding because of that immature wet
blanket. I don't think there's a solution to that if the jerks refuse to grow up and play nice. Shy folks can U2U me or just learn silently from the
threads. Either way is OK by me.
I scan a LOT of several sites that collect interesting links etc from all over the net. I share here those links and articles that I think are MOST
LIKELY to be of value, interest and helpfulness to the broadest number of people. I judge this from teaching more than 3,000 students on 2
continents as well as my counseling experience on 2 continents. The feedback indicates that my judgment is not that bad on such scores.
The "feedback" from the jerks just registers as a selfish, crazed rabid dog foaming at the mouth so I don't factor it into the stats. LOL.
Not sure what to add.
If there are mutually respectful questions, I might try to answer them.
I still have a big heart. I still have a bright mind. I still have a huge variety of interests. Whatever comes across my eyes on the various sites I
scan that tweaks my interest as of possible interest to a significant number of folks here, I'm likely to post. Some things I miss on. Those
interested end up not being that huge a percentage compared to what I expected. So what. I'm not perfect. Even the low interest things seem to
interest some folks and that's OK by me.
Sometimes it seems like there's a percentage of the naysayers that have dedicated themselves to be hostile trolls toward me because of my obvious
Christian values and perspective. I don't think there's anything that can be done with that sort of mentality. They are grossly hypocritical and
seemingly immune to reason or evidence so I don't intend to get very hooked very often by anything they blather.
It's interesting. A number of folks have asked pointed questions. I suspect that a good chunk of those asking pointed questions will not have the
courage, maturity or integrity to handle my answers well. LOLOL.
I still care a lot about globalism, the oligarchy, the religion of scientism, the growing assaults on Christianity and Christian values etc. etc. etc.
If and when I see something in that sphere that I want to respond to or post a thread about, I likely will. But I get weary much quicker with the . .
. fierceness of such exchanges regardless of my even successful intent to keep my tone rather moderate. So I doubt I'll go there that often or for
that long compared to 2 years ago.
I still have a sense of humor. Several posters did not catch my satire about "my brilliant idea" to suggest that some scroll on by or however I put
it. LOLOL. I saw that as further example of their tunnel visioned incapacity to see beyond their narrow constructions on "reality."
Anyway--there you have it, I guess.
If the mods think this is overmuch, they are welcome to delete it immediately or after 24 hours or whatever. I just wanted to respond to the
persistent questions in as candid a way as I could without responding to any particular individuals.