I'm proposing a new holiday that I'd like to see go viral and become a worldwide event. I'm calling it "The Day of Life".... where for just 24
hours, no one kills anything. Nothing. Not a bug. Not a chicken. Not a cow. Not a tree. Not each other. Nothing. Nothing at all.
its a great idea. like 'earth day' or 'arbor day'. a day where you officially recognize our respect for all life amongst our vegetable and animal
friends on this planet.
not because no one will kill anything (come on people....quit being so concrete in your thinking), but because memorializing what is important to us
just makes sense.
The thing is, your idea sort of suggests that all killing is bad and I'm not sure I can agree with that. Some ranchers I know take excellent care of
their animals and also, because it is their business, kill them. By having a holiday where killing is viewed as a negative thing, we'd be ignoring the
reality that animals and insects and plants and trees die for us every day and we wouldn't be able to function if they didn't. Well, I guess we could
all become vegans, but I don't think that's gong to happen.
i,m not sure stopping the 2nd admendment for a day is ever going to work,means they aren,t allowed to shoot anything,its like telling a herion addict
they should stop robbing the people of society for the day just for their hit,never going to happen.
Please pick a day in high summer because when it's wet like this, the ants tend to come inside and I will stomp on the little buggers before I
re-apply the repellent.
Honestly, when I read the title "The Day of Life" I thought you were referring to the first day of life, which is quite a disputed topic. Thought it
meant day of making life; and that could be fun.
Your idea has some merit and it made me think. I wonder if you'd get more people willing to participate if you suggested a day where no-one
gratuitously kills anyone else?
A day where people were encouraged to stop and think that the creature they were about to stomp on valued its life as much as they valued theirs.
That probably everyone (whatever species) would like at least one more day to enjoy the sunshine or whatever mattered to them in their lives.
Hopefully the idea would take root and people could hold themselves back for more than just a day