posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 12:24 PM
Nocturnal illusion, I am really shocked your fiancee' puts up with the VIOLENT behaviors you have shown. The blood drinking is a little out there,
but the violence is not tolerable. I would give her advice to run far and fast.
If you are sleeping during the day, then it sounds as if you have your sleep rythmns messed up. Stay up all day and set your alarm for 7am. You
willl everntually change your sleep cycle back
If you truly do not have any mental or health problems, I would contact a priest. I don't believe in vampires, as in the legendary sense, but
demonic possesion could be a possibly otherwordly explanation.
I would definitely persue a full physical, a psychological workup and getting up in the morning with no daytime naps.
My eyes have become sensitive to sunlight in the last few years, though it is due to a thyroid problem.