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Where's Obama's leadership on growing tension in the US?

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posted on May, 1 2016 @ 12:01 PM
Republicans would rather see Obama fail at easing tensions than to unite in the effort. Republicans have been very open in their agenda to refuse cooperation with Democrats. That's why they can all go F themself anytime they complain about what he has or hasn't accomplished, as if Republicans have strived for anything other than failure.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 12:06 PM
Obama LLC has redefined and amplified the phrase "race baiting".

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 12:08 PM

originally posted by: TerryMcGuire
While in general I agree with sentiments here I do not think that Obama can do anything about it. I do not see as it is the presidents job to stand up and be a daddy, to tell all the squabbling children to grow the hell up. That I think is our own job.

Quoted for Truth.

Well said and spot on!

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: Swills

He's in a position of leadership .

When your the CEO of a company your employees are looking to you for leadership

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 12:13 PM
In my opinion, President Obama wasn't put in place to be a leader to the US, he was put in place to distract and to separate. His dedication for the well being of his people was pretty one sided, in some cases he went even so far to portray the attacker as the victim.

Just think about how much changed (he promised it didn't he?) in the past 8 years, changes which were definitely not in the interest of the American people. Those changes would have never been possible without a distraction.

If you want to separate two people, start a fire so conflict arises, fuel the fire and know one will ever notice who the real monster is. Last year I actually experienced this first hand, it's horrible how much power lies can have.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: Swills

He's in a position of leadership .

When your the CEO of a company your employees are looking to you for leadership

His leadership was rejected by half the country from before day one. Even when Bush was signing off on the Bailout Republicans were blaming Obama for it. 100 days in to office they were blaming Obama for not having entirely cleaned up Bush's mess- in fact blaming him for the economic and foreign policy failures from day 1.

These people only have a leader when a republican is in office. When it's a democrat they become backwoods confederate rebels. They hate Obama. And the right wingpropaganda machine feeds the hate.

So how is he to bring people together when they blindly reject every idea he has?
edit on 1-5-2016 by spiritualzombie because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 12:18 PM
Obama is leading the tension from behind, where else do you think he is?

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: spiritualzombie

So what a true leader fights oppression that's what defines a leader.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 01:02 PM

originally posted by: onequestion
So in my mind if there is anyone who could stand up and ease growing race relations in the US its the President. Honestly I blame the media for driving this wedge between everyone to support their agenda.

If we're fighting each other we won't fight the Elite.

However, our president could easily stand up and address the nation and bring us together right now and im wondering why he isn't?

At what point do we decide enough is enough from the media and start holding them accountable for their actions?

They have real power with their voice and by fomenting the current political environment is it about time we place all ofnour anger where it belongs.. At CNN, Fox, MSNBC or do we ignore the fact that they have worked tirelessly to support this agenda while the country steps back 50 years in race relations?

Honestly I think MLK and other pioneers in the civil rights movement would be disgusted by actions on both sides of the table from the people ATTACKING people for their political views and the people fomenting the violence.

You think. They'll call him a dictator. America had been infiltrated long time ago. Any president that even tries doing that will be called dictator. If not assassinated like JFK is he tries to even boycott. US has too much different gangs and groups. The so called pro-capitalist would called it Communism. The gangs don't care and want to maintain Territory what they call is their crib/home. US doesn't have free journalism anymore. Why do you think majority of the news is the same and American Journalist as being blocked from other countries. The journalists even get assassinated when they are not in US. Countries can be blamed without proper evidence(cover up).

edit on 1-5-2016 by makemap because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: onequestion

The fact that so many people even like that Big Bang theory show & think it's funny makes me fear for our future as a species.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: spiritualzombie

So what a true leader fights oppression that's what defines a leader.

You can't make peace with people who don't want peace. The opposition against Obama is absolute and without compromise against anything and everything he says or does, and was set in place before he even took office.
edit on 1-5-2016 by spiritualzombie because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 02:10 PM

originally posted by: syrinx high priest
so its the media's fault, and then obama's, that trump told supporters he would pay their legal fees if they were arrested for assaulting a protestor at one of his rallies, that mexicans are "doing the raping" and that he would force all muslims to register, and there are protestors at his rallies in the first place ?

what ?

why is it so many people don't want drumpf to be president in your mind ? this includes the last 2 GOP nominees, romney and maccain btw

There are probably hundreds of videos here of left wingers getting violent as they purposely start trouble at Trump rallies. Along with videos of blatantly anti-white racism on our college campuses, being taught in the classroom.

edit on 1-5-2016 by TheBulk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: onequestion

Did you watch the White House correspondents dinner last night? Obama actually called out the MSM (especially CNN, Fox and MSNBC) for their utter abandonment of journalism principals and ethics.

Of course, he was joking, right? Sounded spot on to me. Jake Tapper did quit journalism for CNN. There is nothing in the media BUT stories designed to divide us, no hard questions, and a talking head and his panel of pundits to kvetch over every stupid, celebrity driven fake-news outrage.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 02:18 PM
Obama is not and has NEVER been a leader. It’s just not in him. He’s a weak willed man with little passion for anything but maybe golf and Beyonce.

He let Hillary lead on Libya and look what happened there

He’s letting Susan Rice and others lead on the ISIS fight. And look what's happened there. A true evil in the earth and Obama shrinks his duty as president and as a " moral" person.

Even Obamacare was done by the democratic congress NOT him.

He’s don’t nothing, and is nothing but a spineless space holder…maybe a Manchurian candidate puppet

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: BlueAjah
Everyone (including me) believed that Obama would be the president to finally completely ease race tensions in this country. He had an opportunity to show that race should not be considered in any conversation or decision. That we are all the same.

Instead, Obama has only increased race tensions. He takes sides, when there should not be sides. He has encouraged racism by his silence in other issues. And I don't mean white racism against blacks. I mean black racism against whites.

Either he has some agenda, or he is trying so hard to support blacks, that he does it at the expense of peace or understanding.

He wasted 8 years.

hate to burst your bubble, I voted for Obama twice....and never thought that it would ease race relations.....over 2 hundred years of white male presidents, and you think one black president would be all that is needed to change the massive amount of racism in this country????.....frankly, I thought he would have been assassinated by some white Christian "bubba" by now.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
Obama is not and has NEVER been a leader. It’s just not in him. He’s a weak willed man with little passion for anything but maybe golf and Beyonce.

He let Hillary lead on Libya and look what happened there

He’s letting Susan Rice and others lead on the ISIS fight. And look what's happened there. A true evil in the earth and Obama shrinks his duty as president and as a " moral" person.

Even Obamacare was done by the democratic congress NOT him.

He’s don’t nothing, and is nothing but a spineless space holder…maybe a Manchurian candidate puppet

you're funny...are you doing standup anywhere?

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: 0zzymand0s
a reply to: onequestion

Did you watch the White House correspondents dinner last night? Obama actually called out the MSM (especially CNN, Fox and MSNBC) for their utter abandonment of journalism principals and ethics.

Of course, he was joking, right? Sounded spot on to me. Jake Tapper did quit journalism for CNN. There is nothing in the media BUT stories designed to divide us, no hard questions, and a talking head and his panel of pundits to kvetch over every stupid, celebrity driven fake-news outrage.

there is a political drinking watch wolf blitzer on CNN, and every time he smiles or asks a follow-up question, everyone takes a drink......the problem?....everyone stays sober.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 02:35 PM
there isn't a growing tension, what you have, in many countries worldwide, is the far right learning to use the internet.
these knumbskulls have always been there however, with the safety of anonymity, an ability to make several accounts on different platforms it appears to be a mass problem.
in the uk, the bnp was the the goto party for racists, now ukip have taken the mantra with 'were not racist but, we know who's at fault.'
france was quiet until le pen's daughter took the mantle.
trump has taken the libertarian party's race haters with the anti mexican and anti muslim rhetoric.
people havent watched a farage, le pen or trump speech and suddenly thought, the fault of our nation lays directly with these ethnic minorities, they already believed that.

the connecting factor does lay with conspiracists, for years these talking heads declared jews were at fault for all, with some media blackout preventing their version of the truth to come out.
now the trump, le pen and farages of the world use the same mantra, changing jew to mexican, muslim or immigrant while, still pretending mass media is against them, ignoring the fact they state this on mass media.
their followers to dumb to realise yet, remember alex jones telling them many moons ago about a media cover up, somewhere.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: jimmyx


I don't think Wolf enjoyed last night at all. Whatever he was when he started, he is a mouthpiece spokes-model for vanilla outrage now.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: tinner07

To address your OP and the president, he made it clear when he came out in defense of Trayvon Martin, A black kid, up too no good.

"Up to no good?" He was walking home to his father's house after making a purchase at a local convenience store. What crime did he commit? Walking while black.

If he had a son he would look like that? On facebook with gold teeth and smoking weed.

I see you fell for that right-wing meme that tried to tie Trayvon Martin the murder victim with a completely different Trayvon Martin (from GA) who looked like a thug. RW media had a real field day with that one before saner people pointed out they were different persons. Of course some people still refer to it as an ad-hominem attack on Martin.

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