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Labour Is "A Spineless Club Of Sabbos Goyim"

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posted on May, 1 2016 @ 02:37 AM

John McAuliffe is the latest victim of Labour’s current philo-Semitic purge. According to the Jewish Chronicle, McAuliffe wrote that: “The Holocaust has been the most useful political tool of the Zionist government in Israel to establish a financial racket in the West, whereby Israel receives an unlimited sum for the duration of its existence.” McAuliffe merely states the facts. Everybody knows that ‘there is no business like shoah business,’ as Israeli politician Abba Eban put it in the 1950’s. But denying the truth and killing the messenger is now standard procedure in Corbyn’s Labour.

For years I have suggested that the Left is Jewish by proxy, but Corbyn’s Labour exceeds the realm of proxy. Corbyn’s Labour is now unequivocally a spineless club of Sabbos Goyim. The Labour party’s policies are now compatible with Jewish culture: intolerant to the core and concerned primarily with the imaginary suffering of one people only. These people are not the working class, they are probably the most privileged ethnic group in Britain. Corbyn’s Labour is a Zionist Occupied Territory.

Jeremy Corbyn, the man who just a few months ago was a ‘hope for a change,’ is a wimp. For months, the man has unconditionally surrendered to the Jewish lobby. He has systematically betrayed each of his professed core principles.

In a particularly disturbing reflection of attitudes on the Labour left, Mr Corbyn is accused of having given his support to a controversial mural in Tower Hamlets of stereotypical Jewish figures counting money at a Monopoly-style board resting on the backs of the poor.

I'm getting very mixed messages here.

Can anyone tell me what's going on?

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 02:40 AM
a reply to: Kester

Yes. It's very simple. There's a nasty, hateful, anti-Semitic group to the left of Corbyn within Labour. They've always been there and he never seems to have realise this, making him even more of an idiot that anyone suspected.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: AngryCymraeg

I agree he isn't the sharpest tool in the box. Unpleasant too.
edit on 1 5 2016 by Kester because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 02:55 AM
its election week, hardly surprising the press try and stymie corbyn, again.
funny the press were quiet when every tory refused to allow 3000 kids in the other day.
the refreshing thing is a major party asking questions of israel, and the backlash.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 03:20 AM
a reply to: Kester

Can anyone tell me what's going on?

Ken Livingstone said Hitler had supported Zionism in the 1930s , it seems just mentioning Zionism and its place in history is deemed anti-Semitic these days , just as is any criticism of Israel.

Haavara Agreement
Hitler's own support of the Haavara Agreement was unclear and varied throughout the 1930s. Initially, Hitler criticized the agreement, but reversed his opinion and supported it in the period 1937-1939

Dark forces are at work.

edit on 1-5-2016 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 03:39 AM
a reply to: gortex

Not to mention that the vast majority of Jews killed in the Holocaust were Europe's Haredi Jews. Haredi Jews have always been the biggest internal threat to Zionism. They're usually the Jews you see protesting Zionism and protesting against Israel in general. This is because the current version of Israel violates Jewish prophecies of how Israel is supposed to be recreated (according to prophecies of the Jewish Messiah).

Haredi Jews (aka Haredim) were a huge demographic before the Holocaust and were instrumental in the early rejection of Zionism in the early 1900s. With their numbers greatly reduced, Zionism's current path was paved. There's even a new ideology called "Holocaust Theology" that took place after the Holocaust that sheds even more light on the repercussions.
edit on 1-5-2016 by enlightenedservant because: added 2 more sentences to the last paragraph

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 04:09 AM
Yes, the Zionists are lobbying for any criticism of their regime to be declared anti-semmetic.

Of course the MSM, which in the main is owned by Zionists, are bleating their bleeding hearts over it all.

There is a section within the Labour Party that are unapologetic Zionists and their masters are upset, which means they have to be upset over any criticism of Israel and her policies relating to the treatment of Palestinians.

No one is denying the Holocaust, no one has said they supported the Nazi's final solution, no one has said all Jews are bad.

The problem lies with the reporting of facts and when the MSM are driving the agenda, we are where we are this week.

Besides, it pushed the Hillsborough tragedy to page 5 and took the heat off of Cameron and a few of his cronies, who as recently as 2011 told the families of victims to drop their search for the truth, because it is like a blind man, in a dark room, looking for a black cat that isn't there.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 04:10 AM
a reply to: AngryCymraeg

anyone that believes that there is no corruption and diabolical plans within the Zionist circle is blind. be careful of anyone that would defend them, they are either misinformed or in on it. its not anti Semitic to not trust a group of untrustworthy jews

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 04:13 AM
a reply to: DOCHOLIDAZE1

its not anti Semitic to not trust a group of untrustworthy jews

True. Unless of course, you don't trust them because they are Jews.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 04:16 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: DOCHOLIDAZE1

its not anti Semitic to not trust a group of untrustworthy jews

True. Unless of course, you don't trust them because they are Jews.

Not all Zionists are Jews, just like all Jews are not Zionists.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 04:18 AM

originally posted by: Cobaltic1978

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: DOCHOLIDAZE1

its not anti Semitic to not trust a group of untrustworthy jews

True. Unless of course, you don't trust them because they are Jews.

Not all Zionists are Jews, just like all Jews are not Zionists.

This is the statement to which I replied.

its not anti Semitic to not trust a group of untrustworthy jews

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: Phage

of course, but i tend not to trust most humans untill they deem themselves trustworthy, im getting better at it tough, not everyone is part of the conspiracy
edit on 1-5-2016 by DOCHOLIDAZE1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-5-2016 by DOCHOLIDAZE1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 04:24 AM
a reply to: Phage

Yes I appreciate what you replied to, but within the Zionist Cabal there are some untrustworthy people of different faiths.

Personally I couldn't care less about their faith, but I care about their actions and treatment of people in Palestine. And in the main the Labour members being accused of being anti-semmetic are doing exactly that.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

, but within the Zionist Cabal there are some untrustworthy people of different faiths.

There are untrustworthy people in every aspect of human existence.

And in the main the Labour members being accused of being anti-semmetic are doing exactly that.
It would certainly seem so.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 04:42 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

, but within the Zionist Cabal there are some untrustworthy people of different faiths.

There are untrustworthy people in every aspect of human existence.

Yes I agree 100%. The difference being this particular group hides behind anti-semmetism in order to further their agenda.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 04:45 AM
Thank you all.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: Kester

Its backfiring all this witch hunting anti semetics because people are questioning why our Ken was picked on as he only spoke the truth and said nothing anti semetic. Even one of my neighbours who is so so liberal lefty, complained about it furiously. When you see Diane Abbott perched solidly on the labour front bench you have to ask why a racist like her is OK to Corbyn? It doesn't make sense. I am just waiting for Labour to remember why it was formed and who it represents. Its well time the workers and ordinary people of this country were represented in out parliament, which they clearly are not today.

One reason for this is that we have had some of the most exploitative semetic gentlemen getting away with theft or sexual abuse purely because of their protected status sndf people being too afraid in case they face the raucous claims of anti-semeticism which gives semetic criminals and exploiters license to do get away with exploiting the goy, e.g. us as we are regarded as animals:

Maxwell who stole his printer worker's pensions and hightailed it off to Israel with the lot. Members of my family suffered through that bullying thief.

Peter Green and the money he removed from BHS before he left - anyone going into that store should see his workers faces like I did yesterday. Retail workers get low wages whilst the bosses mint it and their loyalty getting ready sale days over Christmas etc was really well rewarded, wasn't it. Green has certainly laughed his way through his goy workers.

Lord Janner (QC if you please) trying to claim he was too old and ill to answer sexual abuse crimes yet he is the man who wanted a very much older older German Goy despite suffering from senility to stand trial - one rule for janner and quite another for the elderly senile goy.

What really gets me is that most of the people claiming Judaism as their heritage and religion are Khazars so are not Jews. Sadly because of their smaller numbers, its Sephardics who claim their direct lineage from Abraham and follow Jewish law. The Khazars were the most exploitative and predatory people in Eastern Europe/turkey etc in the past and were eventually defeated but they are the ones driving the anti-Semitic protectionism and are now exploiting the world through their central and world banks, positions in the governments of the world and especially the total takeover of the American Senate and of course the media, just to name a few areas these people hold controlling positions in.

The anti-Semitic laws came in to protect people back in the 1930's etc. However a repeat of that situation could never happen again because of Israel being the home-base etc. However with the exploitation the goy is suffering and so many of the elite being of Ashkenazi origin are we now needing Anti Goy persecution and exploitation laws because the balance of power is clearly only on one side and obviously being exercised to keep people silent about any form of criticism or protest at being exploited or telling the truth unmolested? I dare say a lot may not agree but our world is in a terrible state with failed economies and wars which only the elite are benefitting from because they are the only ones getting richer and richer.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 06:55 AM
Not all Zionists are Jews, just like all Jews are not Zionists.

These are ALWAYS helpful in these discussions.. Now to get folks to actually read them.

The 'True Jew' was Lee Harvey even before Lee Harvey..

In My opinion, it goes something like this.

Fall Guys throughout time:
#1) The Serpent in the Garden of Eden
#2) Judas Iscariot
#3) The Jewish person circa 1945ish. Or the time between WWII and the establishment of OUR 51st State, Israel.
#4) Lee Harvey Oswald
#5) Lee Majors in the riveting t.v. series "Fall Guy"..

Interestingly, there are more Jews in NYC then there are in Israel, citing ridiculous postage charges maybe 'We'(taxpayer) can just send the $$$ to NYC and maybe save a .10¢ or 2??

Shalom Aleichem

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: Kester

I am somewhat concerned by this, but not for the reasons many might have already adopted.

There is an awful lot of "leftists believe this" and "leftists believe that" going on in this thread, and by the looks of things it seems that no one has cottoned onto an accurate assessment of leftist ideology in the least. The reason for that is simple. People with leftist views come from MANY walks of life, different faiths, different specific interest groups, differing regions, differing schools of thought on a range of different topics.

I am a leftist in an awful lot of ways. I believe that anti-semitism, islamaphobia, xenophobia more generally, transphobia, homophobia, ALL the terms which end in phobia, should be sternly dealt with, and that our country should not support, protect or permit the growth of these concepts, because they represent the worst, darkest, least moral, most vindictive and callous elements of our history, both as a nation, and as a species. For the good of the species, these ideas must NEVER be allowed to take root and flourish, ANYWHERE, ever again.

All members of our society, no matter who they might be or what religious or ethnic background they may have, should be free to participate in public life, free to worship their gods or not as they see fit, walk the street unmolested, go about the affairs of their business without having to do more or less to make it work, than any other person might.

To single out Zionism as a problem, when there are so many fingers, both secular and religious, involved with the effort to make the people powerless here in this country, is an outrageous, out moded, narrow minded, and dangerous route to take, when attempting to banish all power from the nation but that wielded by the people. In every branch of political thought, when a scapegoat is bought forward to be executed on the altar of expediency, it is wrong. It is wrong when the Conservatives place benefits claimants and the working poor on the block, or the NHS, or public services more generally. It is wrong when UKIP offer up immigration as our single biggest problem. It is wrong that our focus is always drawn to scapegoats, for us to focus our fury on.

In the very same way, it is wrong to scapegoat Zionism or any political/religious construct, when the troubles we face are NOT simple, single sourced, or for that matter even dual sourced, but are instead a many faceted Jewel, which spins at the core of our nations governmental process, casting refractions of corrupted light over everything we do, every process we put to work. Corruption, powermongering, usurpation... These things have roots anywhere there is money in large concentrations, and let me tell you it is STUPID, beyond stupid to focus on any particular one of the issuers of power theft in our nation. To take any to task, all must be taken to task, every source of interference, every single last corrupt element, on the same day and with the same tool.

Livingstone should have been chastised, because he has failed to understand that scapegoating is bad politics, control politics, not honest, not realistic, and plays to the lowest common denominator. That is not the Labour Party that I would be voting for if given the chance. That is a total crap show.

The problems are not simple, they are complex, and until he, and others in the party, accept that going after any one source of perceived misdeed, rather than all without bias, will avail us of nothing but ruin, the party will fail to achieve its goals.

We MUST have a better politics than this, we must have better ideas, better strategies to deal with what is eating our nation out from under us, and better understanding of the causes of that rot, that they are many, not few, distributed, not centralised, and if the Labour Party want the opportunity to sort things out any time in the near future, they are going to have to show that they have more finesse about them, than to entertain dullards who have failed to understand these issues in a worldly, and fulsome manner. Livingstone has not.
edit on 1-5-2016 by TrueBrit because: Grammatical error corrected.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: Shiloh7

I barely know where to start with the foam-flecked diatribe that makes up this post. Let's start off with the reference to the anti-Semitic laws of the 1930's that were put in place 'to protect people'. I presume that this is a reference to the Nuremburg Laws in Germany. This were put in place by the Nazis and were intended to single out and persecute Jews. They've gone down in history as perverted hatred in judicial form.
As for the Khazar theory, it's controversial at the very least, with some genetic evidence that ties Ashkenazi Jews to the Middle East.
Then there's the frequent references to 'goy's.
All in all it's a thoroughly unpleasant and nasty post.

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