posted on May, 1 2016 @ 12:52 AM
a reply to:
Thanks. The default is Rt. Control on this version of Virtual Box.
One of the things that may be affecting matters is that I have an Intuos drawing pad connected via USB, to the computer as well. I am going to
disconnect it and see if that makes a difference. If not, I'm just going to put the second OS on another hard drive and go that route. It's just time.
I don't have the time to putz around endlessly trying to make a virtual machine work.
Eureka!! I decided to try your suggested keystrokes, but they didn't work for me. Before shutting down the virtual OS, I went into the USB
settings and unchecked the mouse. Voila, it was no longer captured on the Guest OS desktop. It seems counter intuitive to me. I guess I was thinking
that checking it would allow the virtual OS to
access the mouse, rather than capture it.
Anyway, all is well with the world for the moment. In the morning I will go back to setting up file sharing between the host and guest machines.
Thanks again. A home run is a home run, even if it bounces off the foul post.
edit on 1-5-2016 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)