posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 01:20 PM
Equal Rights
Having equal rights is not the same as being equal. There is a common misuse of this. Just because you should be guaranteed the same rights does not
mean we are all equal, nor should we be. Being an individual with different personalities is what being human is all about. Having laws that protect
the rights of all is completely different.
Of course, everyone should have the same rights. Young, old, color, sexual orientation, religion, rich or poor. There should be no difference in
this regard, but as for personalities and the choices we make on how we decide to live our lives daily, as long as we do not hurt others in the
process, is never supposed to be equal.
There should be some age restrictions when it comes to certain things and I have no problem with that. What I do have a huge problem with is the
ability for people with money to get things done over those without money. The inequality of wealth distribution is a huge gap and plays a role in
how equal rights are exploited.
Yes, there are racist inequalities, too. This however is across the board, not influenced specifically by wealth. Every single person on this planet
has some form of racist attitude towards something or someone, it is unavoidable because we are all human and therefore far from perfect. I could
offer many racist tendencies, but it is not necessary to do so.
Most of you that read this and take a moment to be completely honest with yourself will see I am right, no matter whether you think you are a racist
or not, there is something in your personality that is racist somewhere. There are degrees of racism, but on this front we are all equally capable of
being racists to some variance.
No, we are not all created equal, but we should all be guaranteed the same exact rights. This is for every human being on this planet, not just a
select few.