posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 07:14 AM
Eraserhead is a disturbing arthouse movie from 1977. The director, David Lynch, had often called Eraserhead, "a dream of dark and troubling things."
That is the keyword, dream. The main character, Henry Spencer, is in a dreamworld that is very grim and dark. That is the Gnostic view of physical
life. David Lynch has been a big supporter of Trancendental Meditation since 1973 and he said that Eraserhead was his most spiritual movie. There are
spiritual themes throughout the movie and that is how it should be interpreted. This quote from his foundation website gives an idea to how spiritual
he is, "I started Transcendental Meditation in 1973 and have not missed a single meditation ever since. Twice a day, every day. It has given me
effortless access to unlimited reserves of energy, creativity and happiness deep within. This level of life is sometimes called “pure
consciousness”—it is a treasury. And this level of life is deep within us all." It's interesting to note that Henry says that he is a printer
who is on vacation, who vacations in such a grim world? The answer is the soul in the physical world.!eraserhead-/c1hwq