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Originally posted by Kronn
Most people who keep searching for answers are people who currently is not very happy with their current lives.They think that life should be more than what they are currently having and thus they embark on the quest for the Truth.
Originally posted by Vertu
Nothing wrong with people searching for answers. But I strongly believe, that people being unhappy with their lives should search for those answers within sensible barriers
Originally posted by toechopper
Everyone's idea of what is a sensible barrier is different. What doesn't make sense to you may make perfect sense to someone else. That's what makes us all unique.
Originally posted by llpoolej
Vertu, you seem to think all of this paranormal stuff is a bunch of hooey anyhow. Yet you give it alot of thought and time. Why?
If that makes sense. You do come off (and possibly only to me) as someone who feels better by looking at those who think differently as less intelligent.
Originally posted by mrwupy
I've searched for answers all my life. I do it because I have questions. Frankly, I couldn't imagine a world without questions.
So far i've yet to be let down.
Love and light to each of you,
Originally posted by Amelia
People who feel good with their big screen t.v, parties and the car, they are fine with life, materialism is here to make you "don't care about the real questions"
Work harder to aford a new house, a new get deep into the routine 3D material, money life
People are too busy worrying about the everyday life to think about that
That is what is NORMAL, not to think about it
So me, I'm not normal to others...understand?!
But it's o.k, that's just life hehehe
Originally posted by Vertu
Originally posted by mrwupy
I've searched for answers all my life. I do it because I have questions. Frankly, I couldn't imagine a world without questions.
So far i've yet to be let down.
Love and light to each of you,
And where do the confusions begin? When you ask yourself the same question every time, and you never hang onto any answer you recieve in life. This thinking would disable you to move onto further questions to become wise. It proves your spiritual strength and your confidence, whether you are capable to face new questions, leaving the old ones behind, because they are already answered. Many people are unable to advance to a higher level simply because they never learnt to look forward and never turn back.