posted on Apr, 29 2016 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to:
no, i don't mind!
it is great that you are pondering that, we all should as often as we can in my opinion.
Death comes unexpectedly and for almost all but few (enlightened : ) ) , a bit too soon...we should keep that in mind once in awhile as we are wasting
too much time in general in my contemplation.
I like your insight and from my experience it is a lot like it.
But It shouldn't be hard at all after a while, we need to accept that we don't know anything at ALL about real nature of reality and just go with the
flow and practice with meditation and study about these things as there are many man or women in all religions who have been there and done that, we
just need to find them, learn to filter them (use intuition if they are real/fake) and check what fits us and grow and learn. Simple, but it takes a
bit of hard work and perseverance.
When we really think about it, we know only as much as we read and have no personal experiences of our being, for most people in our society, it is as
shallow as waking, sleeping and death.
Spirituality is knowing about more subtle nature that is happening during all these three states "within and without" in my opinion.
"Man know thyself; then thou shalt know the Universe and God." - Pythagoras
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