People feel like they have little to no power or control over their lives these days. The government doesn't listen to them, their company doesn't
care about them. Their kids won't listen to them. They're more isolated than ever despite having the entire world at their fingertips via the
People fight back against this by using and abusing substances that gratify their ego. Using substances that illicit a dopamine surge enable people to
feel as if they have control over their state of being.
Making that bet, drinking that shot, or whatever is something THEY can DO that directly and immediately alters how they feel. They have found a way to
control how they feel, instead of feeling at the mercy of a cold and uncaring world that pushes them around.
Small children know this all to well. Children are literally quite helpless and have zero control over their lives. How do they cope?
They live in, and exist in their imagination. They seek refuge in play in order to have control over their reality and how they feel.
What we are seeing today in the world is huge chunks of the adult population beginning to behave like small children, only with the means and
abilities of adults. We see people addicted to harmful substances, addicted to online gambling and online gaming -- people loosing themselves in
bizarre fetishes and small niche communities where they can stand out and be noticed.
We see people making themselves into victims to attract attention -- which is another way of controlling other people and their reality around them.
We see people classifying themselves with all sorts of bizarre adjectives like "cis-gender" in order to make themselves feel more special and unique
from the "herd".
We're more connected via the internet to one another, but we aren't
connecting with one another. People feel more isolated, alone,
disempowered, disenfranchised, used, abused, neglected and diminished as human beings than in decades past.
People need to realize that they have power, and that they are responsible for where they are in life. The decisions and choices they've made are why
they are where they are. No one else is responsible for making them feel happy and fulfilled.
No one else is going to "give permission" for you or anyone else to live your dreams.
Every moment you are alive is a moment you won't get back. Every breath you take you breathe air you'll never breathe again. In each of these seconds
you can decide to do things that empower yourself. You don't have to lay down and let society and culture steam roll you, peg you and place you into a
category you didn't choose or like.
You don't need unbridled escapism to feel content and happy. You don't need to hide inside of ego-gratifying activities in order to reclaim some sense
of control over your life.
Simply stop letting other people manipulate your emotions.
Once you regain control over your own emotions your thoughts will slowly become more in alignment with them. And when you direct your emotions in a
way you want, your thoughts and actions will follow. You will then begin to see how much power over yourself and your life you truly have.
edit on 2-5-2016 by MystikMushroom because: (no reason given)