Will try to keep it short: (Link is at the bottom if you cannot be asked to read my post)
On April 10th, at Salisbury University's Library, a student discovered and tweeted an image that had been drawn on the white board. The image? A
crying stick figure with a noose around it's neck, an arrow pointing to it with the word "ni**er" and a "#whitepower" on the bottom.
Immediately afterwards, the University President, Janet Eschbach released a statement that read,
“Diversity is a core value of SU, and reports of such acts are taken seriously. The university will not tolerate this kind of language or
behavior,” Eshbach wrote.
- note the severity of her words. The University
will not tolerate this kind of language or behaviorwill not tolerate this kind of language
or behavior
Well, the investigation has been concluded. Turns out, the students responsible for this drawing, with a racial slur and depiction of a horrible
They're Black.
No pictures or names have been publicly released citing a federal privacy law, hopefully though we can get some pictures and names through some good
investigative journalism.
The kicker? No police charges have been filed, and the School released another statement after the revelation:
“Regardless of who created the drawing, we find such actions demeaning to all members of the campus community and against our core values,”
Dane Foust, vice president of Student Affairs, said in a statement provided by Culver.
It was further revelead that:
The investigation is being turned over to the university and will be reviewed for any possible university policy violations, Culver said. If
charged, those students who were involved could face disciplinary action.
Yep, that's right. Now that the true suspects have been revealed, the students may not even be disciplined. Quite a bit of backpedaling and
turnaround after the President's initial condemnation huh? First it was "this will not be tolerated" now that it has been discovered the students
are Black it's "will be reviewed for any possible university policy violations" - Interesting, the President sounded so sure at first . . . . .
So, once again ATS, I ask the age old question: What are your theories on how this scenario would have been played out if the races were reversed? You
will read in the article that this action is being dismissed (ironically by the University's Colored Student representatives) as "an act of
I take us to the definition of Equality - the same Equality that SJW's are always claiming they are for:
noun: equality
the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities.
Now, for the Progressive lot here on ATS, do you think, now that you have the definition of Equality, that if a White student had done this, it would
simply be chalked up as "immaturity" by a "Student Minority Leader" - or would he be calling for heads to roll (primarily the student and probably
also the President of the University), re-education, have a list of demands, the works? It's ok if you don't want to answer that, I know the truth
is sometimes hard to swallow.
I will end the thread with this quote by Booker T. Washington that I think has become increasingly relevant over the last few years (with several
cases of False Racism being brought to the forefront, 4 of which I have made topics on myself on this very forum). Run to your safe space now if you
can't handle certain words (the N-Word) in a direct quote of a historical figure in a historical context:
“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before
the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their
wrongs – partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because
they do not want to lose their jobs.”
The reason I bring this quote is is one I have brought up in one of my other false racism threads (and, just so you know and if you are unfamiliar,
the preveious threads I created about false racism are all recent cases, as in, less than 6 months old) - like it or not, racism is on the decline. I
will never, nor have I ever denied it exists, but it is on the decline. I make these threads to bring forward several fundamental issues with the
modern Social Justice Movement: Intentionally or not, it truly seems to me that these cases are happening to keep their momentum up, because what they
are fighting for is running out of fuel. They try to subsist on much of the bull# you hear (such as the concept of "White" Privilege, claiming that
a room full of White People is "micro aggression" and that White people are just inherently racist) - but these run out of steam quickly because
they lack logic, reason and a presence in true reality - so they create hoaxes that they then attempt to latch onto as "proof". Proving it helps,
but is not always effective. Proving hoaxes takes a bit of time, but SJW's are so quick to latch onto little inklings that they flood social media
with, and the outrage is created. But when it is disproven, it is swept under the rug and given no exposure - why would it? It only DE-legitamizes
their purpose.
I will leave it at that. Discuss, as always, keep it civil.