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Would Trump be better for the UK if we leave the EU?

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posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 08:19 AM
Ok UK is one of the few US allies that doesn’t take from the USA and pulls its weight. Doesn’t steal jobs and pays its way in NATO.
So Trump not going to target or penalise us in that respect.

But the fact is if the UK leaves the EU would we be better off if Trump is president?

Obama has already stated he would go out his way to shaft the UK in reforming trade deals and there is no doubt Hillary will continue that policy.
The globalists will punish the UK public is what I get out of Obama little speech over here.

Now Trump seems to have a distaste for Mainland Europe and I’m sure he would respect a country that wants to break away from that mess and protect its own borders.

Economy wise if the UK breaks away from the EU and the UK has to reform a new trade deal with the USA its not going to hurt US jobs or the economy as we are not a 3rd world economy so the UK is one of the few US allies that can contribute in a trade deal BOTH ways.

Of course I still think Trump is a puppet of Hillary and just saying the right things to trick the public BUT if he is the real deal would the UK be better off dicthing the EU and would a US trump be better than a Clinton US for that?

edit on 28-4-2016 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 08:28 AM
If the UK leaves the Eu expect the ttip to be initiated very quickly. This will be very bad for the UK.

However the eu will likely take it up anyway, so it matters very little.

I dont think it matters which candidate becomes president, the UK can expect involvement in more wars. I think it's just the severity which will vary.

Of course Europe will bear the brunt of the repercussions of these wars.

posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

Trump is saying he will do what he is supposed to do if he's elected...put the USA, quite rightly first.

If he considers losing out on a combined $1.5 trillion in UK - US trade to cut his nose off to spite his face, he wouldn't then be doing what is right for the USA.

Nothing will change regarding trade with anyone...every corporation looks at one single line to determine how they trade, and that is the bottom line.

If it's good for their economy, their sharehlders, their corporation...they will continue to deal with the UK.

Exactly the same as all the other European markets will trade too..all those BMW's, Audi's, Renaults, peugeots (and all the rest of the continental goods coming and going through Europe) aren't going to sell themselves...the makers of products normally destined for the UK market are certainly not going to tell their shareholders that their dividends are going to be halved because they won't trade with the UK anymore because we don't want to be in their political gang anymore are, the only thing that will change will be our right to self determination, control over our own immigration policy, and saving a huge chunk of tax payers money not having to put umpteen millions of £'s into a gang we no longer want to be part of (not that many of us in the UK ever did).

posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

So Trump not going to target or penalize us in that respect.

Probably not, but don't think for one moment he's going to forget that you blokes were writing up laws to ban him from your country....That won't be good as that was a shot at him personally, and I doubt he'll forget that. JMO.

posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: donktheclown

That was just a limp wristed capitulation to the current US was a favour to Obama in return for his little 'speech' about our involvement with or without the EU.

Political back scratching...Trump understands backscratching as well as anyone else.

posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: donktheclown
a reply to: crazyewok

So Trump not going to target or penalize us in that respect.

Probably not, but don't think for one moment he's going to forget that you blokes were writing up laws to ban him from your country....That won't be good as that was a shot at him personally, and I doubt he'll forget that. JMO.

No one was writing up any laws.

It was a public petition and the UK government shot it down. We do have freedom of speech here (in a fashion).

Plus do you want a president that makes decisions based on personal slights and grudges or one that puts petty # aside and focuses on the facts and hard numbers?

So you really want to alienate a loyal allies that has fought by you side in every war minus Vietnam and that has actually had mutually beneficial trade over a petty insult?

edit on 28-4-2016 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

I don't think it matters who is President of U.S.
They just continue the same old policies as before. And don't deliver anything they said they would.
Same here in the U.K.
I'm sure one reason that sniveling little t-at Cameron got to be PM is because he swore he would get us out of Europe. Now he wants to stay.
Its all a big joke.
But someones making themselves richer from it.

edit on 28-4-2016 by blackcrowe because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: MysterX

into a gang we no longer want to be part of (not that many of us in the UK ever did).

I have to interject something here, please excuse me.

As I remember in my earlier life timeline, always watching BBC Prime Minister's Questions, your whole country was hyped to the rim with finally having a way to "put the boot" to the U.S. and it's "world domination." You people were thrilled with that wannabe "gang," back then...

I remember being insulted like no tomorrow, as I always thought of the British as our "friends."

Maybe I'm mistaken. If so, I apologize.

posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 08:42 AM
Interesting question but, at this stage, hard to say because there are still too many imponderables (such as what form would trade deals take? How would reduced US foreign policy commitments effect NATO? etc, etc).

However, what you can say is that Trump would be better for Trump - at this stage, that is the only given.

posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 08:47 AM

originally posted by: donktheclown
a reply to: MysterX

into a gang we no longer want to be part of (not that many of us in the UK ever did).

I have to interject something here, please excuse me.

As I remember in my earlier life timeline, always watching BBC Prime Minister's Questions, your whole country was hyped to the rim with finally having a way to "put the boot" to the U.S. and it's "world domination." You people were thrilled with that wannabe "gang," back then...

I remember being insulted like no tomorrow, as I always thought of the British as our "friends."

Maybe I'm mistaken. If so, I apologize.

That just talk.

When it comes to actually action its UK blood being split along side US blood in all the stupid wars.

Actions speak louder than words.

posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: donktheclown
a reply to: MysterX

into a gang we no longer want to be part of (not that many of us in the UK ever did).

I have to interject something here, please excuse me.

As I remember in my earlier life timeline, always watching BBC Prime Minister's Questions, your whole country was hyped to the rim with finally having a way to "put the boot" to the U.S. and it's "world domination." You people were thrilled with that wannabe "gang," back then...

I remember being insulted like no tomorrow, as I always thought of the British as our "friends."

Maybe I'm mistaken. If so, I apologize.

That's the narrative peddled by the BBC among others. Though I've seen plenty of old footage showing a diametrically opposite view from people back then. (There was a real dislike of the way EEC membership forced us to shaft the Commonwealth countries, not many people outside Westminster wanted that).

posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 08:51 AM
To be honest, if the UK eventually leaves the EU you're going to be in so much trouble it really wont matter if you have that manic sitting in the white house.

Also I don't think he's likely to be a two-turn president even if he is elected, and it's going to take about 4/5 years before the UK actually leave the EU.

posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 09:46 AM
Just as a point of interest, the USA is Germany's biggest customer, so it really wont matter a lot if the UK is in or out, except for the European food growers, where most of the UK EU trade is, Japan exports cars to the EU, made in the UK, so I expect Japan is a bit worried,.
Finally, the USA, China, India, Japan, rest of the world, trades with the EU, they don't pay tax to those thieves in Brussels for the 'privilege'. As for Mr Obama telling the UK to stay in, I have yet to see the USA ask the EU if they (USA) can join.

posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: pikestaff

Germany is one of the allied countrys that (If trump is genuine) would suffer the most.

They dont pay anywere near the minimum NATO 2%. In fact the only countrys in Europe that do seem to be the UK, Poland, Estonia and Greece!

Germanys going to be left to pick up a big bill it seems or lose there military saftey net.

posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 11:15 AM
History has shown us that US Presidents tend to do things for themselves. If Trump makes it then he's certainly shake up US politics. If Clinton makes it then it'll be more of the same.

posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

First off I'm an American, my wife is a UK Citizen and we travel there very regularly.

With that said, UK will be a lot better off out of the EU, for various reasons, the main one being National Sovereignty. The idea that the fifth largest economy in the world making it's OWN deals would somehow be more difficult than 28 separate countries(of varying economic competence) making that deal is laughable and quite frankly wrong. Not only would the UK make better deals for itself, those deals would be done faster and far more efficiently and it wouldn't matter to the UK whether or not Finland thinks so.

As far as Trump, the answer is yes. Trump would be far more friendly to a truly independent UK. Also for various reasons, but the main one being, the "special relationship" could be reinforced without concern over whether Latvia thinks it's a good idea.

Hillary Clinton and democrats in general see Europe as a economically stagnant union, with no real power in the world except to do as they are told. Now while that may be somewhat true, a Trump Presidency would encourage all countries to stand on their own and would wholeheartedly support any country intending on doing the same thing he is trying to instill in America, IE. his America First Foreign Policy Speech.

posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: donktheclown

No problem.

But forgive me, i honestly don't remember anyone that i know or spoke to here wanting to be within the EU in order to put the boot in regarding the USA, especially having to give up a sizable portion of our sovereignty to do so.

I doubt this would have been the case, especially as this was around the time of the Maastricht Treaty, when Communism in eastern Europe had only just had it's death rattle. It wouldn't have been prudent, as these were uncertain times.

Like most 'relatives', we argue and snipe at each other on occasion, but there's love too.

posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: PsychoEmperor

I tend to agree.

Europe is a rotting corpse.

UK is better off out and budding up with the USA and China.

The democrats seem to want the UK to go down with the ship.

posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 11:55 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

Honestly, you would probably be worse off. Respect has nothing to do with it, power does. The UK has more economic leverage if backed by the EU than if not backed by them. Especially if you piss off the rest of the EU by leaving and they throw you to the wolves.

posted on Apr, 29 2016 @ 03:14 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok
Europe is a rotting corpse.

Such negativity. Europe remains the largest economic block and is a leader for hard science, academia, innovation and social progress. Far more liberal than the US. Far freer than China.

Europe is not a rotting corpse.

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