posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 10:03 PM
Around here it is the police who shake everyone down. You own a small bar they give you a bank account number to pay into each month. All the bar
owners I know pay because they do not want problems. Get a speeding ticket and pay (exchange rate) cash 6$ to the cops or get the formal government
paperwork and pay double or triple. Not much different than the speed traps in the states that are used to fund their small town police departments.
You are a member of the military and want a promotion you can buy one from your commander. At least everyone knows how it works in many countries and
they do not even try to hide what is going on. Not hypocritical I give them that...
Not to mention the ones who have clawed their way to the top all seem to leave office with billions in their overseas bank accounts.. Best policy
anymore is just stay below the radar with your personal thoughts. For the thought patrol police are more active today than ever before...
edit on 727thk16 by 727Sky because: ..