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The Mandela Effect Can No Longer Be Denied: Berenstein Was The Tip of The Iceberg

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posted on May, 5 2016 @ 03:45 AM

originally posted by: IQPREREQUISITE

originally posted by: tigertatzen

originally posted by: IQPREREQUISITE

originally posted by: carewemust
What is the most recent wide-spread "Mandela Effect" event? It seems that most of those cited in this thread occurred in the last century...before 2000. I haven't read all 60 pages pf this thread though.

I would have to agree...haven't heard any "recent" ME phenomenon.

Yes you have. I myself cited both the Prince lyrics and Andrew Zimmerman. Both of those were recent. And the Depends changed recently too. A few weeks ago, in fact.

I actually made a joke about it, that they must have thought taking the 'S' off would make the name look classier. My husband was there. We were at Walmart, a rare occurrence, buying blankets for rescue dogs. We were also buying mattress pads and they were right next to the adult diapers.

Oh yeah...the Prince bit I've read on the early pages of this thread, Zimmerman as well and Depends. Actually what I meant to say was I haven't heard any "recent" -- meaning new or fresh since this thread came about. Well...the Tank Man came mid way I think, so as Looney Tunes...

The last quarter of this thread has been a back and forth between Faulty Memory vs Parallel Universe hence I thought there was nothing recent to add...threadwise not historical chronology wise.

And also I'm not originally from the U.S. although I've lived there and gone back and forth on business and leisure trips. So I won't pretend to know the Berenstain bears or Reba or Depends...I know Prince, Zimmerman, Aykroyd...basically the hollywood exports.

I think I see what you're other words its not been, for lack of a better term, ongoing in real time as the thread has progressed. Is that right? I've been toying with the idea of purposely searching for a new event like that, but I don't want to be duped by the power of my own suggestion, if that makes sense.

I am American, but I grew up in another country, so there are some of these that I'm not familiar with, and I'm wondering if that plays a role in this...a couple people have postulated that it may be isolated to the American culture.

Tank man is one of the ones I have never even heard of...not the ME, but the entire incident. The Prince one was the gate crasher for me, because I know those lyrics very well...I honestly thought the media were just copying the same misprint. The Zimmerman thing was really weird, but I could blow that one off because it was just by chance that I even noticed the change, one of those rare times when I watched something on TV.

But the vast majority of the others affected my reality too. And I'm just referring to the ones mentioned here; I've avoided reading the entire list because I am not sure I'm ready to see what else has been replaced. This has been unsettling enough...I know I need to see, but I'm stalling. This is freaking me out, and I am not easily frightened or shocked by things, even the weirder side of things.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 03:57 AM

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
a reply to: galaga

LOL That's a very funny prank idea!

On the number, indeed the number itself would have been erased. What's interesting to me is the idea of something like this being recorded on video. If it was, hypothetically, there would now be video footage of you dialing and calling it in, but you would be calling a different number. If someone had asked for the number and another replied: "1-800-DEPENDS," I can't help but wonder how that would go today, if the video would reveal the current reality number being said, or the one you remember.

Maybe someone has a video of discussing the "Berenstein Bears" while holding the "Berenstain Bears" books, or some other product which has changed.

My bro-in-law says he's got an old T-shirt that he bought after the premiere of Forrest Gump. It says "Life IS like a box of chocolates" on the front above a picture of Tom Hanks. He's going to look for it this weekend...he thinks it's in storage.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: tigertatzen

a reply to: tigertatzen

Yes, there hasn't been any "recent" MEs I've heard of, that's why I got to thinking of doing a list of MEs to see if there was a pattern involved. It'll take a while coz I've a job and such but maybe interested members can pitch in. Like we could do an open master list...somebody could put up a free website or evernote account where members could update it whenever they have something. Every weekend when we have the most free time we could all have a collective chat to try to find a pattern or significance...kinda like a research group.

And yeah, I've read somewhere on the halfway mark of this thread I think, that maybe it was just some American thing. But I noticed a Swedish poster in here, you who grew up in another country and me. So I guess that theory can be challenged. Although I admit that majority of MEs are American or English in nature...except for really personal happenings like your story and mine. That's why I'd like more people to share their experiences.

I also get the fact that your freaking out somewhat coz that happened to me when another poster told me he recognized my experience from another article he read somewhere.'s getting pretty eerie for me as well.

And I can only imagine what it is for the OP.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 06:04 AM
Wow, I didn't go looking until a few minutes ago but now I know this Effect became a phenomena on the internet in 2005. I was curious as to when and how it birthed. I'm amazed I didn't know until last week it was so widespread and widely discussed for years. Lol! The list is incredibly long of what's been included under the Mandela Effect. Holy smoke!

When I experienced some of these incongruities years ago, at separate times, and felt the jolt of surprise and dismay I had no idea so many other people had experienced the same thing.


It makes sense to me, in general, my unconscious and conscious orientation shifts between parallel realities, realities so close to each other in likeness there are relatively few differences between them. I can incorporate that idea and it's not a new idea for me. Maybe I'm so used to and have had so much experience with ambiguity I don't have a problem seeing that as possible.

I'm still open on all of this and it's been an interesting exploration so far. I've appreciated everyone's input and perspectives.
edit on 5-5-2016 by tweetie because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 06:06 AM

Alternate memories

I like that term better.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 06:21 AM
Depends have always been "depend". I think what has happened is that when speak about them, we speak of them in diapers, although they have always had a singular name.

Reba McEntire has in fact been Reba "McEntire" since ATLEAST 1994...when The Little Rascals was released....

Berenstain on the other hand, I remember as Berenstein, but I'm old and memory can at times be faulty.

As additonal notes...
Curious George has never had a tail
Jif peanut butter was never called "jiffy"
Mother Teresa was never Mother "Theresa"


posted on May, 5 2016 @ 06:32 AM
a reply to: Agree2Disagree

What about dilemna/dilemma? How did you learn to spell it?

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 06:35 AM
i found a reddit where people are talking about "jumping dimensions" with the use of mirrors and such - they report ME´s along with their "dimensional jump´s"
from the reddit :

Welcome to Dimensional Jumping (982) Dimensional Jumping is a place to share your personal experiences of the shifting nature of reality, through the deliberate application of techniques to bring about "jumps" in our personal worlds - in effect, switching to a more desirable universe.

there is a whole lot of "info" there and ... and more i read the stranger it gets . lol
this people seem to almost make a sport of it.
edit on 5-5-2016 by glowdog because: added smthng

edit on 5-5-2016 by glowdog because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: tweetie

Alternate memories

I like that term better.

of course you do, go outside to talk people about alternate memories, try to not get mocked

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: tweetie

Yes, the term "Mandela Effect" seems to have originated with ghost-hunter Fiona Broome and a group of her colleagues at Dragon*Con in 2005 per the Buzzfeed article I linked earlier (Did You Know There’s A Term For When You’re Totally Positive Something Happened Even Though It Didn’t?)

Broome apparently described these events this way first in 2010 (as noted on that website you favor - Nelson Mandela Died in Prison? )

I'm still very curious as to why this seems to be (almost) a phenomenon singularly affecting Americans. Anyone have any references to these being experienced by non-English speakers around (this) world?

THAT to me is one of the really good questions presented here.
edit on 5-5-2016 by Gryphon66 because: Noted

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: TombEscaper

To add a YT video you need to hit the YouTube button and insert the code, which is the info past the "="
So, for your video the code would be: X1ZUbOaOYzo
This used to throw me too

It's good to see and hear you on this. You're definitely a real human being

It is indeed a weird thread, for different reasons. A small network of trolls have pitched a tent here, insisting that the real topic is that our memories are false and anything that does not address that are going off-topic. Somehow, all of us who participated in the discussion are trolls, and all our dialogue on the Mandela Effect and our trying to make sense of it is off-topic lol It is very, very weird how this trolling persists. Logically, it makes little sense that someone would be so interested in something they believe is completely false and easily explained away, continually having a discussion with each other about how it is completely false and easily explained away, on and on. There is absolutely no excuse for it, morally or logically.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

I'm still very curious as to why this seems to be (almost) a phenomenon singularly affecting Americans. Anyone have any references to these being experienced by non-English speakers around (this) world?

Most paranormal experiences rely on a mental category initially transmitted by language: that's why crop circles initially spread in English speaking areas and chupacabras are spotted by Spanish speakers. There are few French ghost stories, but many French UFO reports. The "Mandela Effect" is being transmitted as an English language meme, but in a few years, thanks to the international membership of BBSs like this, it will spread first to Europeans, then more remote language groups.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 07:46 AM
i´m not American and i still got temporarily baffled by looney tunes not being looney toons.

i personally dont think any dimensional jump is involved with that one - but i sure got a little shock- somewhat disproportional for such a silly detail.

i can see a lot of blogs and forums talking about it - there is at least one book on amazon that claims to be some kind of guide and there are some internet users that claim to know what and how and why. reality shifters and so on...

looks like a slippery topic overall and i think i´ll just stay put right here and wait what else pops up in this discussion.
holy moly its crazy out there- this thread seems pretty levelheaded in comparison.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
a reply to: TombEscaper

To add a YT video you need to hit the YouTube button and insert the code, which is the info past the "="
So, for your video the code would be: X1ZUbOaOYzo
This used to throw me too

It's good to see and hear you on this. You're definitely a real human being

It is indeed a weird thread, for different reasons. A small network of trolls have pitched a tent here, insisting that the real topic is that our memories are false and anything that does not address that are going off-topic. Somehow, all of us who participated in the discussion are trolls, and all our dialogue on the Mandela Effect and our trying to make sense of it is off-topic lol It is very, very weird how this trolling persists. Logically, it makes little sense that someone would be so interested in something they believe is completely false and easily explained away, continually having a discussion with each other about how it is completely false and easily explained away, on and on. There is absolutely no excuse for it, morally or logically.

I'll tell you what I see as there being no "excuse" for, and that is the position you and a few others here have taken that is trying so very hard to categorize other posters here who have a different solution for "the Mandela Effect(s)" as trolls.

You seem to believe that you (and a few others) somehow have exclusive rights to discuss this issue and that the only speculation that is valid (and acceptable to you, as you keep saying) is that ... while you claim not to know "what's going on" you sure as heck know that the most logical, reasonable and obvious solution (memory, perceptual and cognitive mistakes being perpetuated and forged into what can be seen as a rather encompassing "meme") is totally unacceptable.

You have done this in a majority of your posts, and you're certainly being as repetitive with this as any one else here.

You seem to be very irritated by the presence of those you don't' agree with; however, the continual name-calling and off-topic posts about our participation in the thread really, really needs to stop, as it's a very clear violation of the intent of the forum and ATS T&C.

Would you stop focusing on us and start focusing on your own experiences and beliefs? Thank you kindly.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 07:50 AM

originally posted by: glowdog
i´m not American and i still got temporarily baffled by looney tunes not being looney toons.

i personally dont think any dimensional jump is involved with that one - but i sure got a little shock- somewhat disproportional for such a silly detail.

i can see a lot of blogs and forums talking about it - there is at least one book on amazon that claims to be some kind of guide and there are some internet users that claim to know what and how and why. reality shifters and so on...

looks like a slippery topic overall and i think i´ll just stay put right here and wait what else pops up in this discussion.
holy moly its crazy out there- this thread seems pretty levelheaded in comparison.

Just out of curiosity, are you seeing any of these effects that are restricted to items, books, products, geographic features that are solely located in your own country?

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: Gryphon66

I'm still very curious as to why this seems to be (almost) a phenomenon singularly affecting Americans. Anyone have any references to these being experienced by non-English speakers around (this) world?

Most paranormal experiences rely on a mental category initially transmitted by language: that's why crop circles initially spread in English speaking areas and chupacabras are spotted by Spanish speakers. There are few French ghost stories, but many French UFO reports. The "Mandela Effect" is being transmitted as an English language meme, but in a few years, thanks to the international membership of BBSs like this, it will spread first to Europeans, then more remote language groups.

That's what I'm trying to find evidence of. I'm currently having trouble understanding why this has been "cooking" since 2010 and yet seems NOT to have penetrated the world community at large.

THAT fact (along with a few others) actually does smack of some kind of "intentional guidance" working "behind the scenes" as it were.

Or maybe I've been looking at this too intently myself ... thanks for the lifeline DJW.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 07:54 AM
Its always been Sex "AND" the city...not "IN" the city.

I know this bc I watched all of them and was obsessed when younger.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: tigertatzen

Would love to see it, even if it said "was like."

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

in the country i live now (Portugal) i never heard about a "mandela effect" or anything similar
also never heard about it in my own language - which is german.
but thats just me ofc

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Hey, Gryphon. Are you finally up to addressing my questions?

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
a reply to: Gryphon66

Oh, so here's where you bait me in by taking a serious tone and pointing out that I'm not taking you seriously, as if there is no reason for it. Or are you actually serious now?

As I read what you wrote now, I see, you are not...

I realize that you're attempting to talk around any of these issues rather than actually trying to communicate with other members here directly, and I respect that. I'd just like to say this to you, again, in the spirit of trying to communicate.

You know full well you are the one ignoring the issues and refusing to participate in a discussion. Nice way to bait me in though.

Neither you nor any other member "owns" the topic of "The Mandela Effect." You have your understanding (which I don't see you talking about as you seem to be obsessed with what other members think and say)

I have my own understanding that I am not sharing, or barely sharing, seems to be your implication? I have something to hide. More of our cultish behaviour, eh? I have expressed many or all of my thoughts actually, several just as they came to me. In a discussion, it’s not all about you.

Also, as has been stated MUTIPLE times, we do not know what this is, why it is happening, and the reason why we are discussing this on a public forum is to prod each other for experiences, ideas and general discussion on the subject. We are trying to make sense of it, come to terms with it, and only a narcissist thinks that only their own ideas matter.

There is nothing about any of this that "frightens" me or, I'm guessing, anyone else here. As far as what are to me fantastic explanations for the phenomena (time-travel, dimensional shifts, divine intervention, et. al.)

I will proceed under the assumption henceforth that you are being truthful about that.

Every attempt to "engage" you and several other members here who are believers in the fanstastic explanations ends in conflict.

Oh, right. We are too darn emotional about our fragile little belief system, this new religion that we are building here (according to you,) that we simply cannot be reached by calm, mature, level-headed intellectuals such as yourself. Uh huh. Of course you know that, if anything, the reverse has been true up until now. I am open to the possibility of having an honest, real conversation if you are finally interested. I think it is your lies in requesting this which causes me some reservation, but let’s try it then...

You say that you feel attacked ... merely because I or another member tells you what our examination of this phenomenon has shown us.

More lies and twisting of facts. I do not personally feel “attacked.” I feel that you and others here have diverately decided to invade, troll and destroy what WAS, before you started your games, an OPEN, HONEST, INTELLIGENT conversation about an issue: that many of us have alternate memories, and hey, our alternate memories match! Neat, huh? Why is that? Well, we were discussing that. You could have joined in at any time. You could have argued at any time. Some members here did either, or both, and were WELCOMED and RESPECTED, despite their views. Why? They participated. That is to say, they LISTEMED to what was being said, they responded to what was being said, they shared their HONEST thoughts and ideas on what was being said, and discussed, socially, with us, like HUMAN BEINGS. Go figure.

You and other trolls (let’s be honest and specific here) have ignored what we were saying, repeated the same argument over and over, demanded that we reissue our response to the same argument (and proceeded to accuse us of dodging questions when we did LOL,) completely ignored the key evidence (of textual and physical evidence, as well as how many of us remember, so strong, and we all remember the same,) and called us cultists and trolls. You have behaved dishonestly, childishly and meanly. Your words do hurt people’s feelings, frighten away more people from joining the discussion and opening up, and also distract everyone (believers and skeptics alike) from a sensible, mature conversation. At any point that you wanted to participate, I was ready, and am ready.

We have, in turn, been called shills, trolls and disinfo agents. With all respect, is that your idea of "engaging" someone on the topic?

If a bully body slams a guy he doesn’t like to the ground and then his friends push the thug to the ground in turn, he doesn’t get to stand up and say: “Is that the way honourable people treat someone they don’t like?” Honorable people do have a right to defend themselves, as well as to try to figure out why people like you are trolling us. Again, feel free to join in the discussion. Nothing is stopping you.

My position is that every one of the anomalies presented in the "Mandela Effect" CAN BE EXPLAINED by problems with human memory, perception, cognition which is exacerbated by internet communication methods.

I can grant you the assumption that you are being honest in saying this. Thing is, just using “Berenstein” as an example, it is more than just the spelling, but the pronunciation of it. Why would so many people believe that “-stain” is pronounced “-steen?” The two are distinctly different. How do you account for this?

I have asked you previously how that accounts for so many people with the same, vivid memories, of the same exact alternative.

I do not understand what you mean here. Please clarify your question.

aside from wondering at the dramatic reactions on the part of some folks here who consider themselves part of a "in" group or clique which has to be defended against anyone with a different idea.

There is no “in” group or “clique.” Perhaps you feel this way because you did not bother to talk with us as if we were human beings, really listen to what we were saying and what our arguments were. You could have, and can join in at any time. At least here it seems like you are making an effort to discuss things more seriously. Please respond to my own points, honestly, if this is so. If there is anything I have said that you would like better explained, ask and I will do my best.

Best regards, I look forward to productive discussion on "the Mandela Effect" in the future.

Me as well!

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