posted on May, 16 2016 @ 07:52 AM
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I never observe men's underwear, unless I am shopping for them. In that instance, only three details ever pass from surface awareness, into the
morass of conscious thought that is my process. First, are they boxer style? Second, are they black? Third, are they the correct size? If the answer
to all of these is yes, then I make my purchase. If they fall down on any one of those, then they are left upon the shelf, to languish until someone
of different tastes comes across them.
Underwear is a uniquely boring consideration for a man of my sort, requiring virtually no thought what so ever. Since I am the only individual likely
to see my undergarments, I care not what they look like, and since I have nothing to shout about downstairs, I care not for how well they cling to
form. Simply put, it is a zero thought purchase.
Now, a good jacket, a decent shirt, an adornment of wrist or neck, a sturdy pair of boots...that is a different consideration altogether. Much more
thought must be placed in these things. Utility is my watchword, but that does not always imply ugliness, or a lack of elegance.