a reply to:
I remember one foot print, I think it was from the Paloxy Track's before that idiot took a crow bar to them to try to destroy them, when it was
analysed it was shown that the foot print impression which appeared human was contiguous to the layer of strata it was pressed into, meaing it was the
same age as the rock and made when it was still soft sediment or mud.
Further analysis done by the use of electron scanning microscopy showed that the footprint had apparently been made by something that walked JUST
LIKE A HUMAN, the same pressure and compression patterns and the same displacement of what had once been mud had occured as would have if an
approximately 11 stone human of about 6' tall had walked over that mud? (they studied the grain displacement and compression patterns after taking
cross section's of the foot print).
It is a controversial subject and one that many paleatologists, archeaologists and many others would like to see go away, indeed someone took a crow
bar to the exposed trackes in an attempt to destroy them for good.
The implications are that the dating techniques are wrong and the rock is much younger and that dinosaurs died out only a few thousand years ago OR
that the human race is far, far older than the primates that standard evolutionary theory claim's it descended from and another is that there were
other human's or humanoid biped's (with very human feet) before the human race, maybe even identical in what we can find which admitedly is not much
and of course this research is hampered by a seeming cover up and professional disdain for the subject matter as well as an entrenched attitude that
this is not to be reseearched by respected professional's with many that posit these now alternative but once mainstream theory's which do not agree
with the Darwinian view of the human race or our history litterally having had there carreers wrecked.
How about my favourite, a 285 million years old structure now buried extremely deep under north america in a coal mind discovered in 1928 and the
mine then shut down, it was at the time the deepest coal mine in north america.
Then there are other story's I can remember but can not provide a link too but if you look around you may find them, one was about a coal mine in
canada were they broke through into another mine while at great depth.
This other mine's coal (Which they had broken into) was oxidized and useless as if it had been exposed to the gas'/air in the mine tunnels for a very
long time indeed, the other mine was not fully explored and was built in a strange fashion, it's mine bracing was made in a triangluar fashion so that
the tunnels formed an upturned V shape with no horizontal roof supports, another was about another mine in the US were while clearing a clay deposit
the story claimed they came accross a wooden ship entombed in the clay at great depth along with skeletal remain's and strange undecipherable writing
like heiroglyph's.
There was also a story about a roman whom recorded a strange event as his party travelled, as they were walking along the Apenine road in italy there
was an earthquake and some boulders fell onto the road, then out of the space they had made a petrified ship or boat slid down onto the road, Not
sure but I think I read them in Charles Berlitze Atlantis many years ago when I was just a kid myself.
Interesting and question do not just accept the opinon of supposed expert's, how many time's have they been proven wrong in the past?.
edit on 26-4-2016 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)