posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to:
Decades ago, I wrote a several page article (Dr. Leo Sprinkle's UFO preceedings conference) on how UFO abductees should handle their mental
"conditions" that were caused for the most part by trying to integrate their unworldly experience with the every-day world. Self-introspection has its
limits, of course, the next step when one notices that they were literally at odds with the normal popular is too find someone that would be straight
with them about their crazy thoughts. (Thoughts outside of the actual UFO experience.) In other words, this would be a friend or acquaintance that
can be approached, told of the wild thoughts and then asked for their thoughts. That was no easy task
'In the modern day, technology has changed the face of coming face to face with one's mental slippages. Today, I see week after week, people in need
of an honest opinion turning to the wild and harsh sphere of the internet to release their secret side.
Most of those needing guidance fail to recognize their own call for help, but the driving force is a self-generated mechanism that allows them to
finally act out in public. A few are so far "gone" that they cannot comprehend or embrace any message in the responses, be they kind, benign or mean.
Some will heed the various kind, benign or mean efforts of those that DID bother to listen and start corrective actions on their own mental states.