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Trump(I) Vs Cruz(R) Vs Hilary(D) Vs Sanders(I) For president 2016.

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posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 05:47 PM
Wouldn't it be a interesting contest. The last time we were this divided was when Lincoln won a 5 way presidential election.

Who would win such a race? Do you think your candidate would win? Why?

I also wonder how the establishment would react to a situation like this?

Does anyone think this is likely to happen?

I think Bernie Sanders would win I think he would get a large majority of Independent voter's and enough republicans and democrats to seal the deal.

I think the establishment would freak and I think many politicians would switch to other parties.

I think it very likely if Trump isn't given the nomination.

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: LDragonFire

Same crooks, just different suits.

Has anything ever gotten any better for anyone living below the "white collar" level in society, let's say in the last 16 years?

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 05:56 PM
if the businesses and cooperations which controls the government sees it fit to elect Trump , then he will be. otherwise they will chose whomever is more lucrative and make the government more of a puppet government.

do we really think a billionaire 's in the white house will benefit the multi billion dollar institutions or put strains in their trade and business deals?
thats the outcome.

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: LDragonFire

" I think Bernie Sanders would win I think he would get a large majority of Independent voter's and enough republicans and democrats to seal the deal. "

You Think Wrong . This Country will Never be Ready for a Marxist Socialist Buffoon who does not Stand a Snowballs Change in Hell of being Elected President of a Democratic Republic .

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: Witness2008

The middle class has been in decline since 1970.

edit on 25-4-2016 by LDragonFire because: Aliens broke into my house and stole my window screen.

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 05:58 PM
What an interesting scenario!
Not just interesting - it would be history-making, nail-biting, heart-attack generating, society-changing, earth-rocking fantastic.

It would give the establishment a wake-up beyond the one they are already getting. Because, I don't think it is really sinking in for them yet. They would come unglued.

The media would be doubling their staff to keep up with the frenzy.

All you need to throw in there is a Hillary indictment.

I think Hillary and Cruz would get crushed. I believe it would be a very close race between Trump and Sanders.

And - I think it could actually happen!

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 06:01 PM
Since both Trump and Sanders ran on major party tickets, there are laws preventing them from running third party if they don't get the party nomination in a good number of states. The only way such a thing would happen then is if they tried to do a strict write-in campaign.

In most places, registration for both primary and general is on the same date.

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: Witness2008

Has anything ever gotten any better for anyone living below the "white collar" level in society, let's say in the last 16 years?

It has for me since I joined a union.

edit on 25-4-2016 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

I think if he ran as an independent he would get more of the votes than any other candidate. Then you throw around words like Marxist showing your bias and hate. Ill pipe in and say the country would never let a fascist like trump in.

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: Joecanada11
Two wrongs equal a right? Apparently.

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 07:01 PM

originally posted by: LDragonFire
a reply to: Witness2008

The middle class has been in decline since 1970.

Do me a favour and define "Middle Class" please. The term gets thrown around a lot, but it's horribly defined.
edit on 25-4-2016 by Leonidas because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 07:02 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
Since both Trump and Sanders ran on major party tickets, there are laws preventing them from running third party if they don't get the party nomination in a good number of states. The only way such a thing would happen then is if they tried to do a strict write-in campaign.

In most places, registration for both primary and general is on the same date.

If they win the popular vote they should be the nominee's. Since the elections are rigged why follow the rules?

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: Tiamat384

Personally I don't think trump is nearly as bad as some make him out to be. I'm still not a big fan of him but in my opinion he isn't as bad as I thought.

I also don't think Bernie is a socialist Marxist. That's just rhetoric. I said that to prove a poin.

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 07:08 PM
Guys unfortunately Ketsuko is dead right, In a majority of states Trump and Sanders could not get on the ticket, they would have to be almost 100% write in, and in the same league as my candidate Ron white Declared candidates with no ballot access.

And if you thought the GOP had a clown car, get a load of the Third Current party candidates...

wikipedia 3rd party candidates

The majority of Americans will not understand they can choose away from the forced candidates of the DNC and the GOP but like the sheep this nation is they will still vote for the puppet show.

Something to think over a


posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: CoBaZ


Last I saw, he was polling at 11%. This would be a true victory for America if we can start to break away from the Dem v Rep web of deceit.
edit on 25-4-2016 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 07:33 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
Since both Trump and Sanders ran on major party tickets, there are laws preventing them from running third party if they don't get the party nomination in a good number of states. The only way such a thing would happen then is if they tried to do a strict write-in campaign.

In most places, registration for both primary and general is on the same date.

*Waves my hand* no they all can run!

Do join our delusion

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: LDragonFire

This is the best reality show ever.

If only people had backed Ron or Rand Paul, Constitutional Libertarians, instead of a life long Liberal turned Conservative in Drumpf.

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: LDragonFire

I never said they couldn't run, just pointing out the difficulty.

PS - Trump is easier to spell than Sanders if you want to get them writing people in.

Somehow that Senator in Alaska who failed in her primary managed it, barely.

But you are adding an additional challenge when you can't even get your name printed on the ballot and have to rely on people remembering to physically write your name in the blank.

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: LDragonFire

Bernie Sanders has said himself that he wouldn't do so well, because "The Poor" don't vote. Unfortunately, under President Obama, this country has more poor people than ever before. The explosion of Medicaid patients is proof of that, by itself.

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 08:00 PM
Clinton would win


Democrats + Hispanics, blacks, other minorities and LGBT crowd would propel her to victory along with some disenfranchised moderate Republicans

Trump would have the nationalistic, xenophobic blue collar white vote locked up and sanders would get the green party / socialists

Cruz would get the religious nuts

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