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You are a God, According to the bible.

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posted on Apr, 26 2016 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: Belcastro

In the context i provided jesus said that to the pharisees in the book of john which i believe you may have missed that part, why would he say that if it was out of context in psalms?

I most definitely didn't miss it you must have not read my entire post and its not out of context Jesus makes a really good point there but the Jews ignore it. From the portion you quoted:

"In John 10, Jesus claims to be the Messiah and the Jews are about to stone him for blasphemy and Jesus quotes Psalm 82 reminding the Jews that the Law refers to mere men—albeit men of authority and prestige—as “gods.”

"If he called them gods to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be broken— 36 do you say of him whom the Father consecrated and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’? "

If the law gives mere men the title of 'gods', then why do you say of the one the Father has made sacred and sent into the world is blaspheming for saying using his title, "Son of God". He is not claiming that people are actually Gods in the sense God is God. "

I most definitely didn't miss it as you can see ^^^ this quoted part is talking about John 10 which is the area you were referring to in the book of John. Jesus quoted Psalm 82 to remind the Jews that their own Law refers to men as "gods" when they hold a particular title. Then he ask them. If your Law does this, then why do you charge me,the one God has made sacred, with blasphemy for using the title given to me?

i took it as he was saying he was a child of god like everyone else. children of the most high.

It seems you missed the context of what Jesus was saying then. Because right after he says '“Is it not written in your Law, ‘I said, you are gods’?" He follows up with, " If he(God) called them gods to whom the word of God came(the word of God came to humans)—and Scripture cannot be broken— do you say of him whom the Father consecrated and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’?"

Its quite clear Jesus is questioning why they charge him with Blasphemy for using his title Son of God, and his question was if it is done in your law and it is not blasphemy why is it blasphemy for me to do so? Taking this in context its quite clear what Jesus was asking them.

posted on Apr, 26 2016 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: Belcastro

in psalms 82:6 "I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.' and again in the book of john 10:34 Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are "gods"'? Here the bible clearly states that all of us are children of God. as well as we are gods. i found this to be interesting and i was wondering your opinion on these scriptures. I can explain my opinion on how you are a god if you would like.

You are not being taught the truth. This has nothing to do with any of which you understand. You must learn to read in the entire context of the thought and not simply selected verses of your own choosing.

Any decree that comes from the king’s court is law. Asaph is from the king David’s court. Here starting in Chapter 81 and finishing the thought in chapter 82, Asaph is declaring the thoughts of his God to the Hebrews, through melody, that they are not living the way they should be living. You must read the entire two chapters in order to understand the message

This song was to chastise the tribal leaders of lords and judges who are regarded as gods over the subjects. Asaph uses the word gods as to mock the great leaders who believe that they are privileged humans above the commoner. Asaph teaches that even though they are regarded as gods by the people, they are simply humans who will perish the same as all humans perish. Most bibles will distinguish this difference between humans (gods) with the Creator (God). This is a song which is recorded in the court of King David.

The original charge against Jesus was that of His claiming that He was the Son of God.
John 10:31-36
(31) Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.
(32) Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?
(33)The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.

Jesus answered them with this song of Asaph in which the edict of Kind David was that a human can be a son of God.
(34) Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
(35) If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;
(36) Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?

Now if a human can be a son of God then I also can be a son of God by this same decree of the Kings court. Jesus was acquitted of this particular charge.

The entire “Ye Are Gods” is that Jesus used the law of the King to exonerate His claim that He also was a son of God. If He, Jesus, was blaspheming by His claim then King David was also guilty of the same offense. Case closed. Jesus was found not guilty by the Sanhedrin on this count.

It would do all of us well if we should read in the thought of subject matter and not pull verses out to suite doctrines.

edit on 26-4-2016 by Seede because: spelling error

edit on 26-4-2016 by Seede because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2016 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: ServantOfTheLamb

I agree with you but I see a simple truth.

I am an imortal and I have been given the power to create another imortal in my image.

I am a god by the definition of what a god is. Just because I must taste physical death I am no less an imortal spiritual god capable of both creating and ending physical life.

I am not "The God", our father, but I am a god by his grace as I was made imortal in his image.

edit on 26-4-2016 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2016 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: Sahabi

I have been studying Canaanite mythology and essential the only names of the gods of Canaan appear frequently in the bible. So they can't say they just borrowed El as a name for Yahweh because who did they borrow Molech and Baal and Asherah to describe? If Molech is the same being in the Ra's Shamra tablets and the bible then so is El.

They always say that El was just what they call Yahweh sometimes and that they only borrowed the name of Canaan's high god into their language as a generic word meaning god and didn't actually worship El.

But Ilhm or Elohim also was used for the Canaanite pantheon and Israel lived in Canaan. I don't see how people could be so naive and not see the key word in Deuteronomy that puts to bed the argument.

Inheritance. Yahweh was a Son of El. But he doesn't appear in the tablets so where did they get the word Yahweh?

I don't know but it was after Babylon when Israelites became monotheist forsaking all gods save Yahweh. And they started reinterpreting and changing scripture until almost all traces of polytheism were edited out.

If they didn't miss Deuteronomy and archeologists never uncovered the Ugaritic tablets we would have no idea.

posted on Apr, 26 2016 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: SilentSage

I completely agree. Just as in Canaanite polytheism, we often see Elyon, El, YHWH, the lesser elohim, and the Bene Elohim addressed as completely separate and individual deities in the Old Testament.

Regarding Yahweh's origins,.... based upon the mythos, attributes, qualities, and archetypes,... I personally believe that Yahweh may in fact be Baal-Zephon Hadad and/or the Mesopotamian Marduk imported from Babylon, who are also comparable to Zeus/Jupiter and Teshub.

1.They struggled to rule from the powers of their Grandfather unto their Fathers:
• (Elyon > El > Yahweh)
• (Elyon > El > Baal Hadad)
• (An > Enlil > Marduk) or (An > Ea > Marduk)
• (Anu > Kumarbi > Teshub)
• (Caelus > Cronus > Zeus)

2. They each defeated a serpentine deity of the sea:
• (Yahweh & Leviathan)
• (Baal & Yam)
• (Marduk & Tiamat)
• (Teshub & Illuyanka)
• (Zeus & Typhon)

3. They were affiliated with mountains or their thrones were upon them:
• El Shaddai (El of the Mountain)
• Yahweh (Mount Sinai)
• Baal-Zephon (Baal of Mount Zaphon)
• Marduk (Esagila "Lofty Temple" / "House of the Raised Head") and (Etemenanki "Foundation of Heaven & Earth)
• Teshub (Mount Hazzi)
• Zeus Kasios (Zeus of the Mountain [Mount Olympus])

edit on 4/26/16 by Sahabi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2016 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: Isurrender73

I agree with you but I see a simple truth. I am an imortal and I have been given the power to create another imortal in my image. I am a god by the definition of what a god is.

Well i think we are defining both "god" and "God" differently . The little "g" would be synonymous to a ruler if it is used lke Psalm 82. In modern times, I think the little "g" has more than one meaning based on whose using it. For example, a Christian might use it to refer to other religions deities, and you seem to be using it to refer to anything that has agency that includes the ability to create and something that is immortal. It also seems you are getting confused between sharing a particular property or attribute with God with sharing all properties and attributes with God. You are by definition what God is, imo, because God would be defined as the greatest conceivable being. You do not possess the attributes of moral perfection, omnipotence, necessary existence. or omniscience . These are all things that define the nature of God so simply being immortal(which I am not sure I would apply that to everyone still undecided about what exactly the second death is) and having the capacity to procreate doesn't make you fit the definition of god in my book.

Just because I must taste physical death I am no less an imortal spiritual god capable of both creating and ending physical life.

Yes you can reproduce and kill if you so choose. This is not the same as being able to create ex nihilo. You can kill the body but you cannot touch the soul of others.

""Don't be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell."

You are making what seems to me to be questionable comparisons rather than a simple truth.

I am not "The God", our father, but I am a god by his grace as I was made imortal in his image.

Again you seem to confuse being given the gift of eternal life with becoming a God. Sure those who are saved take on the attribute of immortality in a sense not sure I like that word there but that is a long way away from becoming God. I mean if you want to define little "g" god as something that was given the gift of eternal life via grace and can procreate go right ahead but it wouldn't be my definition of a little "g" god.

posted on Apr, 26 2016 @ 11:10 PM
a reply to: Sahabi

Me too. Yahweh and Baal were both believed to have Asherah as mother and consort and I believe when they needed to distinguish Yahweh Asherah was condemned.

The amount of borrowed material uses to compose the old Testament is staggering.

Have you ever heard of Appollonius of Tyand? He is said to be the real Paul and Simon Magus. Antiquities unveiling says he was the author of the Epistles and Marcione created the character of Paul who the Jews parodied as Simon Magus in the Clementine and Apocryphal writings.

Appollonius is a mystery of history but I am sold that he is the real Paul, thing is I can't stand Paul but Appollonius actually fascinates me.

I have found some material supposedly from Simon Magus but it is scant.

A Saul from Josephus's writings was turned into Paul to make him not Appollonius and the story of a zealous Pharisee convert combined to make Paul out of Appollonius who was a student at the school of Gamaliel and a Nazarean after a dispute with the Nazarenes which are different groups confused by history.

I'm gonna geive you some links

Appollonius is Paul

This link has pretty intriguing things to say about it, it's a theory I just decided to look into again after finding this book by GRS Mead that I am going to read tonight. You can check out the Simon Magus information on this sight and find info on any Gnostic or Apocryphal book you can think of.

GRS Mead

When you get to site go to library then GRS mead because it takes you to the site but you have to find the book but it's easy
edit on 26-4-2016 by SilentSage because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2016 @ 09:53 AM

a reply to: Isurrender73 I am an imortal and I have been given the power to create another imortal in my image. I am a god by the definition of what a god is. Just because I must taste physical death I am no less an imortal spiritual god capable of both creating and ending physical life.

Are you believing this as a Christian? If you believe that Jesus taught your above post then you have been duped into a false sense of existence. You are not created and you can not create. You were procreated and you can procreate if physically able. You are not immortal but can become immortal after the death of your terrestrial substance if you are judged to become so.

In fact immortality is a gift of the Creator for anyone to achieve but is not given to those who are not qualified. You are not as a god unless you were given that gift by the Creator to be as a god in whatsoever the Creator will will. Moses was as a god to his people but Moses was not a god for there are no other gods before or after EL (Yahuah).

posted on Apr, 27 2016 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: Seede

posted on Apr, 27 2016 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: Seede

Why is it so hard to accept the deepest meaning.

We are created in God's image to be mike God. Calling myself a god like God is not going past the Scriptures themselves. I know I am not equal to my father, nor am I equal to Christ, but through obedience to the commands I become like them.

We are definitely like God is this world. Simply look how children can be raised to believe in a God that hates and demands the killing of everyone with a different belief.

God becomes whatever the church/society believes God is. Mankind takes in the characteristics of the God they believe in.

In the west it appears that men believe that God's grace is given out through financial gain, and tbere is little search for the Spirit. Even the East has been overtaken by a materialistic view of incarnation.

We give kife and twach that life what to believe. I live in a world where parents teach children to hate in the name of false God's.

Our words are more powerful then God's words when it comes to influence on our children. We are definitely like God in nearly all aspects as it relates to our children.

posted on Apr, 27 2016 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: Seede

Amen. The First who is last without beginning and end bless you. Peace be upon you brother.

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