posted on Apr, 27 2016 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to:
Fell free to tell that to one of my childhood best friends still a friend to this day... as thats what they did to his whole farmer family. First they
paid farmers to set test pestisides in their fields then they built capital enough to lobby against farmers and cut production as they bought fields
and land, then the farmers got subsidized not to grow any crops at all, and well still had to pay taxes on it, so some said hey we can grow its our
land and the subsidies not too started getting attacked, so they started growing and selling hay in one season for other uses and corn in the other
from the fallow fields being tilled in the enrich the soil and well those corporate fields across the way the farmers wouldnt sell out as a legacy to
family and way of life were having the land sued right out from under them as the bioengineered seeds cross pollinated with local corn seeds and
started taking on the GMO crop bioengineered seeds properties to which Monsanto sued many farmers individually to shut them down for patent
violations, now mind you many such cases are just settled and not made public but they are riffe in court dockets all across the US unless part of the
settlment business was that they be sealed and mums the word like nothing happened or else all bets were off if people opened their mouths about the
Aside from that happening wit farmers it happens in many other corporate cases like the infamous Wormwood that was made into a movie with Meryl
Streep... the same nonsense has been happening in NC with waste in the rivers that corporations write into their budgets for the EPA fines as they
dont change so legal but paid for illegal dumping? Its a loop hole of course, and the fracking industry is working on the same principle... however if
the EPA fines compounded, these industries polluting would have to clean up their act and use the envirnomental protections required instead of
writing them into budgets then writing tem off on taxes as a loss that makes the citizenry not only get the waste and pollution but also pay for it
out of their damn pockets as tax breaks and returns to those ruining it... all because some politicians get kick backs favors or office for such
corruption that does not benefit any of the other citizens what so ever, as they pump out more and more profits all across the nation and other
nations in sales, with as Mr Sanders has pointed out debate after debate as little as 5 cents in corporate taxes...
So yeah tax breaks tax havens and all their nonsense out of our pockets while they pay the lowest wage legally allowed, lobby and press government to
put pressure and trade on other countries to stabilize them enough to ten build a factory hire labor at slave wages where tere are no labor unions and
exploit their resources environment and people rinse repeat... thats the capitalist system thats the slavery of humanity and if you nor anyone else
thinks that that does not go on? I suppose their head is too buried in the sand in the middle east in some unethical us vs them US Christian nation
nonsense when it isnt to battle a so called enemy 1000s of years old one extreme fighting another waiting for a dead man to come back and say hey nice
of you all to be killing raping and torturing and hating in my name by something as stupid as belief and skin tones, while all these other a holes are
exploiting you and laughing all the way to the bank over it in a huge fing farce... to notice that that is the reality and what has been going on in
this country and around the world.
So stand up for it? Hell maybe I should have take a seat at the start of this post... because I dont see how any sane and rational society could put
up with such nonsense day in and day out decade after decade thinking oh that pie they are passing around sure looks good maybe if I sit here long
enough ill get a slice, well good luck because if you do get a slice yay i made it while everyone waiting starves cause you got yours so now you can
rub it in their faces as you eat it with a smile congratulations youve made it huh? well exactly what have you made? Nothing what have you
perpetuated? every damn thing thats wrong with this world... but thats ok because some dead dude will come back not rub it in your face and say hey i
forgive you cause youre just too stupid to know any better because some other idiot in a red suit dancing around witha pointy tail going bah hum bug
on your and everyone elses life... and thats called being responsible?
Weeeellllll exxxcuuuuuuuse meeeee! for trying to talk some sense into people that it doesnt have to be so assinine as it is.