a reply to:
Thejames. I have found through the years that EVERYONE has some aspect of themselves they would like to change.
95% of the girls I know worry constantly about their weight even though they look just fine.
Noses, ears, wrinkles, calves, butts, man boobs, feet, (I'm 6,3"and wear a size 17) I could go on for ever.
i have heard every big foot joke there is.
I was a pitcher at a certain SEC school know for baseball (and football) way back in the late 80's.
The first day of practice my freshman year. I was standing around the other pitchers and realized I was just about the shortest one.
My roommates, were 6'8" and 6'5" respectively.
I felt inadequate and a sense of doom. Then the foot jokes started. Of course I was being hazed, I think they call it bullying today.
I soon realized I am who I am and I can't shrink my feet or get up to 6'5".
If people are ragging you about your height just remember they are probably more insecure than you are.
Don't give up.
By the way, the best big foot joke I ever heard was one day after a kids baseball clinic.
I had taken my cleats off with the the other kids to play some stupid sliding drill.
I had left my shoes down by the bull pen and asked a kid to go get them for me.
He said what do they look like?
My pitching coach said "Hey kid, they are the only ones with Mercury out boards on them".
I cracked up because that was the first one that actually made me laugh.
I have found laughing at my self is the best medicine.
As far as what people think of you. Who gives a rats ass?
You are Thejames!
Pity them.