posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 01:16 AM
He! Gives a new meaning to that whole Rapture thing Christians and people all over the world are looking forward to.
More like the zombie apocalypse, what with the whole dead coming back to live thing described in the bible, it would be more straight out of a
walking dead episode, or World War Z, or any other zombie movie.
I suppose there really is nothing new under the sun, not even a zombie apocalypse would not be considered new.
But fighting with fish? Now that is just bad manners, in those days the spoof is supposed to depict it would be frowned upon greatly, and in those
days frowning upon anything was a serious matter, there whole way of life and lifes depended upon frowning and being frowned upon. Lets just say to
them Jewish people, of them era, it would not be kosher at all, nope not at all, to play with your food like that.
Besides fish make terrible weapons against anything, most especially against zombies, believe me I know. This documentary just may be a bit
inaccurate in its source material.