originally posted by: ForteanOrg
Apart from the question if that policy is a joke - I never studied it - similar "jokes" can be found in the UK too.
From the horses mouth... So, in all cases, brexit
or not, you need to continue battling ignorance and corruption.
The difference here is, it is a lot easier for a British citizen to effect change or clear out corruption in London than it is to try to do it in
Brussels. When you add another agency and another level to one's government, a level of federalization, for lack of a better term, it becomes
impossible. I live in a federalized country. And it is impossible to root out corruption in D.C. It tends to be more successful at the state level.
.. like the UK? I believe it's one of the members that has chosen to ignore many agreements we made in the EU. Euro? No. Drive on proper side
of road? No. Free border crossing for EU citizens? No.
Why not? Everyone else gets to.
And regarding switching to the Euro...after what's happened the last 10 years economically both in the Eurozone and beyond, keeping the pound was one
of the smartest things they did.
Driving on the other side of the road? They live on an island. Plus, it's the side of the road everyone was driving on in the first place. For some
reason, people switched.
Trading with India is very expensive, due to the long distances. Also, though the Brits have been there for a long time, the cultural
differences between India and the UK are WAY bigger than these between say Germany and the UK. Actually, as I pointed out before, the Germans and the
Brits share a common bloodline and that's much stronger than the bonde between India and the UK.
It's like I tell my family, blood don't equal squat. Cultural differences aside, India has a lot of potential to make up for the expense.
I'm all in favour of battling corruption. And as I wrote before, I'm not a "Big Fan" of the current EU either, but given a choice, I'd stay in.
Too many advantages.
And that's fine. However, A lot of Brits seem to want to leave the EU, for one reason or another, and I personally understand why. I'd be voting the
same way if I was British.
Years ago, I used to actually think the E.U. was a very good idea. Since the cold war ended, NATO became redundant, and I felt a complete withdrawal
of U.S. forces and Unified Europe combining resources to form their own common defense league was the best course for everyone. A unified Europe
drastically reduced the possibility of another major devastating war, and the U.S. getting dragged in again. A common currency sounded like a very
efficient system in a continent with so many nations packed into suck a relatively small area.
And then I actually lived in the EU. And experience and observation changed my mind.