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originally posted by: Willtell
On 911, I originally didn’t accept the truther angles, but through investigation couldn’t refute it.
The article is fascinating, and delves into the way people can behave when locked into believing something, to the point of dismissing real facts and evidence. The accusations of 'working for the elite' seem not too dissimilar to cries of 'shill', and 'disinfo agent' not uncommonly heard around ATS.
We are not approaching a conspiracy theory, we are approaching some poor girls antidotal story about conspiracy theorists are a cult.
First you come in with:
One way in which the Conspiracy Theory community is like a religious cult is the substitution of faith for reason. It even has a litany. If a skeptic points how unlikely a claim is, they are often met with:
So 9/11 wasn't an inside job?
So MK-ULTRA never happened?
So the Fed isn't owned by the Rothschilds?
So the Bilderbergers don't exist?...and so forth.
Ironically, this framework of accepted beliefs winds up closing the conspiracy theorists' minds. They are so full of imagined certainties that they cannot see the real machinations unfolding in the open.
Which does nothing to diferentiate one conspiracy theorist from another and then you wait for a weak post to point and say "see!"
It all comes across like you just want people to see the bad side of conspiracy theorists and you rarely if ever diferenciate between the different types of conspiracy theories or the way they are approached, which is the real topic to this thread.
So, a woman has an epiphany, upon finally doing her own research, on a (already very questionable) subject matter that she was interested in and consequently, upon some inner reflections of her past actions as a chemmie fundy decided that the forum she frequented reminded her of a cult therefore all online conspiracy theorists are part of that cult?
That's cute, albeit delusional and shallow, but still cute.
originally posted by: DJW001
But I do differentiate between different types of conspiracy theories in another post! Note how I use capitalization
Weaving elaborate fantasies about contrails being used to hide a gigantic rogue planet populated by lizard people is typical of Conspiracy Theory thought.criticized.
I thought that the topic of this thread was how the Conspiracy Theory community was like a cult. It has beliefs, litanies, and excommunicates dissenters... as you seem to be trying to do to me.
originally posted by: cooperton
Here is the main problem with enthralling yourself with such theories:
"As for you, then, be on guard against the world. Prepare yourselves with great strength, so the robbers can't find a way to get to you, for the trouble you expect will come."
Conspiracy theories can evolve into a type of schizophrenia in which someone thinks all is malevolent and out to get them,, when in actuality, the root of most conspiracies is a group of covert #holes making a lot of money. The fear of this ignorance can manifest to the point where I've heard some people claim people in black suits are following and watching their every move. These pseudo-characters are similar to terrors in a bad dream, they are only scary until they are addressed and realized to be a figment of your mental manifestation and thus harmless
"So if you are going to be afraid of what is about to come upon you, it will engulf you. For there is not one among them who will spare you or show you mercy."
And there you are speeking from the other side. You just lumped all those that believe(d) in chemtrails with those that believe in lizards controlling the population.
Most people I know that talk about chemtrails are referring to geoengineering to combat climate change. Not lizards. Now I am affraid to talk about geoengineering because the skeptic cult will tag me as a loon who believes in lizards walking amoung us. So much for rational debate.
The anecdotal story posted by the OP is not a topic, it is a baseless accusation. And given what you have stated about only entertaining beliefs grounded in logic and common sense, I figured you would be more skeptical about a strong accusation with no proof beyond one anecdotal opinion feeding others with no proof or common sense to back it up.
originally posted by: DJW001
Correct. That is because they are both equally founded on credulity and lack of critical thinking.
No, people knowledgeable about atmospheric physics, aviation, and geo-engineering will patiently try to explain to you that contrails form naturally, and that no large scale geo-engineering has ever been attempted because it is too expensive. Originally, chemtrails were supposed to be spraying toxic chemicals that caused Morgellons (a sort of psychosomatic skin condition). It has been claimed to be an attempt at population control, and now, geo-engineering. The only consistency in the "theory" is that contrails are somehow part of a sinister plot, rather than being what happens when the water in jet exhausts
condenses in the upper atmosphere.
CAMBRIDGE, MASS.— Close your eyes and imagine this: airplanes, equipped to disperse sulphuric acid, are flying in the lower stratosphere. When released, the sulphur combines with water vapour to form minute sulphate aerosols. Once spread across the globe, the aerosols will reflect roughly 1 per cent of the sunlight back into space, thus cooling the planet a smidge.
This isn’t science fiction; it’s David Keith’s plan.
Keithis a Canadian environmental scientist and one of the world’s leading figures in the field of solar geo-engineering. Since the 1990s, he has also been one of the very few to study how it could work. A professor at Harvard University, Keith, 51, divides his time between the school of engineering and the Kennedy School of Government.
it may be anecdotal, but it is an honest description of her experience. Why deny someone their experience? Why perceive her description as an accusation? Do you see the irony here? Your taking her observations as an accusation is... paranoid. See how right she really is?
Lizards ruling elite and aerosols for geo-engineering are on the same level for you? That says a lot
I know what contrails are smart ass. Aerosols for geo-engineering is am actual hypothesis and whether or not the idea is actually a reality neither you or I could know.
CAMBRIDGE, MASS.— Close your eyes and imagine this: airplanes, equipped to disperse sulphuric acid, are flying in the lower stratosphere. When released, the sulphur combines with water vapour to form minute sulphate aerosols. Once spread across the globe, the aerosols will reflect roughly 1 per cent of the sunlight back into space, thus cooling the planet a smidge.
This isn’t science fiction; it’s David Keith’s plan.
Keithis a Canadian environmental scientist and one of the world’s leading figures in the field of solar geo-engineering. Since the 1990s, he has also been one of the very few to study how it could work. A professor at Harvard University, Keith, 51, divides his time between the school of engineering and the Kennedy School of Government.
Toronto Star
David Keith has been on TED talks and his ideas have been known for decades.
So if the world was in serious danger, and a plan like Davids was possible, how many decades worth of red tape and experimemts would need to be done to do this legally with the publics knowledge?
If it really was necessary then I would not blame anyone for trying cause there was no evidence to say it would be bad for us until someone did it.
How do you determain that an ancedotal story is honest? Cause it supports your biased ignorance? The OP was a story about HER group of theorists that have nothing to do with others theories and you both catagorize it all as the "conspiracy theory community"
originally posted by: neutronflux
I find most popular conspiracies centure around items byond a person's control. Space aliens visit earth. Bigfoot is multi dimensional creature. The Illuminati control everything. It seems to be a form of fantasy and placing blame on others at the same time? I find it strange people pursue conspiracies of space alien abductions rather than if our legal system is controlled by drug money?
originally posted by: Misterlondon
I'm sure you could build quite a good profile on someone, if you were to go through their posting history..