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beat the draft

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posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 01:54 PM
When you are drafted (at least in the United States) there comes a point in time when the powers that be line you up with the other draftees-to-be and ask you to step forward. Then they ask you to raise your right hand and repeat an oath that they spoonfeed you. Congratulations! You are now cannon fodder. Actually when you stepped forward, that legally constituted the "ceremony" of military induction. It may not have felt like a ceremony, but legally it is. That was where you volunteered to be a draftee. If you do not want to be in the Army, JUST DO NOT STEP FORWARD!!! In fact, it might be wise to step backward--in fact, I would go clear to the back of the room and sit down. All they can do then is to dismiss the other lemmings and try to convince you to cooperate. DO NOT COOPERATE!!!! BUT DO NOT LET THEM GET YOU TO SAY YOU REFUSE TO BE INDUCTED. They will then have no other choice but to let you go home. You might ask them, "AM I FREE TO GO NOW?" "IF NOT, AM I UNDER ARREST?" They cannot arrest you, they have no grounds, as long as you refuse to refuse to be inducted. You are not a draft resister; you have complied with the law. (Any comments?)

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 11:13 PM
Maybe you should post the link where you got it

I'll help you:

How To Avoid The Draft

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