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Did Religion Kill Prince?

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posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 02:31 PM
It's well known that Prince became a Jehovahs Witness back in the early 2000's. He even went door to door as many of them do to spread their message.

There have been other rumors about him being a Jehovahs Witness that have interfered with his person life, such as a rumored hip surgery that he wouldn't perform unless it was blood free.

Now that he has died from the "flu" there are many people that have brought up that he really died from aids. Worse is that it was claimed that he stopped taking his medication because some "crazy religious people told him that God cured him"

I am not sure on the source as I've never heard of it(doesn't look real reliable), but they seemed to have the right info about what was happening to Prince in terms of being extremely ill. Here is their article from 5 days ago:


We just received word that a VERY popular African American celebrity – who has recently been in the news – now has what is being described as AIDS. Obviously since we are not able to 100% confirm the story – we’re going to leave it as a Blind Item. We want to make it clear we are NOT talking about Magic Johnson. This report really hurt our heart. According to a person extremely close to the situation, the celebrity, who is known for having a very extreme sexual past reportedly contracted the illness sometime in the 1990s. He kept the illness quiet but began taking his medication religiously up until about 2 years ago. Here’s what we’re told by a VERY trusted entertainment insider: [The celebrity] believed that he was cured, and he had some crazy [religious] people who told him that God cured him. So he stopped taking his medication and the sickness came back. Now doctors say he’s dying, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. We’re told that the celebrity is expected to get sicker and sicker, and eventually pass. It can happen as soon as the summer. Very sad news.

They have another article that they are working on that may have some more details, here is the LINK

It's terribly sad to see such a talented artist go. I regretfully didn't get to see him in concert.

If this works out to be true, that religious idiots convinced him to go off his meds, it should be a wake up call to all the people that blindly follow religions that have been made by men.



posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 02:35 PM
Too soon

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: ghostrager

Also found this article on "vaccine injury suspected" as possible cause of Prince's death - in it, they say Prince had epilepsy, and after the emergency plane landing a few days ago they suspect he may have been given a flu shot, which can apparently have a deadly effect on folks with epilepsy

The medical emergency which caused the plane to land remains unclear, but suspicion is now high that Prince was potentially given a flu shot injection. Prince suffers from epilepsy, and the flu shot can be deadly for those suffering from that illness.

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 02:38 PM
Jehovah's Witness can't use somebody else's blood but they can donate their own and use it for their own surgery. My neighbor did this for his knee replacement.

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 02:48 PM
Let me first state the obvious. This is all pure conjecture at this point. You are making several leaps of logic unsubstantiated by any hard proof. There aren't even any verifiable sources.

"Religion" didn't kill Prince even if this is all true. Whatever his illness was killed him. As an adult, Prince was, I am assuming, of sound mind and capable of making his own decisions about his health care, even if that meant he turned down or stopped treatments that the rest of us might think prudent. He would have done so fully informed of the risks. It isn't even like Prince was an addict (although this may turn out to be the case) and couldn't stop his addiction long enough to save himself (a la Whitney Houston).

Terminally ill people can and do make decisions to cease and desist health care that could prolong their lives (sometimes with good quality of life) all the time, and people laud them for being courageous. Why is it that if someone turns away a treatment for religious reasons, that person's decision would suddenly become suspect if it leads to death?

But going back:

1.) This is pure conjecture.
2.) No one yet knows exactly how Prince died.
3.) No one knows what if anything played a part.

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: ghostrager

Regardless of how he died; I don't think now is the time to dissect what happened to him. Also, attributing it to his religion is just wrong. I would hope his faith offered him peace over the last few years.

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: ghostrager

Sorry, your story is full of errors and misleading information.

first of all, Jehovah Wittness will have any surgery that is needed. They stay away from blood transfusion because many have became ill, or even died. Besides, you don't need blood, you need plasma. And yes, Jehovah Wittness do take plasma transfusion. They will also take organ transplants if needed.

Jehovah Wittness will take any doctors recommended prescriptions.

Jehovah Wittness will never tell anyone to not seek medical help when needed. And they certainly do not tell people that GOD will heal you.

All you need to do is ask a Jehovah Wittness about their beliefs. They will gladly tell you.
Otherwise just keep reading (the made up stories) about them.

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 04:12 PM
My wife is currently a JW and has been most of her life, they are not allowed to take plasma either because it is one of the four main componants of blood. Or that iswhat they teach anyway I dont know Im not an expert on blood. They are however allowed to accept the smallest blood parts I would have read the literatureher the elders from her congragation (I know my spelling is horrioble) from just before her back surgery. Also JWs do not ban folllowers from having any medications or surguries. The way the elders teach for the grey areas, is if there isnt any literature put out by the ministry then you should pray on it, and what ever you decide is between you and god. Also, they have a neat DVD they give to curious people in there church on the subject giving many bloodless surguries that they claim are just as effective. I will hunt YT and see if I can find it there.

*UPDATE* I searched YT and could not find the same video, found many on the subject but not that were the actual JW video.
edit on 4/21/16 by DeviantMortal because: Update.

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 04:28 PM
I think this is in bad taste. At least let a couple of days pass before coming up with implausible theories that may be offensive and tactless.

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: paraphi
I think this is in bad taste. At least let a couple of days pass before coming up with implausible theories that may be offensive and tactless.

I agree. At least wait until after the funeral.

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: ghostrager

When i read about his death, I immediately was asking myself 'did he have aids and was keeping it secret'. Flu seems to be a lame excuse we are being led to believe.

57 is way too young to die from Flu. It hits children and the elderly not very often those in between with death imless it was ebola.

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 06:56 PM
CDC Flu related deaths study.

According to this you may be right. Just a glance at the numbers in '07 (most recent numbers I could find) His age bracket accounts for less than 10% of the deaths. Still a lot of people though. But that age bracket is also fairly large. 19-64. That is if I am understanding this paper right. I could be looking at it wrong.

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: ghostrager

If true about AIDS and stopping his medication for 2 years, he looked quite fit on Saturday's private gig he threw at his studio. People would have seen in his physique that he was truly not well.

Maybe the flu took him because of AIDS, but IMO the flu would have had him bed ridden since his emergency stop. Especially at such a late stage of the disease.

It seems more like a cardiovascular/respiratory failure issue, imo.

R.I.P Prince.

edit on 09/02/2012 by KaelemJames because: RIP

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: ghostrager

I believe the flu killed him

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 03:16 AM

originally posted by: Famouszor
a reply to: ghostrager

Sorry, your story is full of errors and misleading information.

Sorry, your story/apology is full of errors and misleading information.

first of all, Jehovah Wittness will have any surgery that is needed.

Many will not!

They stay away from blood transfusion because many have became ill, or even died.

Some don't.
And NOT "many" became ill and/or died!
The percentage is very low!
I am hearing the symptomatic lies of a 'believer'.

Besides, you don't need blood, you need plasma. And yes, Jehovah Wittness do take plasma transfusion.

Blood or blood products!
What hypocrisy!
No blood but the part of blood that we don't call 'blood' but we know that it is!
Claiming a 'technicality'?
There's Faith for you!

They will also take organ transplants if needed.

Some will not.
You imply, falsely, all!

Jehovah Wittness will take any doctors recommended prescriptions.

And again the same false implication.

Jehovah Wittness will never tell anyone to not seek medical help when needed. And they certainly do not tell people that GOD will heal you.

More symptomatic lies.
Many DO!

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 03:01 PM
Ok, it's just not worth posting or visiting this forum any more.
edit on 22-4-2016 by Famouszor because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2016 @ 01:09 AM
What he is stating is that the JWs do not deny those in the faith these things. Not that as a general rule, for example accept any surgery. Like I said earlier my wife is one, she knew a man who had rectal cancer and he would not have any surgery. But the faith would allow him to do so if he chose.

And the blood thing is not because of people getting sick. There are many scriptires in what they call "The New World Translation" (The Bible) And the usual different versions of the Bible as well instructing not to consume, eat, drink, take into your body any blood.

I agree it is a little hypacriticle to accept blood parts, as of the most recent information they accept as "The truth" instructs them to pray on it and what they decide is between them and god.

Just to clarify, I am not a JW nor will I be in the foreseeable future. But I accept my wifes choice, and support her freedom of faith.

This link, for the curious will take you to the official site where it is explained along with what they believe and preach about medical science.

Common misconceptions

Myth: Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t believe in medicine or medical treatment.

Fact: We seek the best possible medical care for ourselves and our families. When we have health problems, we go to doctors who have skill in providing medical and surgical care without blood. We appreciate advancements that have been made in the medical field. In fact, bloodless treatments developed to help Witness patients are now being used to benefit all in the community. In many countries, any patient can now choose to avoid blood-transfusion risks, such as blood-borne diseases, immune-system reactions, and human errors.

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