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Where are the U.S. Nukes?.....

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posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 04:25 AM
I know the United States has thousands and thousands of nuclear missiles, but I was wondering, where are they kept? In cities, or what?

posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 05:03 AM
would you like to buy it

any way it scaterred in all the US states maybe in montana some silos seem there but i heard some are under the ocean bed

posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 05:21 AM
there are hundreds of missle silos ready to launch a warhead anywhere on the planet at any time, alert at all hours of the day. but not all the missles are on the launch pad already, the larger portions of the missles are ammo. like the extra bullets in a gun, it won't take all the bullets to kill someone, but all of them are usually fired just to make sure. i wouldn't out my money on the whole oceanbed thing, it's very difficult to launch from undersea, and from the very bottom of the ocean i'd doubt it. that's why we have nuclear subs. they rise closer to the surface or break the surface to perform a launch. but as for exact locations. yeah right, do some hunting. i know there are a few here in new york east of fort drum here, and one i knew of in missouri at my old house, but i think military bases would probably have a silo or two.

posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 10:13 AM
1) Air Force bases

2) Navy bases

3) Tactical nukes: Army, Marine bases

They keep them where the people who deliver them can get at them when they need them. They keep them surrounded by people with automatic weapons, who are proficient in the use of said weapons.

posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 10:17 AM
Most are in Air Force bases. The ICBM's are spread out in the rural areas. That is so that America will have a nuclear deterent even if our bases and cities are wiped out.

posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 10:26 AM
I should imagine that a large percentage of them are on board nuclear submarines - that way they are easier to hide and have no permanant location. This is the tactic employed by the British armed forces, all of our nukes which are not in storage are on subs. And ALL of those in storage are in SCOTLAND, so the dirty imperialist English don't get nuked

posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by CiderGood_HeadacheBad
I should imagine that a large percentage of them are on board nuclear submarines - that way they are easier to hide and have no permanant location. This is the tactic employed by the British armed forces, all of our nukes which are not in storage are on subs. And ALL of those in storage are in SCOTLAND, so the dirty imperialist English don't get nuked

Absolutely, that is where the rest are. America built a huge naval force just so they could launch from 100 miles off of Russia's coast.

posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 03:19 PM

t's very difficult to launch from undersea, and from the very bottom of the ocean i'd doubt it.

It is quite impossible to launch them from undersea.
Surely thay can be launched from a sub, but the missilbe cannot get in touch with the water. That is why when the missile is fired, nitrogen is pumped outside too, together with the missile, to make sure the missile never touches the water.

So launching them from a few metres underwater is no problem, but from the bottom of the ocean is impossible.

posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 03:42 PM
To Answer this question it is both simple and complex at the same time. But to be honest there are several complex's that house nuclear warheads and weapons in the united states. The largest and still to this day is Great Falls Air Force Base. Located in Centeral Montana. There were that last time I talked to someone that worked there about 150 or so nuclear missles that operate on a track like system. This means that if 1 missle were to be launched another one could be easily rolled into place by way of a track system and launched.

There are also quite a few down in colarado and wyoming. There are about 70 or so near alaska and california has a small cash af them. Other than that the only other places in the united states that carry ICBM's are down in the Northfolk Virgina area. The Suit Case nukes are located all over the united states. Alot of them can also be found down in the New Mexico area. I have the name of the lab somewhere around here but it is illuding me right now. I have seen suit case nukes sold online for about 100,000 a piece. Most of these are older versions but it is a example of how bad things really are on this matter. If I ever get a scanner in here I will copy a list of the bases that house them. One the great falls situation though. There is about 150 on a track system no one will tell me exacty how many are there. I have been told it may exceed 400 but I am going to wait until I get docs on it.


posted on Jun, 17 2003 @ 04:35 AM
you are right ZION
but i think there is may be just a missiles complexs under sea bed but not for launch i think it just for a storage

posted on Jun, 17 2003 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by falcon
To Answer this question it is both simple and complex at the same time. But to be honest there are several complex's that house nuclear warheads and weapons in the united states. The largest and still to this day is Great Falls Air Force Base. Located in Centeral Montana. There were that last time I talked to someone that worked there about 150 or so nuclear missles that operate on a track like system. This means that if 1 missle were to be launched another one could be easily rolled into place by way of a track system and launched.

There are also quite a few down in colarado and wyoming. There are about 70 or so near alaska and california has a small cash af them. Other than that the only other places in the united states that carry ICBM's are down in the Northfolk Virgina area. The Suit Case nukes are located all over the united states. Alot of them can also be found down in the New Mexico area. I have the name of the lab somewhere around here but it is illuding me right now. I have seen suit case nukes sold online for about 100,000 a piece. Most of these are older versions but it is a example of how bad things really are on this matter. If I ever get a scanner in here I will copy a list of the bases that house them. One the great falls situation though. There is about 150 on a track system no one will tell me exacty how many are there. I have been told it may exceed 400 but I am going to wait until I get docs on it.


You forgot about North Dakota. Minot AFB.

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 06:37 PM
I read a post somewhere on the internet, that UN keeps there nukes under the eiffel tower in france... The post claimed there are enough nukes down there to wipe out 3/4 of europe .....

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by Beast4rmDaEast
I read a post somewhere on the internet, that UN keeps there nukes under the eiffel tower in france... The post claimed there are enough nukes down there to wipe out 3/4 of europe .....
Absurd. UN has no military power in its own, only the granted by the states that are in it, being the USA one of them.

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 07:10 PM
In clintons ones laughing...I think I'll just crawl back under my rock

posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 10:42 PM
They are kept anywhere and'll know......when the shock blast hits........


posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 10:44 PM
sorry, joke was in poor apologies.


posted on Jun, 21 2003 @ 10:52 AM
I think American nukes are stationed around the world on foreign military bases.

I's a public secret that there are American nukes on 'Kleine Brogel' in Belgium. American soldiers are also stationed there.

Recently a trial started against a terrorist and his partner inside, who were planning to blow up the cafeteria and kill several Americans. They already had the blue prints of the complex.

posted on Jun, 21 2003 @ 12:46 PM
yup, could be seadud...
(Greenpeace) activists believe that on a Dutch airforce base (Vliegbasis Volkel I believe) are also nukes, still from the cold war era, that simply haven't been removed...

posted on Jun, 21 2003 @ 12:48 PM
in turkey there is seem likely more of it (nuke)
let snacth it

posted on Jun, 24 2003 @ 03:40 PM
1. Military Bases (home and abroad)
2. Submarines
3. Remote silos in rural areas
4. Space Satellites
5. Mobile Launchers
6. Closed military bases with little activity

Note: There are also numerous "decoy" silos that are empty, but that can be made functional if need be...

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